Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Congrats on 1 week. Let’s keep going down the sober path together!


Day 2232. Exhausted from babysitting yesterday. Little guy isn’t walking, but he crawls fast! Not only that, he has mastered stairs. Ms. Monkey’s office is upstairs…and he decided to go for a visit. He climbed all 15 stairs and crawled straight to her office. I enjoy watching him do new things…


Thanks @CATMANCAM . Dreams are bizarre aren’t they? I had a very long dream the other night that I was in a mini computer office booth with Sheryl Crow. So bizarre, and she kept running away from me. Using dreams are even worse though :pensive:

Very nearly ready for a much needed sea swim session… Wish me luck I don’t contract a bug :microbe: :joy::joy::joy:


Hey ya that’s sounds good hope Ur day is good


Thanks @Seb and well done on the weight loss not an easy accomplishment but no bother to you :wink:


Day 88 :white_check_mark:

I have set up all the garden ready to BBQ dinner. And water play for the pets.
Changes all the wildlife water :sweat_drops: so it’s fresh - a squirrel always comes to eat and drink and I get some birds pass through and I’m guessing wildlife I do not see also has some :rofl: oh can’t forget Mr Fox he comes every evening.
I’m glad I have prepared fully so I can enjoy the time out there and enjoy cooking etc…

Just waiting a little longer about an hour for it cool a little hopefully. The sun has been off my garden for 2 hours now and there is a slight breeze. As it’s a hot day decided to spend most of the evening out there so it’s nice for the pets and safe.
Had a few passing thoughts :thought_balloon: or cravings, whichever, I’m not taking notice of them. But when I play the tape forward it’s like nah defo don’t want to go there!

Today is a lovely day, the evening I’m really looking forward to especially with the pets and when the night lights all come on and foods cooked and yh… I can’t express that being sober doing this is exciting.
I’m happy :blush: and it’s nice to feel that and still the fun hasn’t begun yet :laughing:



Day 899
Morning everyone!! Im feeling pretty annoyed this morning lol i was doing alright until i got an email stating that we have no overnight care for my son Aug 2, 3, or 4. Ugh :frowning: and thats over the weekend when i work so that adds an extra element of stress. Just trying to breathe thru it lol im certainly not going to let this ruin my day.

My morning was good otherwise. Will have some quiet time soon to pray. Did the dishes and will vacuum shortly. Just going to putter around the apartment today and get things done. Hope everyone enjoys their day! :butterfly:


Day 23 AF. For some reason this day has been quite shitty. I slept almost 10hrs but woke up extremely tired through nightmares I experienced. I took a long walk but it didn’t help. I’ve been sooooo irritated today, everything looks and seems so fucked up. Now I’ve been reading a book and checking threads in here. No cravings which is good.

I hope you all have a better day/evening/night!


Congratulations Cam! Keep it up! I’m also working hard on my ED, which (funny enough) has been very under control so far! Keep adding those days! :muscle:t2:


118 days sober
This morning started off a bit rough. I had some bad dreams and this caused me some anxiety. I did my morning routines and had a long early morning hike. That put me in a better mood. Social services called me to ask if I could come to the orphanage again to play with the kids. I used to go every week for the past 8 years or so but I stopped going soon after I stopped drinking because it made me a bit depressed being there and I just needed some time away. But I do want to go back. I just think maybe I won’t commit to a schedule right now. I said I will come next week and I am looking forward to it.
Tomorrow is a celebration at my neighbors so I’ve spent part of the afternoon helping them prepare.
Even got started in what will be just a quick translation job. Just something to do inbetween bigger jobs. So all in all it was a productive day.


Made it through day 10. Feeling depressed and hopeless, dealing with health consequences that are probably permanent.


Day 23 is so wonderful. Sobriety is in early stages yet. Accept all the crap you’re feeling. Write it all down. Also write what you want and how you want life to be. Keep focusing on the good stuff!


Way to go on 10 days. Health issues are a drag I am sure. The body is amazing and will reward you if you eat healthy and exercise.


I’m doing much better. Keeping busy and I stayed safe!


Hey, checking in 2 months 7 days… Staying sober is going great. Life is a bit hard, much going on, Im glad Im doing it sober.

Summer have not been much summer, so little sunny days!

And a shout out to @Steve92 , thinking of you, hit me up!


@danam56 Oh that is frustrating. Hope everything went smoothly today and SOO grateful you did not turn to alcohol – no good will come from that poison. Sending you calm energy on your moving day!
@mamador Big hugs friend. I know it can’t be easy dealing with trauma and harder as we try to help our loved ones deal with trauma inflicted on by us. You are doing great in keeping a open dialect with your daughter and getting her into therapy. Sending you both loads of love and comfort in your journey :people_hugging:
@scorpn Oh that’s a bummer – hope it happens soon for you and it goes great! :pray:
@19801 Way to go with your 2 weeks of complete sobriety :muscle: :tada: :clap: Keep up the amazing work friend
@lance YIPPEE 1 week is awesome – keep going strong :muscle:
@bomdhil Yeah to day 8 friend. Daily reflections is a great way to keep yourself on track and find some relief for your spiritual and emotional pain :hugs: :pray:
@refreshedperspective I am sorry that things are so stressful at the moment. Insurance claims can be a major headache. Glad you are not turning to old habits during stressful times. Keep vigilant and strong – 38 days is very impressive work.
@whereswaldo Sending you luck with the rebuild – that in itself can be super stressful and with a new born i can only imagine the chaos. Glad all went well with the siblings meet and greet :laughing: He will be a great big brother :heart:
@catmancam Great job on watching your shows and not bingeing! That is progress Cam. Sorry for the using dream! That is super scary and an awful feeling to experience in sleep and not a good way to wake up either. Hope that you are able to shake off that feeling and have a fantastic day. I do find that when i don’t set out a fixed plan for the day then I end up getting more done – hope same works out for you :hugs:
@tragicfarinelli OOH a swim in the sea sounds lovely – hope you had a wonderful time. Enjoy your get away friend – hopefully the weather is a bit cooler seaside


@butterflymoonwoman AH HELL!!! I am tiffed reading this. Sorry love – this is so ridiculous! Sending you love and comfort and loads of energy to get through this weekend. Really am shocked at how these people operate. A very crappy business. I am glad you are not letting this news ruin your day and are praying much love to you :people_hugging: :heart:
@mrmoustache UGH The hard days that come at us for no reason are the worst as you don’t know what caused them but you know you feel like crap and nothing is helping. Grateful that you are not craving and do know that drinking would not help anyways. Keep pushing forward and doing what you are doing – this crappy feeling will not last :hugs:
@alena Outstanding on your double digits! Sorry about the health issues friend. Keep working your recovery and hopefully you will be able to heal and possibly reverse some if not all of the damage. It is amazing how resilient the human body can be. We just have to fully commit to our recovery and keep stacking up the days! :hugs: :muscle:
@wakikki So good to see you posting. Sorry life is hard love – hope you are finding time for yourself and self care :pray: Hoping you get some sunny bright days ahead

Checking in on Wednesday afternoon
Got a nice walk in this morning even in the heat. Grateful to get my car to the mechanic in time for it to die in their parking lot. Glad it is just the starter and that they will have it fixed by tomorrow.
Too tired and hot to think so may take a nap.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in on day 8
It’s been a few months since I made it to day 8!
Work today was ok! It’s busy, despite the heat people seem to enjoy walking around a golf course during 4,5 hours with 40C! :woman_shrugging:
This afternoon I went for my walk, without trash bag, but I’ve already spotted new cans and shit!! :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I’ll be taking my bag soon again…
I don’t have much more to report, other than that I’m feeling a immense sense of peace and calm! :innocent: No inner struggle as to:
whether I should by booze? how much have I left? Enough for the evening? Do I need to buy cigarettes? And then there was the trash!! Taking out trash… day after day, after day! Cause I couldn’t bear to see all that shit piled up in my home!
Apologies, no more sh@& cursing for today! :peace_symbol::footprints::sleeping:


Checking in day 212 AF :blush:


Sorry to hear this Dana, that must be very stressful for you… :unamused: I trust you will find a solution in the next days!