Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Checking in on day
449 no alcohol
380 no vapes or ciggs 89 no form of nicotine
49 no form of marijuanna

Went to the dentist
Everything is looking better and better

I have 32 teeth including my wisdom that dont need to be taken out because i have a big mouth lol

I had 2 deep cleaning sessions
Today was my second session

Now i have 3 fillings and a crown i need to do next but my teeth are finally clean now


Checking in with 116 days sober. Iā€™ll stay sober today too. Today we get to check out a new school for my 2 youngest. Fortunately we are all excited for this change. Should be a good day. :smiley:


Day 24 sober. Today was a some kind of milestone for me because despite of my social anxiety and panic attacks, I travelled in a train because I had to take care of some things. Before my sobriety I had to drink something or smoke weed to stay calm, I couldnā€™t be sober in public places or in trains. But today I friggin did it and Iā€™m so proud of myself! After the train ride I went to pharmacy and grocery store without panic, came home and made a healthy vegan lunch and went for a long walk, took a shower and watched Dune 2 which was a really good movie. Now Iā€™m just reading and sipping Diet Coke (I usually donā€™t drink sodas etc., but today I felt Iā€™m earning it.) Overall this day has been a good day, I love being sober!


24 days sober is a marical
The beginning is definitely that toughest and im proud of you for stepping up tonthe plate including getting out of your comfort zone. my father suffers from anxiety amd he addmitted it to me the first time in my life.

I told him his opinion matters and hes strong

I hope that helps friend


Thank you, my friend! I hope your father will get through his anxiety!


I hope so too

Hes getting very old and he looks tiredā€¦ :frowning:


Sorry to hear. It must be difficult for you and your father. Luckily he has you. :pray:


@jesile Nicely done with your sober time and curse away girl ā€“ you are free and rid of that horseshit addiction and it feels good! Day 9 now and kicking ass :muscle: So sweet of you to walk around cleaning up the area. People do disgust me with how much they litter.
@Butterflymoonwoman thanks love . It wasnā€™t too expensive but the recent repairs are adding up and I still have a wiring issue to get looked at that I am putting off (its for my hatch which is not opening so not a safety issue. Just a major inconvenience). Hope you are having a great day today!
@mrmoustache Hoping you had a good safe travel today. These hurdles and tasks that we associate with our DOC can be difficult to face but once you do you realize that you can break the mental chains. ODAAT. I just saw your updated post ā€“ way to go friend. So happy that you were able ot make this travel sober. Another milestone indeed :muscle:
@scorpn JEEZ! So messed up that the AAA guy did not tighten the bolts. Can you call them to let them know. SO loose that you can hand tighten :scream: Grateful you were not on the highway at a high speed :pray: Iā€™m sorry about your work managers and lack of work ethic! Sorry you had to deal with it and my goodness that sucks that you had to clean it. Of course all that mess caused a headache ā€“ hope you are resting and able to rid yourself of the headache. Really hoping you get a call for the reschedule of the interview soon and it goes well cause you need to get out of this place quickly. Sending you hugs and love my friend.
@mischa84 Oh man that must have been scary to come home to a quiet house with three toddler boys (they are usually making some sort of noise iā€™m sure). Glad everyone is safe. Unfortunately, you may not be able to trust her with baby sitting duties just yet. Think she is still detoxing (It was hard for me to stay awake when I first quit drinking ā€“ canā€™t imagine what its like with the powder). Wishing you luck with the weaning off of the meds :hugs:
@seizetheday WOOT WOOT ā€“ absolutely crushing it Hannah! So happy to see you kicking ass with 7 months ā€“ many more milestones to celebrate. Keep going strong :muscle:

Oh i love this way of thinking. Happy Anniversary month! :tada: :tada: Some impressive timers too. :muscle:
@alena Holding onto the memory and feeling of the worst day in addiction has been key in keeping me on the sober path. It is so easy to forget as we stack on days and then the addict mind romanticizes the ā€œgood ol daysā€ which were not so good after all. Great work on identifying a major trigger too. Keep going strong ā€“ 11 days is impressive work! :muscle:

Checking in on Thursday afternoon
Been a hectic start to the day and I am debating on taking a power nap or keep pushing myself to get my laundry list of tasks done. Iā€™ve had way too much coffee and it doesnā€™t seem to be helping today.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 900
My day was going pretty good until my sons pediatrician called. Thankfully his xray and sample were normalā€¦ but she noticed a lesion on his right hip bone that will need to get looked at. And of course here i am, googling what a lesion is and how some lesions can be cancerous. So now im feeling panicked and emotional. I shouldve never googled it. I have a bad habit of doing that for health related things. Im trying to just stay calm and not make it out to be bigger than it may be. I tried calling oncology bcuz i think my sons oncologist is away on vacation, so i wanted to know when shes coming back to follow up on this. Im waiting for a call back.
Anyway, im alrightā€¦ i think. Ill be okay. This is just stirring up alot of past stuff with my son on chemotherapy and its bringing up feelings of anticipatory grief (it means grieving for someone who is still alive. Its what i felt before when we didnt know how long my son would live for). I tried holding it together for my son but i ended up crying in front of him and had to step away for a second to gather myself. I am probably making this to be a much bigger deal than it is. Im sure its nothing (I hope).

Anyway, today i am going to relax and do some cleaning. Thats about it. Hopw everyone is enjoying their day :butterfly:


Check us out doing peopling and stuff sober :grin::ok_hand::love_you_gesture:


@MrMoustache you did well! It is almost never as we imagine. I was scared to death in March going to the store for the first time sober. When I got there, I was more interested in the free samples than whether or not I would drink. I had to run past the several aisles of beer and wine. But then I could slow down and zero in on the sample lady :laughing:. Now I just look at stuff and malinger and not even think about buying alcohol. Focusing hard on your sobriety early on pays off tremendously. Way to go :white_check_mark:


Oh Hun. Iā€™m so very sorry. I am grateful that the X-ray and sample were normal.
Hopefully the lesion is nothing to worry about. Google is such a blessing and a curse. It really is a huge source for my panic attacks and anxiety when it comes to health related stuff.

I do hope you are able to get a quick appointment to get this looked at. I canā€™t even imagine all the emotional trauma that it would stir up. Wish I could reach out and give you a hug.

Iā€™m here for you and please do reach out at any time if you need to chat / vent or whatever. Smart to keep yourself busy and occupied. Sending you good vibes and energy. Much love Dana.

Way to go with your 900 days. :confetti_ball::tada::muscle:t4:


So sorry to read this, Danaā€¦ Biggest mistake ever! (Weā€™ve all done, letā€™s be honest)
I sincerely hope that it will not be that bad, try not to go crazy until you have professional feedback. Sending you positive vibes! :hugs:

By the way: 900 days, way to go!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face:


Day 10. Checking in. What have people done to curb sugar cravings. Idk if itā€™s just me but instead of drinking I have been binge eating sweets.

Excited for another sober weekend. Whatā€™s everyone got planned?


Checking in on day 9
My day at work wasnā€™t the best. Itā€™s just been chaotic, extremely busy, phones ringing, people walking in and out, unexpected problems that need to be solved, mails that multiply like rabbits, bla blaā€¦
Tomorrow I have to get up at 5:15 am, way too early!! :confounded::scream:
I didnā€™t go for a walk, I left the office 2 hours late, and finally didnā€™t make it.
Today it hasnā€™t been a good day, but at least I stayed sober! :muscle:t2::footprints:


Day 29 and my God are the craving shitty today.
My husband is in the military and I am currently living with my inlaws as my lease ran out. My husband has been deployed 6 months, with no ā€œcoming homeā€ date planned.
I would classify myself as an introvert and am very much struggling to maintain my own well being in this new living situation. They are very social people and always have something going on.
I just picked up a part time job, which should help to get me out of the house more, but i also hope not to be here very long. Unfortunatly I have a very spoiled and very loved german shepherd that most rental companies consider a restricted breed. My social clock is empty and i just want a couple glasses of wine and a good sleep.
But. Tomorrow is 30 days and i cant jeapordize that. One hour at a time.



The borrowed store manager turned on the ice machine and told the new manager (today is her first solo shift) ā€œitā€™s fineā€

But it is absolutely NOT fine!

There is still mold
there is still chemical cleaning solution in it!!

I canā€™t wait to not be associated with that location :sob:


184 days AF

Love you guys :heart:


Definitely not just you! If you check the :mag_right: youā€™ll find lots of previous threads talking about sugar cravings! Congrats on your 10 days! :call_me_hand:t2:


2nd check in today. Feeling pretty good, exercising well & starting to build something good. Iā€™m enjoying reading peopleā€™s check ins. Itā€™s comforting to know Iā€™m not alone, I know thereā€™s plenty of people like me out there but you just donā€™t see them day to day.
Here I can see you and know Iā€™m not the only one.