Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Congrats on 900 days Dana.
You are an inspiration to us all


Day 9. Back to work after holidays with the family and a pilgrimage. I hope to maintain the momentum and to work harder in my recovery and new habits


@MrsSlinky I hope you can resist and overcome. You are really close to a great milestone


End of day 661

Itā€™s 6 pm and Iā€™m going to try to nap so I can get up early. Itā€™s hot and Iā€™ve been cranky, but all is well that ends well, and I am laying my head down sober so Iā€™m happy with that.



@JazzyS you are such a lovely woman :green_heart:. I wish you the best. My brain is a kind of numb regards to self reflection and I must work on that


Day 900
Thank you Sebastian @Seb, Jenny @Jesile, and Jasmine @JazzyS for the congratulations on 900 days! Im kind of excited to hit the quadruple digits in 100 days haha
And thank u for the support about my son. I appreciate it. Im doing a bit better since i wrote out my thoughts on here. It really does help to have support :slight_smile:


Fruit fruit fruit ., small amounts of dark chocolate ,thatā€™s what I like. Iā€™m sure others may have more suggestions


Congratulations beautifulā€¦ Angel number 900 carries a powerful message of spiritual completion, new beginnings, and purposeful living . This number sequence often appears as a sign that you are reaching the end of a significant phase in your life and that new opportunities aligned with your higher purpose are on the horizon.


She definitely isšŸ’—


I relapsed and had to start my time over again. I always slip up in the first few days I canā€™t stand it


Congratulations Dana! Itā€™s a wonderful number. :blush:

I am hoping the lesion is benign, and Iā€™m holding you up in prayer and meditation tonight. Please take care of yourself and I hope we can help support you through this wait for more information. :people_hugging:


Glad you came right back to us! Instead of saying that you always relapse early on, maybe you could say you used to relapse early on. This time could be different. You can stay sober. You never have to have another Day 1. Weā€™re here my friend. Do you have a plan? It helps a lot early on. :people_hugging:


Iā€™m sorry @Butterflymoonwoman i didnā€™t see the thread about your son .Iā€™ll keep him in my prayers :pray:t2:


Heard that. Iā€™m definitely gonna try it out for my summer clean up. Because it also sounds like awesome adult fun :joy:

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Awe this is beautiful! Thank u! šŸ©µ I actually very much believe in angels and everything angel related. I have angel cards here at home also that have been helpful for me. But i had no idea about the number 900. Im glad u shared that with me hugs

And thank u for the prayers :slight_smile:


Ur the sweetest Marie! Thank u for ur kind words hugs i hope its benign also and nothing serious. I will definitly let everyone know whats happening when i get more information.


@Ncgolfer Way to go Sean ā€“ double digits is awesome work! You are not alone ā€“ i had a major craving for sweets. I allowed myself nightly ice cream for first few months until I got my alcohol cravings under somewhat control. Then I weaned off of the sugar ā€“ it was easier to do when my body wasnā€™t getting tons of alcohol sugar. Keep up the amazing streak friend. It does get easier
@jesile WOOHOO look at you go. Day 9 and pushing ahead :muscle: Sorry that work was so chaotic - hope it ends on a high note tomorrow. Hopefully you will get plenty of rest before your 5:15 wake up!
@mrsslinky One hour at a time is right ā€“ looking forward to celebrating your 1 month tomorrow. Thank you and your husband for your service. I canā€™t imagine how it must be not knowing when he will return.
Sending him safe keeping vibes! :pray: Hope you are able to find some down time for yourself to recharge your social clock. I am not an introvert but do get drained easily when around people (especially these days). It is important to take care of ourselves so that we do get so run down that we need our addiction to help us cope.
@scorpn OMG this just gets worse! I do hope that you are out of there soon and donā€™t have to deal with such crappy management. I sincerely hope they did not use the machine and that no one gets ill or worse from it.
@bomdhil Awe thank you dear friend. I see you coming up on double digits. Keep going strong. I hope you are able to gently take self reflections so that you donā€™t overwhelm yourself. Remember that its ok to take a break and reach for support. :hugs:
@chrisslawek115 Glad you got right back on the sober track friend. Knowing the early days are when you slip up - are you able to set yourself up with more tools / support? Being prepared and having a plan are keys to keeping up on the right track. Lets work on day 1 and keep going :muscle:

Checking in on Thursday evening
589 days free of alcohol and weed
1004 days free of cigarettes
WOW - I feel good about all that I got done today. I am still super exhausted and not feeling great but i managed some movement, got the house clean, ran errands and finished month end accounting entries and such. PHEW! So glad i will be hitting the bed sober tonight. I didnā€™t have a craving but i almost mindlessly went for some whisky today as i was going to grab a la croix. Not sure what was behind that action but grateful I did not go through with it and am holding my streak. Now a days as I add on more days I am very protective of them. ODAAT! We do not need that poison in our bodies / minds. We are stronger than our addictions!
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 36

Iā€™ve been enjoying the journey. Iā€™m learning that not every problem in life is solved by being sober, but it does make horrible situations more bearable.

On a really cool noteā€¦ A few muslims in my tiny town have started a masjid. They rent the basement of a church and do prayers there. So Iā€™ve attended with my kids a few days now. A lot of the kids go to the same school as my kids and they have been connecting. The sense of community has been awesome.

My life is pretty stressful right now, but no urges. All I care about is the good and not letting the one negative part of my life have any control over me.

Work is good, my barbershop business is picking up. Iā€™ve got a week of vacation coming up in a couple weeks. I canā€™t complain about where Iā€™m at right now and where Iā€™m actually excited about going to.

Have a great night everyone!


I stopped in at about 3 this afternoon to see how things were going, and the ice machine was on and being used. And when I went in the back to ask what time the cleaning company came, I was told that the borrowed store manager had just turned it on and was using the contaminated ice. :sob: I told her not to sell any more and I turned it back off. But :sob::sob: wth?

Purple is the one whoā€™s leaving
Green is the new manager


Good lord! What horsecrap! The new manager needs to step up. Really - that is the response? :man_facepalming: So sorry you have to deal with this bs and i do hope that no one got sick because they were too incompetent to do their jobs.
Get some rest girl - you got an early day tomorrow :sleeping: