Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Haven’t heared from you for a while @sarath_unrelax , how are you doing back home with your family?

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Sugar cravings are normal. It’s just a replacement for your doc (drug of choice).
It’s usual a temporary thing and when you have more sober days you can tackle that. For now I would leave it be because it helps you a bit with the cravings :blush:
Congratulations with the double digits milestone! :confetti_ball::confetti_ball:

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My body is relaxed if it gets enough protein (from mixed resources). Not a sugar girl at all. It’s making me mentally crazy.

Eating a little fruit ice stick directly after lunch in summer :dango:

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185 days AF
3 days YT detox


YT Detox is soo helpful. Getting much more focused and calm. On the weekend I will let myself have 2 hours YT, focused use on notebook.

Niece is :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::heart_eyes:
We are a good team underwater :goggles::goggles:
I love her so much :heart:
Made her a pedicure yesterday in the afternoon :face_with_hand_over_mouth::nail_care:

Didn’t block my last date until now.
He texted again.
Wants a date although he is in a relationship.
Can’t forget you blah.
I know I am torturing myself.
Just push the button grl!
Don’t be available for such a bs!
Urgh. Pushing comments are welcome.

Love you guys :heart:


It feels so good to get some.of.those little jobs around the house done. Small things bit it feels like an accomplishment.
What does it give you, a little dart of serotonin or something? I like it, I need more! :joy:


*Day 2144 :raising_hand_woman:
It was fun seeing @Mno again. We had lunch at one of my favorite places in town and did a guided city tour. We had a retired school teacher as a guide… :zzz::zzz::zzz:
What should I say :blush:
To many words, to many numbers, to much info and we didn’t move much! The website said we should see 6 items in the city, but we only managed to do 3 of them, then we where out of time.

And yes…as promished… it rained a lot! :sweat_smile:
Today? Work.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:



It was great fun meeting, Claudia. Will repeat. The guided tour by Jan… Well it was an experience :upside_down_face:. Will have to come back to see some more of your beautiful town. And you of course.

Going to another pretty town this morning, to do more emdr. A little bit apprehensive about it. But will make do. It’s for a good cause. One day at a time. Have as good a day as you can all. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. I will. Love.


@Ncgolfer I was surprised to learn how much sugar’s in alcohol. I’d always viewed sugar as poison(like alcohol wasn’t :roll_eyes:), but was apparently consuming massive amounts for years. When I quit and started having intense cravings for it, I started eating fruit. ALOT of fruit. I figured at least it was a natural form of sugar, and it still did the trick. Plus has lots of vitamins :+1: It took a couple months, but evened out in the end :relieved:


Slept great and woke up energized! Had time to dye my hair and run errands before work. Then, the first day of the Invite: Stag night. I was stationed upstairs to hold down regular dinner service. It annoyed me at first bc it’s such a good night for easy tips, but then it rained and a thick humidity followed. I had to run up and down the stairs outside a few times, and breathing in the gelatinous air absolutely drained me. At that point I was so grateful to be working inside with AC :pray: Even still, I was sweating just standing around :hot_face: Dinner finished early so I volunteered to stay and help prep for tomorrow. I left around 10:30 and there were still 50 guys drinking! Grateful again I wasn’t assigned to it and had to stay til the end. My poor coworkers :sob: Felt fine when I got home instead of exhausted. Nice start to this weekend. Still can’t wait til it’s over tho :sweat_smile: Hope you all have a good weekend :heart:


244 days
8 months today. Didn’t think much of it as a milestone, until I had a little feeling of pride in myself while cooking dinner.

Got to the gym in the morning. Then home walked the dogs and out to sort things for dinner.
Picked up the kids from school and decided to skip their training for this afternoon. Now the wife has been told they probably don’t need her for nightshift tonight so she’ll get to stay home too.
Back to work for me tomorrow. Glad I’ll be showing up clear headed and in a good mood


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 156

I love this sunny weather we’re having.
Can’t wait for those sunny fall days where everything is colorful apple pie and pumpkin spiced flavored either.

The only thing I don’t like is that it’s getting darker and after fall comes an endless winter.

All of that is far away from today so I’m going to enjoy this summer while I can.

12 y/o is watching Christmas movies already, or maybe I should say still, from Christmas in July. :laughing:

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


254 sugar
118 UPF
125 gluten
24 dairy
7 overeating

Today is all about train travels. I am currently on the train to Berlin and will be changing trains there for Wrocław at about noon. I’ve packed food and media and am very excited to see my home town soon.

Whatever the day: Let’s stay in peace, kindness and freedom friends :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove:


It’s normal in the beginning, just let it be for now. If you try to do to much at once it’ll be just that, to much to handle.
It’s not a big deal and it usually adjust itself after a while.


Thanks Claudia for remembering me, Safely reached to family back. But on the way to home with my friend i got another relapse, they do not pushed me to drink but my mind said you can take last drink because i brought duty free liquor for friend and my father, but that relapse which began on 25th and it become worst i drunk continuously untill 31st march but.

I came back to AA meeting, Today is my
Day 2

Yesterday i attended physical AA meeting, today also im going to attend evening.

sometimes my mind became blank and going to
relapse, this time i want to keep my sobriety.


Day 405. Off for three days. My wife has a friend around tonight for cocktails. I’m ok with that. Then it’s the weekend. May go and see deadpool tomoro. All good. Feeling blessed and positive


@Juli1 please push that block button girl. You are doing fantastic in your journey and have a great new mindset. This guy can offer you nothing and can take so much away. Just not worth it
@MrFantastik way to go with 8 months. It is a great milestone and glad you are feeling some pride. Keep it up :muscle:t4::confetti_ball::tada:
@acromouse safe travels friend…hope you have a wonderful visit
@sarath_unrelax damn the pressure from our friends…they really aren’t our friends (at least that is my experience) if they keep you in addiction and don’t allow you to live your best life. Great to see you on day 2

Quick morning check in… coffee ready and on my way out for my morning walk. So grateful the storms have shifted for later today.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking in on day
450 no alcohol
381 no vapes or ciggs 90 no form of nicotine
50 no form of marijuanna

Wife woke me up with coffee today
< 3

Baby boy is doing amazing
Lol when my wife shops she wont let anyone near him including my co workers
I love her for that because covid and rsv and other germs are real. People need to understand that more. Post covid world. It is what it is.

Im off to work in 15min
Stay safe everyone


Checking in day 137.

Had a really productive day today.
Mowed the lawns, washed the cars, sprayed the house for mildew, smoked some meats (beef ribs and pork belly bites) and tidied the house. Our 3yr old had a great day pottering around the place as well, he kept himself busy with all sorts of activities and joined me every now and then. He’s settling into the big brother role really nicely too, stealing her from his mum to give her a gentle cuddle tonight.

Another productive day planned tomorrow - clearing/tidying out the shed, maybe a tip run and then having some visitors over for a few hours at midday. Maybe we’ll go out for dinner tomorrow night or get take out. I might also try squeeze in a massage after such a tough week at work.

Have a great weekend everyone!


I’ve just started to read again “Tools” by Phil Stutz and refreshing knowledge on why and how to use the tools, great technique on how to overgrow your brain (turn your fears and pain to courage and take action; and many other) and have as much as possible control over your life and what you want to achieve. It’s quite different to many other motivational literature available out there. It basically says there are three certainties in life - fear/pain, uncertainty and work. The better we approach those three aspects of our lives the better are our chances to be fulfilled, experience much more moments of happiness and you know, kind of be effective and cut any BS to minimum. I believe if I read this book every day including reading and being active here will significantly reduce possibility of a relapse. Thank God and you guys for your support.Be well


Hey everyone, checking in on day 1510. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 154

Good morning! Fell asleep before my chip last night, so here it is! Great way to start today :heart: