Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Hi everyone. 2 months, 7 days here. I was proud of myself last night. Went out to eat and at the table next to us was a nicely dressed, obviously wealthy couple who would not stop talking about how amazing the beer that they were having was. “Oh my God, this beer is soooo amazing”. Complimenting the waitress on how delicious it was. That’s a key way my addiction tries to trick me. If this couple is clearly winning life, and also drinking beer, then how bad can it be? I just told myself that what works for them does not work for me and I am much happier overall without it. I’m so looking forward to celebrating my 3 months, then 6 months, then first year sober!


Day 2324. The youngest is a counselor at a summer music camp (camp is for middle school aged students). Went up to listen to a concert last night. Great music. Best part was one of his campers said, “dude! You got an epic beard!”. I guess some kids are still being raised right…lol


Today is day 12 for me. The last few days have been rough. I feel myself slipping into a funk. Last night I really wanted a drink. Like really bad. So cravings come and go and it sucks. I wish it would just go away so I can keep moving forward. But I know this is a process. Some days are better than others. I’m trying to find a hobby. Something to fill my time. Ugh. I’m going to keep going and push through this, not matter how hard it is.


Keep it up mate, congrats on 12 days being sober that’s really great! Don’t go into boredom or nothing to do, try some sport / more intensive activity, read a book or listen to podcasts about addiction. Be well


@Mischa84 I’m glad one of your cousins is doing better. It’s good of you to take his sibling in. I know when I first stopped using cocaine, all I could do was sleep, it was incredibly hard to keep my eyes open. I wish you well with coming off the antidepressants :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@acromouse aww thank you :blush: enjoy your trip :grinning:
@Seizetheday congrats on 7 months :tada:
@Seb nice photos :camera_flash: :blush:
@Thirdmonkey congrats on 6 months caffeine-free :tada: and 80 days tobacco-free :tada: enjoy celebrating your anniversary month :revolving_hearts::confetti_ball:
@Whereswaldo enjoy your 4 weeks leave :blush:
@MrMoustache I’m so happy for you, these firsts can be daunting, but you did it! :clap:t2: :star2:
@Butterflymoonwoman I can appreciate that phonecall being very distressing :people_hugging: I hope you get to see the oncologist asap, and I hope everything will be okay :crossed_fingers:t2: 🩵 congrats on 900 days though :tada:
@Ncgolfer congrats on double digits :tada:
@MrsSlinky welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on what I hope is now 30 days :tada:


@chrisslawek115 welcome back :people_hugging: never stop trying!
@JazzyS congrats on yesterday’s accomplishments :clap:t2: I’m so glad you grabbed the La Croix :raised_hands:t2:
@Scorpn yikes! :grimacing::warning:
@Juli1 push that :no_entry_sign: button, set an example for your niece 🩵
@MrFantastik congrats on 8 months :tada:
@acromouse congrats again on your week of no overeating :tada: happy travels home :monorail:
@sarath_unrelax welcome back :people_hugging: congrats on day 2 :tada:
@Noshame congrats on 450 days AF :tada: 90 days no nicotine :tada: and 50 days no marijuana :tada:
@Lighter congrats on 5 months :tada:
@carlydykes welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on day 12 :tada: sending strength 🩵

1452 days no alcohol.
917 days no cocaine.
432 days no vape.
5 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Yesterday I achieved my goals; I did my meditations, read a chapter of my book, sat outside in the sun and read another chapter of my book, did my morning routine, moved stuff around in the spare room to make room for my new shelving unit, built the shelving unit (on my second attempt :sweat_smile:) and stacked things on it so I could recycle the boxes and make more space.

Despite all of that, I felt very depressed in the evening. I did some extra meditations and then fell asleep early listening to a podcast.

Today I drove to my hometown and back, to have blood tests, my diabetes checks, and my testosterone shot. I had online therapy, which was hard and went way too fast again! Now I have caught-up here, and I have a plan to do some decluttering.



Im not doing good, i relapsed and im feeling really low and worhtless. I drank and wwa already stressed and it applified my anger and it wasnt good. I hate myself right now and feel lower than dirt. Im feeling hopless


@CATMANCAM Thank you for my first congratulation on 30 days :heart: We made it through the night.


I am glad you’re here. You’re not worthless or lower than dirt, I promise. Today you can start again. We’re here to help you, we care. :heart:


It’s good to see you checking in love. I’m sorry for the relapse and the shitty feelings associated with it. You are not worthless. Are you able to hydrate and do something for yourself? Keep busy and maybe go to a in person meeting or group to gain live support :people_hugging:

We are here for you. Stay connected here…we can help you through the cravings and you know it gets better…life is sooo much better when we don’t drink it away
Much love to you :heart::heart::people_hugging::pray:t4:


I love day 900. You are amazing!


Ok relapsed! You are here. Start again and work on a plan to stay sober today!


120 days sober
One of my neighbors passed away this morning.
As the closest neighbor I needed to help prepare the body for the funeral and sit with the ladies of the house. People have been coming all day for the first day of the funeral services and it’s really kept me busy.
I always feel so awkward at funerals here and how i should act culturally goes against how I want to act…and I can feel the depressive atmosphere in the neighborhood. I feel honored to have been given this responsibility because it shows I’ve been accepted into the tribe but at the same time feel overwhelmed. I am reminding myself 2 more days of this then I can have a rest before my responsibility goes a bit lower.
I’m worried about my neighbors family and how they will cope. I should help take care of them the next 40 days. Am hoping for a good balance in how to keep myself in my boundaries while still being respectful to culture and in the community.

Am off to bed now and hoping to get good rest before tomorrows business.


You stay strong . Thank you for your s and spouse service. Congratulations on 30 days!


Early days sugar can help you with the bad cravings


Sorry for the loss. I think it is great you helping out at this time. Should make you feel good with yourself!


You see for yourself what a lousy coping mechanism drinking is. Good. You’re also here. Also good. Hang here, hang with us. Let us help. Nobody can do it alone. Alone leads to nothing but drinking and self hate. You’re not alone friend. Big hugs. You’re worth it.


Hey Julia! Maybe I missed it, but what’s YT detox? :thinking:


Checking in on day 10
Today was has been sooo busy at work! I had to work at the front desk, as some of my colleagues are off or on holidays. My official position is S&M, so I’m more the back of house person. 10 hour shift, with a phone ringing non-stop and people checking in, plus always a bright smile on my face! :unamused:
Tomorrow it’s another early shift, but my sleep quality is improving, despite the heat and humidity… :confounded: Temperatures don’t drop below 30C in my place at night because the walls are all warmed up, but somehow I manage to sleep more or less through the night!
I just realized I’m back to double digits! :innocent:


Congrats on ten days Jenny! Good work & keep going! Julia was watching too much reels on YouTube, so she’s detoxing from that. Now I have to ask you what S&M means. Not the meaning I know, I guess… :smirk: