Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Checking in

Holy heck have I been busy my a/c unit showed up I got that installed late Thursday night and early into Friday morning my house has never been this cold before and I love it :joy: the weather man is talking thunder storms and high winds for tonight

I hope everyone has a safe Saturday night


@CATMANCAM thank you!!! I hope you can sleep. I know how hard is that.
I hate spiders too!:disappointed_relieved:


Day 11. Tired but no cravings at all today


Day 902
Managed thru work and on my way home now. Lack of sleep is causing me to feel mentally weird at this point. Im literally running on fumes and caffeine. Cant wait to get home. Thoughts of using have crossed my mind. Definitely due to being tired. Hope my evening is as relaxing as it gets lol :butterfly:


Day 664
Today was another long day.
I am supposed to be asleep now because I have to get up at 345in the morning. But I wanted to catch up on here first. I hope you’re feeling better @JazzyS ! I hope you get some rest @Butterflymoonwoman ! I’m cheering for your nephew too @Mno all the way to the Olympics! Wow that is something to be proud of for sure! :smiling_face: I’m right there with you @Jules000 life is stressful sometimes even when we can’t point our finger at what’s causing it. :grimacing: Sorry to hear about the relapse @Button83 but congratulations on your new days sober! Hopefully the anxiety subsidies soon :people_hugging: congratulations on 5 months @Lighter :sparkling_heart:!
And always nice to see your name here @Nordique ! 1511 days is amazing! :heart:

Hope y’all have a beautiful night (or day)


Thank you for checking in with us at the end of your day!


@bomdhil That’s awesome Thomas – 11 days and no cravings… You are a rockstar my friend! Lets do another 24 :muscle:
@butterflymoonwoman Oh my dear friend – I do hope that you are home and resting now. I can’t even imagine trying to functionally operate with no sleep. Are you able to take cat naps or something to help you before you have to do another overnight? Send those using thoughts packing – no way are you gonna give into that poisonous trap. Sending you hugs and love my friend… and loads of energy :people_hugging: :heart:
@scorpn Thanks love – feeling better today. Grateful that I did throw away the leftovers as I was about to say “maybe it wasn’t the food” LOL – a true sign my tummy was better. Hope you do get some sleep soon love. :hugs:

Checking in on Saturday night
591 days free of alcohol and weed
1006 days free of cigarettes
WOW - it has been a day! I did start feeling better but only got a 40 min nap in to make up for last nights lost sleep. It has been go go go all day. Grateful I was able to push through and get it done but more grateful that its over and I will be winding down for bed now.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Checking day 413 AF
My move went smoothly. Now it’s the unpacking process and finding places for everything. My entire body is sore. Most boxes are unpacked. The cat is still a bit stressed from the move but the dogs have adjusted well.

So grateful to be in my new home and I know a month from now I’ll be very happy.

Headed to bed a very tired girl.



Simon (on the right) gave his all in the Olympic final, fighting the later gold winner till the end. He pushed so hard he ran out of steam a little bit but still ended up with the bronze medal which made me a very proud uncle. I feel he’ll be back in four years to try and get his revenge.

Me myself had a good enough working Saturday. Now I’m on my way to make the Sunday just as good if not better. Or at least as good as I can. Just like I expect from you all. One day at a time. Sober and clean. Much love.

@acromouse Hoping meeting your family is a great experience
@DanaM56 Moving is a major life event. Glad all went well. Kitty needs some time to adjust but will (like you do too). Congrats and hugs.





187 days AF

Had touch of guilty conscience about blocking the cheater. Lol. Just lol.

Love you guys :heart:


Sunday morning, coffee in bed, no big plans for today. Just a relaxing day ahead with family time, maybe a movie and some reading.

The view out of my window from my bed.


Day 44 without alcohol. All is good. My mind in peace. And I’m very happy where I am right now. Have a beautiful Sunday you all :two_hearts::hugs:


*Day 2146 :walking_woman:
At first congratulations with your nephew his medal @Mno that’s awesome!! You must be a proud uncle! :medal_sports::confetti_ball::facepunch:
Had a good day yesterday. Did house chores and in the evening I worked for a few houres in another store to help them make all shelves empty. So everything product has to put in boxes to go to the warehouse.
The renovation of the store starts tomorrow.
It was a lot of hard work, but we made it in the time we had :facepunch:
Now my back is hurting :sweat_smile:

Today? Again some house chores and a long walk with lunch in a nice nature area nearby.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


246 days
Quiet day at work. Got in a gym workout. And we cooked up a big lunch.
Then home to the family. Helped the wife cook dinner then played some mario kart with the kids.
Now hopefully catch a bit of the Olympics before its time for bed

  1. Waves of holiday blues. Need to remain vigilant with my moods and counteract my ego and bad thinking. Humility is needed to know and accept that life IS THE JOURNEY with little stops along the way. There is no supposed Nirvana to be found in things or places. That peace must settle within like a steady flame. No quick fixes, just like sobriety. It’s a journey moving through the now. Simple Sunday planned, resettling the dust from my feet, resetting my diet and eating, reading, Olympics, Pilates. Keep it simple.

256 sugar
120 UPF
127 gluten
26 dairy
9 overeating

On vacation.

After all the excitement of the last two days today is going to be an easy and relaxed Sunday. I’m going to take a walk around the old town of Wrocław. I was born there and have many childhood memories.
I might meet with my cousin for a walk in the gardens later in the afternoon. Yoga later and Recovery Dharma in the evening.

Let’s keep our hearts open friends: in peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove: ODAAT


I’m here, I’m alive I’m sober and I’m happy.
Day 158.

Strange day yesterday, our garage sale was open, a couple came and after a little chat we got to know that he was an old friend to my husbands father.

Then we went to the accordion concert and when we got back home my husbands nephew called. It’s been a while, my husband doesn’t really talk to anyone in his family besides his father. Long story short, his parents was never together. And his half sister is a special edition. She had a rough life, but is also pretty good at scheming people so we cut contact years ago.

Anyway, my husband’s nephew has been involved in some kind of gang in his old hometown, it went pretty far something got wrong. His own half brother (on the mothers side) beat him up, stole some things he was supposed to deliver (don’t really know if it was drugs,stolen items or whatever, I don’t want to know) and now the Nephew is in pretty bad trouble.

He’s a young adult, and now he had taken contact with his biological dadz which his Ma used to forbid. The dad a former bad guy, used to be a close friend to my husband back in the days. So now the Nephew has pretty much fled the field and lives at his dad’s place in another country. He called because his mother and his grandma (my husbands mother who we don’t have any contact with either) is nagging on him to come back.
But if he does, it’s the equals to death for him. So he won’t.

My husband told him to stay where he is, and then talked to the dad, so they are going to try to protect this kid and keep him out of trouble.
Even if non if them are bad guys anymore.

When we where done with that mess, my brother in law called my husband, and my sister called me, they had been in a huge fight. It’s not unusual, and it’s not my problems. Unfortunate for my sister I’m on her husband’s side in this. He’s an artist, and makes decent money on selling his art. Not everyday but occasionally, he helps pay for the house, daycare and everything else. He doesn’t have a driver’s license, and use his bike pretty much everywhere (Think artist old school hippie amd you get the picture)

My sister wants him to get a normal job, get a driver’s license,care for the house and their kid because she’s having her vacation, and he is “always home anyway” and if he doesn’t get a job they need to change the daycare times again so they’ll fit her working hours, because she doesn’t want her husband to ride a bike that far with their kid.
I told her that she knew who she married and that they need to work it out. Having vacation from work doesn’t mean you don’t have to do shit at home. So now she’s mad at me :laughing:

Then I had a chat with my brother and mother who’d been in an argument. My brother who’s also on vacation had been staying there for the weekend and immediately started to complain about the condition of the house and garden.
I said it’s not his problems, he doesn’t live there.

Neither him or my sister had drive Ma to the mechanics to pick up her car that’s been there for weeks. Even if they promised to so this weekend. So she wanted help to pick it up tomorrow.
Guess we’re helping her again.

I don’t get it, nothing I do is ever enough for anyone in that family, and yet I’m the one they always calm to solve their problems. Can you just quit on your family?

Maybe I should do like the nephew and run to another country? That far away Island I’ve been taking about maybe?

Sorry for the long post. At least it’s never boring to be me.

That’s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing y’all a wonderful day.


Day 4

I’m grateful for living today with the help of higher power. But i’m getting temper sometimes for a silly things, today i asked my mom for a chair but that chair didnt fit me for sitting infront of my pc. Also my pc table was not good. I didnt tell anything to my mom, but i got high temper in my mind.
One minute i thought to throw my pc :frowning:
I know it is because of my addiction to alcohol. Alcohol made many problems to my brain. I don’t want this fucking alcohol in my life.


:sunny: -30-


Accepting dual poles that always walked separate paths. How can you be in to different places at one time? Truth to be told - in this new life that we are all entering - everything is possible. Expect Miracles to happen. Accept Yourself. Either we can run away from our destiny or we can Accept it. Pain can be part of the destiny too. Running from pain, seeking pleasure - Ignoring Death, Ignoring Darkness, Ignoring Nights, Ignoring Loneliness - Equals - Ignoring Growth, Ignoring Source Roots and Life Itself.

Yet, we Fight - we make Wars - we Divide. Forgive Your Enemies! ‘‘Do not resist the one who is evil. But if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also’’.
We take a pieces of jigsaw puzzle. Pieces might seem different. Shape might look different.
Different colors. They do not seem to connect, But if we Zoom Out - We start to see a Bigger Picture!

If we move towards center - we are getting closer to each other - and If we are getting closer to Each Other - we are getting closer to the Center, away from the Illusion, away from disconnection, towards who we truly are.