Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Lol you are strange but i do like the way you think.

How are you today?


Day 174
Sunday night check-in
Had another great weekend. Dinner date last night with my girl followed by Netflix movie ā€˜Find Me Fallingā€™ starring Harry Connick Jnr which was really good. Gym today and now time for a book.
Peace and strength to you all


All good, sir. Really busy lately. Working for 11 hours, working out after work, jamming at studio and some busy toppings on weekend. Learned new trick lately. I turn off the phone when I have free time :mobile_phone_off:



@Alena welcome back :people_hugging: Iā€™m glad youā€™re trying again :blush:
@Just_Laura, I believe I have all of those oils, how do you use them, around the windows? :thinking:
Living alone for 12 years I have had to learn how to manage my fear response, exposure ā€œtherapyā€ I guess :grimacing: I hope the big day went well :blush:
@Kareness I really hope you can get your meds sorted out with the pharmacy/insurance :crossed_fingers:t2: sending strength šŸ©µ
@SoberWalker congrats on setting boundaries :clap:t2:
@MrsOdh Iā€™m glad you blocked him, you donā€™t need his constant bs all the time. I hope he does leave you alone now :crossed_fingers:t2:
@Button83 proud of you :clap:t2: šŸ©µ
@Bunto thank you :blush: thatā€™s what I love about this thread, it shows how life has itā€™s ups and downs and everything in-between, but that we can face it all sober :raised_hands:t2:
@Ncgolfer sending strength šŸ©µ
@Mno wow, congrats to your nephew with the bronze :3rd_place_medal::tada:
@zzz congrats on 30 days :tada:

1454 days no alcohol.
919 days no cocaine.
434 days no vape.
7 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

Yesterday was rough after no sleep at all, I had very minimal energy. I did manage to catch-up here, read 2 chapters of my book, do my meditations, and do some decluttering.

I was craving crisps most of the day too, but I wasnā€™t going to give in else I wouldnā€™t have seen my timer showing one week with no binge-eating. I am pleased with this, and I also have 3 weeks with no sugar.

Thankfully I slept better last night, but I still feel so tired. I have cleaning jobs on the agenda today so I hope I can atleast make a start.

I hope youā€™re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Do you know how to peel off a post-it the right way? Forget on the classic way as it will curl into a kind of a ball and wonā€™t stick on whiteboard too long. Do it rather from right side to the left :grin: Try and you will see itā€™s better. Iā€™m really glad for something Iā€™ve just finished - studied through key mental tools / exercises introduced by Stutz, helps a lot. And wrote down on several post-it papers my fears, why I want to change, who I want to be(come) in my new stage of life. And made a picture of it. And doing these exercises every day. And thank you my friends, coming here is so helpful :heart:


Hey all, checking in on day 1512. I hope everybody has a good one!


Day 156

Good Sunday. :heart:


Checking in day 139.

Becoming more resilient, mindful and patient each day.

Have a great week everyone!


Day 903
Morning friends! Just enjoying my coffee while on the way to work. I managed thru my 2nd overnight shift thankfully. Feeling not 100% like myself but i think ill manage. Just 1 more overnight to do and we should have care for the rest of the month :slight_smile:

I was quite emotional last night. Did too much thinking. I read something yesterday that really resonated with meā€¦about being angry that I am an addict. I felt this. Im angry that i am an addict and that ive had to struggle. To be honest, I dont even know what its like to not be an addict or what life would look like if I wasnt one. Ive struggled and fought my whole life. In one sense im angry that I am, but in another sense I am grateful that I am an addict. I know that sounds strange but i most likely wouldnt be as spiritually connected or as compassionate if I wasnt. I am the amazing woman i am today bcuz im an addict and in recovery.

Last night i was also really down bcuz i binged on food. If its not drugs or alcohol, its food. I know that being tired has its effect on me. Thankfully i dont binge overnight anymore so thats progress but i ate wayyyy too much at supper/evening snack. I felt sick and then i realized that I am killing myself with food. I want to be as healthy as i can be and here I am stuffing myself with unhealthy food. Heart disease runs in my family and i certainly dont want to have a heart attack. It sort of ā€œwokeā€ me up when i realized that im slowly killing myself by eating the foods that i do.

I think ive thought enough for one day lol i AM going to make changes tho. I have to. If i want to be around for my son and to live a long life, i need to take better care of myself. It will be nice when i get regularly get to the gym (once my son is in school). That will help tremendously.

Anyway, thanks for me letting me get my thoughts out there. I hope u all have a fantastic sunday! Much love :butterfly:


4 months sober today! :partying_face:
Well the funeral is over. Was a rough few days but I got through them.
Tomorrow Iā€™ll be meeting with my new counselor online again. Iā€™m feeling a bit anxious about it. I keep getting paranoid about stupid things like the internet going out or the electricity going off. Donā€™t know why Iā€™m worried about these thingsā€¦seems pretty stupid. I guess Iā€™m just feeling anxious about it. I made some plans after to have a long hike before getting into work things. Am relaxing now and think Iā€™ll go to bed early tonight. Hope everyone is having a good day and staying sober.


I have 4 sisters and 3 sister in laws. I learned the hard way to keep my opinion to myself when it comes to their marriages. Iā€™ll be their sounding board and spend time listening to them vent, but I have to bite my tongue constantly. Taking sides is a big fat NO. The only advice I offer is ā€œwould you rather be right or would you rather be happy? Compromise is a huge factor in a successful marriage.ā€ And I leave it at that. If theyā€™re looking for someone to agree with them, they know by now, they wonā€™t get it from me.


Best sober codependent life lessen out there!!

Oh and by the way that meme you posted @Lisa07 was fire. You got game girl.
Significant :blush::blush::blush:
:coffee: :coffee: :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Checking on on lunch break at wor on day
452 no alcohol
383 no vapes or ciggs 92 no form of nicotine
52 no form of marijuanna

Thinking of my lil family
Easy day today at work

Im comfy in my own skin


I usually go that route as well, and youā€™re right itā€™s probably the best way to handle anything. Sometimes I just canā€™t, like in this mess.
The main reason that sheā€™s mad in the first place is that he wonā€™t do things her way.
Word doesnā€™t work like that.
Compromise is key.

Theyā€™ve solved it during the day, and will as usual do things her way. Sheā€™s still mad at me, but for now, I donā€™t care. :laughing:


Checking in with 119 days sober.
Yesterday was rough with one of the older kids. This one is my stepson. I see a situation brewing and donā€™t have the influence Iā€™d like to fix it. Itā€™s super frustrating to see a great chance of failure headed his way.
I wanted to drink my feelings away but I didnā€™t. Today will still be stressful but Iā€™ll stay sober today too.
I keep repeating the serenity prayer to myself.


DRAMA! Stay strong ! Sending you hugs. I will say a prayer for you all!



Congratulations on 4 months sober! I have been with you the whole way!


Day 27, checking in. I took a long walk today in the nature and in the middle of the walk it started raining. I got wet but it was worth it. Now Iā€™ve been watching series and thinking should I order pizza although Iā€™m on a diet trying to lose weight. The struggle is real, haha! But I donā€™t have any (other) cravings which is good. Have a fabulous Sunday yaā€™ll!


Checking in day 159. Hubby just left for a couple days for a funeral. Thought to myself now I can sit back and relax just a bit. But ā€œnoooā€
Kitten would rather climb my bare legs then play with toys. 100 pound dog moping on the couch because she didnā€™t get to go with dad. Just like a friggin teenager. She even heaves loud sighs every few minutes. ā€¦ I have kitchen work I must attend to but that does make me happy. I have to get to pool today as last few days we have had company and been busy.
I am thrilled with my sobriety. Very happy with current status of relationship with husband. Caught up on laundry and house still tidy!

If any newly sober person is reading please know from my experience a sober life is the best. It does get better. Donā€™t want to preach but having God or higher power has been the answer for me!


Pizza? Iā€™m there. So nice to read your post! My first couple months ignored calorie intake. Now I am focusing on healthy eating and exercise.
There is time for all things. Not indulging your DOC is the first priority!

Have a great day!