Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

@justKaitlin what a joy!!! Congratulations for the upcoming wedding :wedding:


@Jesile we are in the same amount of days :hugs:. Letā€™s go very far in this sober journey!!! @Binx How are you my dear friend?


@danam56 So glad to hear that the move went smoothly. Remember that you donā€™t have to unpack and set up the place immediately ā€“ take you time with itā€¦ remember to rest! :hugs:

Nicely worded TF! So true that itā€™s a slow and steady pace in which we find the peace within. We will never find it in external things / people or places. Sending you calm serenity as you get back to your daily routines. Glad you had a good holiday :heart:
@mrsodh WOW youā€™ve had a day! Sorry for all the family drama. Hope you are able to sort through it and find time for your own peace. :hugs:
@sarath_unrelax Day 4 is amazing work friend. The anger i think is normal in the early stages ā€“ at least it was for me. Months of being angry and on edge for no reason and taking it out on my loved ones. So grateful they understood and stood by me. I did have to let my loved ones know what i was going through as they are not familiar with addiction and withdrawals and recovery so this was all new to everyone involved. It does get easier. Sending you peaceful vibes.
@zzz Congrats on your 1 month milestone friend. :tada: :clap: Love that you are turning off your phone during your free time ā€“ how freeing that must be. Really busy schedule you are keeping ā€“ hope you find time for yourself as well
@seb Glad you posted about the movie ā€“ I was wondering if I should watch it and now I will watch for sure.
@catmancam WHOA!! Great work on your 1 week of no binging and 3 weeks of no sugar! :muscle: This is impressive work Cam. Keep stacking up the days :hugs:
@butterflymoonwoman Grateful that last night went well and wishing you loads of energy for today / tonight. It totally tracks that you wouldnā€™t feel like yourself ā€“ you are operating on little to no sleep for 2+ days. Please remember this when your mind tries to get down on you for not doing your routines. Iā€™m sorry for the emotional realizations you had last night. Glad that you are making healthy changes for yourself. Please be kind to yourself and not expect these changes right away. It can be hard to change up anything when we are sleep deprived and low on our defenses. You are doing an amazing job my friend. Here if you need :people_hugging:
@laner WOOT WOOT 4 months is amazing girl! Look at you go :muscle: Grateful the funeral is over and you are able to get your space back. Sending you loads of love as you meet with your sponsor tomorrow. Iā€™m sure everything will work out just fine. Our mind does like to try and sabotage things before they even happen. An early night sounds perfect ā€“ sweet dreams.


@vanessa8 Great work on getting through the stressful day yesterday. Sending you strength to do the same today. Drinking away your feelings never works. They donā€™t go anywhere and then you are stuck with poison in you and guilt for losing your sobriety and Hopefully you will be able to get back on track with day 1 ā€“ just not worth it. Keep practicing that prayer friend. Hope it clicks and helps. :pray: sending you strength as you deal with the stressful situation.

This made me laugh so hard! Sounds like you got your hands full and hopefully will be able to carve some time for that relaxing self care time.

You do deserve some self love and respect. I too was way to hard on myself and still get in that mindset from time to time. I try to sit with whatā€™s going on and pretend that someone else is going through this and then I do what I would suggest that person to do. It seems I have the answers for others but not for myself. This has been the biggest lesson in my journey. Pizza sounds perfect ā€“ I may do the same :wink: Oh glad that you ordered and enjoyed :yum:
@sadmemequeen I can understand needing to quit cause you are unable to do the tasks at hand due to illness. Iā€™m sorry that you have quit. Is there anything else you can do that is possibly part time or a work from home type situation? You say you canā€™t stay clean if you quit- is this cause you have more free time? Have to spend more time with family? Or? Do not let anything take away from the progress you have made. 2 y 5m 2d is amazing Meghan.

What a lovely way to spend a Sunday! Great work on your 12 days too. :tada:

Checking in on Sunday late afternoon
592 days free of alcohol and weed
1007 days free of cigarettes
Wow - its been a good productive day and Iā€™m exhausted :laughing: I did not sleep well last night and kept telling myself that I would get in a nap to make up for it ā€“ that didnā€™t happen. I did get in some good workout activity, caught up on all the physical work stuff and cleaned up the main floor.
Did take time to watch a movie while I had lunch and now will give myself a mani / pedi after a good foot soak :blush:
All in all a great day ā€“ still only 6ish so have plenty of sunlight to burn. Hope to get some zzzā€™s tonight.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


@JazzyS sweet dreams my dear sober friend


more time is more time to think and now I feel like I need to punish myself


the opposite is true ā€“ now is when you love yourself for having the courage to quit knowing how difficult it would be but you put your health first. You canā€™t keep pushing yourself at a job when your body is not well.

At no time do you ever need to punish yourself. Please do not think like that. Are you able to get in touch with a friend? In person or online or on the phone? Someone to hang with to occupy the time? Are you able to start a hobby like drawing or craft work that will keep you busy? Maybe if you already have something then work on that ā€“ possibly something you can look into for selling on Etsy as a hobby / job? I know some friends that have done great going this route.

Sending you love and hugs my friend ā€” please be kind to yourself :people_hugging: :heart:


Iā€™ve been debating selling some things on Etsy, Iā€™m also going to work on applying for disability. i already promised a friend I wonā€™t punish myself so I will be alright


Oh thatā€™s great news all around. I am glad that you have talked and promised your friend this and do know we are all here for you as well.

yes love ā€“ you will be alright :people_hugging: :people_hugging: Grateful that you came here to talk this out :heart:


Coming up on day 665.

Iā€™m exhausted.
But Iā€™m sober.
I wish I could just sleep for 24 hours.
Well Iā€™m hopefully off to sleep. Work again at 4 :smiling_face_with_tear:

Love yā€™all :people_hugging::heart:


Day 903
Evening check in. Well I got thru another day. I did ask if i could leave work 2 hours early as i was ready to fall asleep lol and it got approved, so i was able to get home by 330pm. Hubby ran an errand and then once home, i got some well needed rest. Just ONE more overnight to do. I know i can get thru it :smiley: Just putting my son to bed soon and then will have a nice shower. Have a good night everyone! :butterfly:


I know youā€™re right Jasmine. Iā€™ve overdone it and my back in killing me. I have napped as needed through your the weekend. Iā€™ve gotten most of my boxes unpacked but a lot of organizing still to do.


Checking in day 414 AF
Over did it with unpacking and my back is wrecked. I know I shouldnā€™t have done as much as I did but I canā€™t stand clutter.

The Cat is settling in and that warms my heart. Heā€™s been with me through thick and thin.

Exhausted going to bed early this evening.


Checking inā€¦
All is well for the most part. Working full time washing dishes at a pretty cool restaurant. The manager is 5 years sober and we talk often about recovery. Iā€™m learning how to be productive and pay for my own bills. Been going to a AA meeting every day as suggested by my sponsor. He also has a few other daily things he wants me to do and I been willing to do whatever he says and try something new. Been praying to my higher power multiple times a day to help me stay on track. All though things are mostly good Iā€™m not saying I donā€™t have bad days or moments but I donā€™t have to drink or use over it. Iā€™m excited to see what the program and steps can do for my life. In the past I always did things my way and I always had the same resultsā€¦ Iā€™m mentally and physically tired of my old life of drinking and using and Iā€™m making sure I donā€™t have to go back to that. Tomorrow I get to enjoy my day off. There is a tropical storm coming tonightā€¦ so weā€™ll see what happens with the weather. Unfortunately probably no bike adventures tomorrow. As far as today I did all the things I needed to for my well-being and recovery.
Gonna find a movie to watch and then go to bed. Thatā€™s about all for now. Iā€™ll check in when I can. Love this community and love you all!



247 days
Gym in the morning. Partnered up with a guy that explained heā€™ll be taking it easy because he had a big weekend, ā€œyou know how it isā€. Told him yea I know how it is but Iā€™m off the booze 8months now. He was surprised but we talked about it a couple times during the session.

Just waiting to pick the kids up from school. Work tonight. Hopefully a quiet one.


Day 5

This morning was really good for me. I slept for 8 hours, and although I still had nightmares, I feel very energized. I took my 3-year-old Labrador, Daisy, for a 2 km walk. Iā€™ve scheduled an AA physical meeting for this evening. Itā€™s monsoon season here in India, and I enjoyed the rain.

Cravings are especially bad this season because my brain is used to associating it with drinking. But I hope that, one day at a time, I can teach my brain to think differently.

Sending love to all.


Stay safe Trevor!


Checking in at the start of day 86. Been super busy with travel and house sitting. Feels so good to be back home in my own bed. Doing well in my sobriety. Had a few moments of tough cravings, like in your face cravings, but worked through them. Really reflecting on how far I have come, the positives in my life and the damage one drink can do really helps me through those in your face tough cravings. They really do pass and when itā€™s over one feels so elated, a sense of accomplishment! Itā€™s all worth it. Especially so today, as I just found out Iā€™m going to be a grandma :smiley: and I want to be the best grandma I can be!
Have a wonderful night/day all.


@MrFantastik :heart: Mario Kart! We havenā€™t touched our Switch in such a long time. Thanks for reminding me I have it :blush:
@MrsOdh Oh wow, so much family drama :anguished: Glad you can keep a level head :pray:

If itā€™s for your own sanity, yes.
@CATMANCAM I use diffusers, which seems to work overall. Iā€™ve read you can also put drops on cotton balls and place them around entry points or into water in a spray bottle.
@Button83 :clap: Keep coming back :+1:
@Bluekoolaid Itā€™s so great you have someone to talk to at work! I am beyond grateful for my job :pray: Our GM has 30 years and has seen me at my worst(blacking out at work :grimacing:). Anywhere else I woulda been fired 5 times over, but bc he understands, heā€™s always been there for me. I think knowing heā€™s proud of me means the most of all. Iā€™m proud of you for putting in all this work :+1: Keep it up!


Last night wasnā€™t bad at all :raised_hands: The hardest part was serving the dinner 7 hours into my shift. Four courses to 200+ people. There werenā€™t enough capable carriers so my shoulders got a workout (they are feeling it right now :muscle:) My reward was to watch the fireworks and eat leftover desserts :yum: (easy fuel at the time) Cleanup always sucks, but we got it done by midnight. By that time last year I was completely exhausted and done with the whole thing, but I got an endorphin rush that gave me a second wind. I actually wanted to stay til the end and celebrate with the winners like in past years (not by drinking this time), but I thought of my daughter and left at 12:30. Fell asleep the second I hit the pillow :sparkles: It was the right choice, as I heard they stayed past 4am! Grateful to rest and enjoy the last day of our county fair with my daughter. It was really fun, just insanely expensive :face_with_diagonal_mouth: We ate like kings when we got home bc I took as many leftovers as I could the whole weekend! Ready for my bed again. Have a wonderful start to your week! :heart:


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 159.

Weather is back to warm and no rain at least for today and tomorrow.

My husband is going to help Engjy Benjy to build a porch today. Or at least help him to lead the work, Engjy Benjy and his brother that my husband is going to pick up on the way is supposed to build.
I wasnā€™t impressed because we where supposed to do something fun today. But as a Thank you weā€™re going to get lots of material to our own porch, so it might be worth it.

No drama yesterday, family is on itā€™s own. Ma was supposed to call about picking up her car, and about the date for our Halloween stay, she thought she might have a concert booked that day. She didnā€™t call and got drunk with my sister instead so I feel like itā€™s not my problem anymore.

Today me and they boys are going to try and do some outdoor activities in our village. Maybe go to the playground, take a walk, a bike ride or something like that.

Thank you everyone for your support.

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day.