Checking in daily to maintain focus #68

Thank you for your words, Jazzy! I’m glad to hear I’m not the only who is struggling with selflove. And thank you for the tip, I’ll try it when the downward spiral is about to start.



One day off. I slept long, obviously I need it. It was hard getting out of bed as I hurt a muscle in my back between my shoulder blades somewhere. No idea what happened but it feels rather unpleasant. Well. Let’s see what paracetamol will do.

Otherwise I’m good. Time to do some house chores today. Watch some more Olympics. Go to my third Recovery Dharma later. Cook and eat some healthy food. That should be enough really. Stay sober and clean of course. Have as good a day as you all can friends. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Love from my commute.


257 sugar
121 UPF
128 gluten
27 dairy
10 overeating

On vacation.

Today I’m planning to spend my morning in my favourite book shop “Tajne komplety” with a walk to the Piaski island in the river Odra afterwards.
Chats with family, some walk in the afternoon. I also want to plan my upcoming train trip on Wednesday to Kudowa: more family, more memories.

Let’s keep our hearts open friends: in peace, kindness and freedom :peace_symbol::people_hugging::dove: ODAAT



Im not up to date with yours checkingins, Iam not able to catch up today, sorry. Hope all is good with you people :blue_heart:

I just brought Queen Luna to ver for sterilisation. No more kitties.

Cousin is doing fine, she is back to her normal self. I am fine. Kids fine. Hubby fine. Loki fine. I hope Luna will be fine too.

Love you all!


Second check in and quick update.
Why can’t I ever have a nice and calm day?

My husband is at the hospital with what they think is a blod clot in his arm.
He got half way to Engjy Benjy and then he and Engjy Benjys brother had to call an ambulance, because my husband couldn’t feel his arm and couldn’t keep in driving.
Ambulance came, said that it’s probably a blod clot and drove him to the hospital.

I’ll keep you guys updated.


Why can’t you ever have a nice and calm day? Thinking about you and your family/husband and hoping for best possible outcome/ resolution. I’m really sorry and hope it can quickly and easily be remedied. Big hugs for you @MrsOdh :heart::people_hugging::heart:


Just Checkin

I’ve been going back and forth for a year. What is this insistence on when the only thing I should do is the path I followed before? Long story short, I’m starting again. This time, I will also take medication supplements to support me for the first month. Wish me luck :four_leaf_clover: Day 3




Oh man this is scary! I do hope he is ok and they are able to remove the blood clot without any complications :pray:t4::pray:t4:. Do keep us posted. Much healing energy sent your way :people_hugging:


Day 408. Back at work. 7-3 today

All good. I forgot to check in yesterday. I will make sure to stay more attentive.


Checking in on day
453 no alcohol
384 no vapes or ciggs 94 no form of nicotine
53 no form of marijuanna

Im pretty good thismorning at work

Nothing really going on. :slight_smile:

My stamina is ip
Work days go by fast
I still have to work on getting out of bed like a set schedule or routine

5am workdays?
7am days off?
I feel like thats a good idea

Right now i want to strive for more
I have my job
I got my license
I kinda dont know what to do next

I guess right now
At this very moment
Maintaing is ok



@MrsOdh thinking of you, Sophia! Hoping that all will be well and he’ll be home soon.


Checking in day :seven::zero::zero: and officially 23 months sober! :tada: Haven’t checking in for a while because it’s been a really complicated time, but sharing a bit below- TW for death related to substance use.

Early in my sobriety journey, I left my partner or 7 years as I couldn’t stay with him and stay sober at the same time. We stayed in touch some, and he could never quite get it together. About a month and a half ago, he passed. It was heart breaking and tragic, and the end of his life was very sad. We still owned our house together, the one he passed in, so it’s been pretty terrible cleaning it out. But I finally got it on the market and accepted an offer.

Part of the difficulty for me was realizing the last year and a half of his life was so tragic, while mine has been the best it’s ever been- feels like survivors guilt. I know life had ups and downs, grief and gratitude, love and loss, joy and heartbreak- but I’ve never experienced them all at once. I’m more grateful than ever for my sobriety and my supports, I’m with a partner who doesn’t drink and makes me feel valued, and I was up fresh(er than I would if I were drinking) every morning. I’ve been really sad, but also very grateful. And while the loss is awful, I’ve started to feel the overwhelm of grief starting to lift some.

I know he felt very lonely. And with that, my message is that you may feel lonely, and that feeling is completely valid and I believe you- but you aren’t alone. There’s support around for people in our positions, more than you might think. And people would rather see and know that you’re struggling than not see you again.

Peace and love, and wishing everyone a magnificent sober Monday :sparkles:


Hey all, checking in on day 1513. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in day 140.

Hope everyone’s had or having a good Monday!


I’m sorry to hear this. Hope that he gets the help he needs and the issue is quickly resolved.


Great post! Congratulations on 86!


Oh no! Hope everything works out for hubby!


So sorry for your loss. Big congratulations on 700 days. You are awesome.


123 days sober
The session with the online counselor went well today. I was anxious after but the walk after helped work that out. The counselor took a look at the trauma workbook I’ve been going through and she said it is a great resource. She agreed that it is good for me to keep going through it but will have her so won’t be doing it alone now. I like her and felt comfortable talking with her.
I got some good work done in the afternoon. I got the copyright permissions and a grant to start on my new translation project. I’m excited about it.
Then I meant with my new friend who will teach me Karakalpak…I realized when we started talking that it is incredibly close to Kyrgyz so definitely will be an easy dialect to pick up. I don’t know this lady very well but really enjoy our conversation. Am looking forward to getting to know her better.