Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Aw bummer about the pumpkins. Too bad. Do you know if they were all the original members?


hi again friends :] officially 6 days at noon today!

i feel enlightened yall. my HP is really at work, revealing all sorts of things to me and bringing me closer to Him. i feel good :] for the first time in my life i feel calm. and even when i get anxious, i just share my space with my HP so i donā€™t feel alone, and He takes care of me. very powerful realization for me, that Heā€™s with me and loves me, always.

thatā€™s enough outta me tho lmao, best wishes to you my friends :] <3


Day 171.

My mind has cleared up so much Iā€™ve realised the amount crazy people around me :grimacing: I have other bad habits to conquer before I can feel content with my life.


Some are, i wanna say there is one new person. Billy Coragan still there

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Day 295. Hey fam, i just wanted to say thank you for the love on tuesday and all the replies. Yesterday i had the day off and its been a while but i did sleep all day, i was supposed to have a one on one at 530 with my mental health counselor and i just stayed sleeping. Ill make sure i reschedule, i do feel off today, very light headed and just blah. Im looking forward to getting home. Today makes 7 months in my department and soon will be 10 months in recovery. Much love


Day 935
Feeling more awake now as ive had my morning coffee. Waking up at 6am was hard. I couldve slept at least until 10. But i got my son on the bus for school and now im just getting ready to head out to pick up ingredients for some macarons im making next week. Then off to the gym and then home to clean and relax. Hope u all have a fantastic day! :butterfly:


154 days sober
Was a busy day here doing yesterdays and todays work. I had another meeting with social services about the training the doctor will give next week and to talk about the translation. They all have a copy now and need to read through it and give notes on any vocabulary/idea/concepts they donā€™t understand. Also talked to the doctor about if he needs translation or not and how thatā€™ll look. I feel well organized about it now and hope itā€™ll go smoothly when he comes next week!

Then the social workers asked if I could translate material for family/spouses of alcoholics so thatā€™s added to my list of things to do next but Iā€™ll need to get funding for it. Iā€™m just really glad they are getting so invested and interested in these things!
One of the social workers walked part way home with me after and told that she is an alcoholic but keeps this secret and hopes that this material and the training will also help her. It was a good conversation.
Iā€™m really tired now and hope I sleep better tonight. I had a bad dream sort of night yesterday and still could work normal today but know if I have too many bad sleeps in a row it really effects my mood.

Anywho have a good sober day!!


Hey all almost a week of work
Glad to be back doin something keep my mind off things. Finally got appointment for November but its zoom didnt know they did that after covid. Hope to get paperwork this week to fill out and hope to be seen or zoom sooner feeling the way i do is not ok ugh exhausting


Ps red bulls are my friend lol

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10 days today!


Day 439. Worked 8-4. Looking forward to the weekend.

My manager is leaving which is a bit unsettling. I donā€™t think they are happy. So thatā€™s a big change. I will be supportive of whoever we get next
In London for a week soon as my course starts

All OK. Have a fab day folks


Workday late morning check in.
Parenting and household demands have been extreme the last week. Iā€™m trying to rip off the bandaid and avoid distractions to push through the tiredness on office work.
This app is the only outlet Iā€™ve been giving myself the for the last 10 days or so.
Iā€™ve extended my summer LinkedIn account shutdown, and have Instagram off my phone since the start of last week, and might continue that a little while longer.
Have a good one.
Be well.


Hi guys!
Its my first day sober, after i write that one topic yestarday i felt so good and better with myself.
Yestarday i didnā€™t told by addiction some people may call me stupid or something like that, so my addiction is on mastubration.
I started years ago i didnt even know what that was. Like a year ago i decided i wanted to stop my max was 16 days, i was mastubrating 2 to 3 times a day, i was using time for that while i could be doing other things.
And yes i still cant let go p0rn but we will get there.
My first day went perfect and i almost did it but i remember all of your replays and stayed quiet.
Thank you so much your replays was the best it really helped me.
See you tommorow


Well on my way through day 5.
Hope everyone is well.
More power to you.


Checking in! :wave:t2:
The last two days have been ā€œback to my routineā€, which I appreciate a lot! Today at work I had a site inspection with a customer, and I had lunch on our restaurant terrace, with sea view, not too bad at all! :sweat_smile:
Besides that with the kitties things are doing well, Peanut has started using his litter box again! :raised_hands:t2: Other than that, not much to report! :blush:


Oh I love this Mira! Do hope you are able to take those small steps to help your dreams come true. I do wish you luck in your job search. Maybe you can do something temporary while getting your dream job started :thinking: Do know that taking care of your home is a full time job of its own. With all that you have been dealing with also makes it stressful with your daily life. Sending you loads of love my friend :hugs:
@sassyboomer Great to see you poking in to say hi. What a lovely update ā€“ so very happy for you. Love the Michigan area ā€“ welcome to the neighborhood :hugs: Just in time for the cooler weather.
@just_laura So sorry to hear about the nasty way you woke up ā€“ hope you are feeling better now Laura :pray:
@sabrina80 A very happy birthday to you my dear friend ā€“ Sweet 44! Hope you have a wonderful day celebrating your special day :heart: :birthday: :tada:
@dustysprungfield Way to go friend ā€“ having a solid plan and a positive attitude to stay sober is a great way to attack the weekend. :muscle:
@chevy55 Way to go friend ā€“8 months is amazing ā€“ so happy to have you here with us Nick. Hope you and your wife enjoyed your anniversary celebration :hugs:
@acromouse I am so sorry that your daughter is still suffering. I do hope the IV helps :pray:
@shel75 Grateful that you were able to get the meds sorted and will have them in time for your vacation ā€“ hereā€™s hoping that they do work and give you some relief :pray:
@moosetracks WOOT WOOT Way to go friendā€”2 years is fantastic! :tada: :clap: No apologies needed ā€“ not rambling. So grateful you are sharing your journey with us ā€“ the good, the bad and the ugly ā€“ this is life and we are living it sober! So very proud of you and hope you have a wonderful time at the concert!
@mr_sobriety Welcome to the community friend ā€“ great work on your double digits! Keep up the great work :muscle:


@tsqd congrats on your day 1 and I do hope to see you checking in again tomorrow. It is ODAAT and we really have to utilize our support and whatever tools we have to help us overcome our addictive behavior. Glad you are here with us.
@fullafarts Aah iā€™m sorry that you didnā€™t receive more support my friend. We are here with you and iā€™m glad to see you checking in daily :hugs:

Checking in on Thursday afternoon
Been a great start to the day. Woke up early enough and managed to get more rest. Enjoyed a wonderful walk and swim and got in some good mom time as well as did my deliveries and caught up here. Iā€™m exhausted now LOL ā€“ gonna take a nap before I tackle the accounting stuff that I have been putting off.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Moving a Tempur-Pedic mattress is one of the circles of hell. I guess itā€™s a couple hundred pounds? Was hoping I could get it outside but nope. So itā€™s off my bed leaning against the wall while I lay on my new one with a heating pad. :grinning: Iā€™m too old for this shit. So I am paying someone to come get it tonight. If it wasnā€™t toxic I would just light it on fire. Hahaha

I like my new bed. You get all these cool things with alcohol money. And you look good. Whatā€™s not to love?:heart:


No, havenā€™t done thatā€¦yet! Sounds brutal! I guess you probably had the ā€˜just light it on fireā€™ urge too :grinning:

I pay from now on. The whole process. Itā€™s worth it!


Sober, sober, soberā€¦ 219
And keep on going :heart: