Checking in daily to maintain focus #69



Day 58 - feeling pretty low, need to get back to the basics. Therapy, physical fitness etc

Life is hard


Have to be a quick update. Very busy. Been a very difficult year with the loss of my daughter. But am proud to say I hit my three year mark today. One day at a time is really the way to go. Miss you guys and will be checking in regularly soon.


@HillbillyChris I am sorry to hear about the loss of your daughter, my thoughts are with you and your family. All the more impressive that you managed to hit this massive milestone, congratulations! :star2:


Checking in. The end of Day 4.

Which meansā€¦ This is the longest Iā€™ve gone without alcohol in 2 years! :heart::pray::heart:


My condolences to you and congrats on your recovery time


Day 919
Second check in of the day. Theres been a lot of change in my life recently. I dont necessarily do well with change. I try to remember that not all change is bad either but im ceetainly taking things 1 day at a time. Im feeling anxious about tmrw mrng where one of these changes will be taking place. Has to do with changing one of my sons medical equipment to a diff brand/style. Hopefully everything will go well.

I had a decent day overall tho. Grateful for my recovery and how far ive come. Hope u all have a winderful adduction free day/night :butterfly:


HUGE congratulations to u on 3 years my friend! Im so deeply sorry for the loss of ur daughter. I cant even begin to imagine how u must feel :frowning: however i am grateful that u stayed strong in ur recovery. Thinking of u friend


Sending you hugs.


Wow congratulations on 3 years. So sorry for your loss of your daughter. :hugs::blush::heart:


Thanks hun


Congratulations on 4 days. Keep staying positive.


Checking in

I hope everyone has a great Thursday!


Checking in at 100 days AF :grinning: feels good to be in the triple dā€™s.

Have a good day/night everyone!


Wow congrats on a 100 days



First time a patient at the detox where I work really got through to me yesterday. In a way I find it hard to cope with. Canā€™t get into specifics, but itā€™s also the first time I feel Iā€™d rather go in as a nurse, instead of the role as experience worker I actually have today.

As a nurse thereā€™s a 1000 tasks to do, organizing stuff, care to give, consultations to do, intakes to do, structure to keep, technical stuff to do like medicine to administer. As experience worker itā€™s just me trying to talk to patients and colleagues about, yeah, about what actually?

I feel vulnerable and exposed. And also a bit isolated as Iā€™m the only one, I feel a bit of distance from my colleague nurses when I do this work. I do feel closer to the patients though. I guess itā€™s another learning experience. Sharing it here with you, writing it down, also helps I feel.

I can do this. One day at a time. Together with you all. Have as good a day as you can friends. Letā€™s make it sober and clean or nothing will come form it. I will. Love from my little square.

@HillbillyChris Itā€™s good to see you Chris. Huge congrats on three years. Thatā€™s an enormous achievement. Hope youā€™re sort of OK. Hugs and love.
@Jeanine Congrats on reaching triple digits, thatā€™s big!


@MrMoustache The sleep schedule might even out on itā€™s own, but it might not. I still go to bed around the same time I did when I was drinking(due to winding down from work), but I definitely donā€™t need as much sleep anymore. Getting more sunlight during the day and less artificial light at night helps reset your circadian rhythm, so get outside if you want to feel daylight! :sun_with_face:
@HillbillyChris Nice to see you around :blush: Huge congrats on achieving 3 years during this difficult time :pray: Weā€™re here for you :people_hugging:


I was not prepared for work to be as busy as it was. I was scheduled alone for dinner, which means Iā€™m bartender/server/busser, and usually only get 1 or 2 tables due to the Tues golf league, but not tonight! Nothing was stocked over the past 2 days and I was running all over the place. Luckily my boss actually stepped up and was an enormous help :pray: My service was repeatedly complimented, I was given a thank you card from a family for always taking care of them, and got a cash tip from a couple that never tips cash! That was honestly shocking, but it all made me feel great :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: After 2 days of rest, all the action made me feel good too. Except this weird spot in my neck that popped up midshift. It hurts in a way that feels like it needs to crack, but Iā€™ve never been able to do that myself. Canā€™t wait for my chiropractor appt! Welp, work in the am again so I better wind down soon. Goodnight :heart:


I made a solem promise to myself recently that I would reach my goal. Itā€™s daunting but hey, if you donā€™t challenge yourself youā€™ll never know what youā€™re potential is. Iā€™ve always sold myself short. Itā€™s a confidence thing. But Iā€™m giving this thing a real go and Iā€™m backing myself.
Much love to all this morning. Stay well, look after yourself & most importantly back yourself to succeed.


Love this!!


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 175

Didnā€™t run away with the circus this year either. The show was wonderful.
We payed extra for seats in the front. Iā€™ve never did that before. Even though weā€™re not poor I still have w mindset that some things are only for rich people. Not sure why.

Had to turn the gardener school down yesterday and give my spot to someone else on the reserve list. Got the schedule and thereā€™s no way on earth I could make that schedule work with my family or the public transportations. Nothing is worth a commute of almost 4 hours every morning/night when it takes as a maximum 40 mins by car.

I donā€™t have a driverā€™s license, and my husband canā€™t drive at the moment. For me itā€™s also more worth it to be at home so I can leave/pick the boys up from school every day.

Besides being Park Ranger, Iā€™ve always dreamed of being a writer. I did an attempt to actually write 20 years ago. Got refused by a lot of big companies with a ā€œItā€™s good but not what weā€™re looking forā€ letters. And gave up.
But not this time. Iā€™ve got new ideas and Iā€™m going to work on them.
Got until January and then Iā€™m out of Unemployment money.

Guess universe is actually pointing me in the right direction, even if it wasnā€™t what I thought from the beginning.

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing yā€™all an amazing day.