Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

204 days AF

My new employee sent me a gift box yesterday for my start. Some stainless steel water bottle, umbrella, multi charging set, notebooks, pens, so on… Packed in a real cool box.

Gifts before even started. :grin::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Had a call with my new boss, discussed some further details for the on-boarding process. She is very sympathetic. Think I throw my old ideas of working culture overboard and be very open minded.

Still worrying a bit, cause it will be exhausting in the beginning. But how about taking it oddaat?

I am fine until here…
Just some hunting thoughts about food restriction. But always going back to the intuitive way with 3 meals a day. Healthy, tasty, colorful. Since I am acting like that (204 days) I didn’t have any binge attacks anymore. My last relaps was combined with day 4 of a protein shake fasting diet. So… It’s clearly! That’s not the way how it works.

Enjoy your meals…
Enjoy your day…
Enjoy life :rose:


Love you guys :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Day 424. I think i have a cold coming on.

Work was OK. Home is still tense. My day looks OK. Will work 8-3and take two hours leave.

I think the trigger for wanting a beer on Sunday was family stuff. The stuff which hits u sideways. Completely out of the blue

All OK. Back at home, back wirh my dog and things feel calm. I’ve done my maths (a bit nerdy) and I can retire at 64. That’s ok. I don’t mind working longer but its nice to know I can stop sooner.

I didn’t apply for the promotion here. I decided that I am happy in my role. Thafs a good feeling


Thank you Dana! :kissing_heart:
And yes I hope that this touch up gives it what it needs. It was a looooong road to get this tattoo right after the first tattoo artist fucked it up :hugs:


I understand a bit how you feel. But I think you’re role can be a very important one if you can be the glue between the both of them.
I difficult possition, for sure because you are the only one. But what a difference you can make Menno!

  1. Discipline and movement and regulation are my new focus, or refocus rather. I can’t let resurgent trauma completely take hold of me longer than it takes to get back into my tolerance zone.

It helps to understand your own chemistry a bit when tackling what feels like a giant vacuum. It’s just your body trying to assist you every step of the way. It deserves honour.


@Mischa84 I’m excited for you too :grinning: congrats on surviving the vacation :tada::raised_hands:t2:
@Deelzebub that is absolutely horrendous! Glad you reported, I hope your daughter is okay. Good luck with your artwork :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Whereswaldo thank you, that’s a great idea :bulb:
@bettertimesahead welcome to the checking-in thread :blush: congrats on 2 days :tada:
@zzz congrats on 50+ days :tada: feel better soon 🩵
@tifflynn07 good to read from you :blush: congrats on your continued sobriety :tada:
@Refreshedperspective sending strength 🩵
@HillbillyChris congrats on 3 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2:
@Courtni welcome :blush: congrats on 4 days :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman I hope everything goes well today :crossed_fingers:t2:🩵


@Jeanine congrats on triple digits :100: :tada:
@Just_Laura congrats on all the compliments, the card, and the cash tip! You must’ve been on a roll :tada:
@MrsOdh I’m sorry the gardeners school didn’t work out, but good luck with your writing :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover::blush:
@Juli1 this new employer sounds really promising, what a cool thing to receive :star_struck: congrats on 204 days AF and binge-free :tada::tada:

1471 days no alcohol.
936 days no cocaine.
451 days no vape.
24 days no crisps, no binge-eating.

I did the walk! I had to stop on one bench for 5mins about halfway round, but overall I was very pleased, and now I know I can do this walk every day for a while, before attempting the full walk I used to do once my back feels strong enough. :raised_hands:t2:

I also read a chapter of the new book I started, it’s not like I thougt it would be, it’s aimed at groups, more for practitioners, but I try to finish what I start and it’s not mega long.

I’ve also continued to listen to Quit Like A Woman, which I started last Summer during a short-term therapy, whilst I was doing my colouring (some of you may remember that). Once I’ve finished it, I can finally start a new one!

I did my meditations and fell asleep early.

Now I will do my rehab exercises for my back, and go from there with the day.



Morning all hope this finds you all safe and well day 65 sober feeling proud . Come back from food shopping last night to see my neighbours having a drink and a laugh in there front garden offered me a beer and I quickly declined and made my exit being polite as possible :smiling_face:.


263 days
Big day of training at work. Was really good. Glad I did the prep that I did.
After the training the guys went for a beer (kind of a tradition). Luckily I was able to excuse myself as I had sparring to go to. Had a few light rounds.
Much better post work activity


Congratulations @Mischa84 on the job! It’s nice to see you excited about it, looking forward to it!


Day 585.

Finally back home after 3 months of travelling. There are many issues with my current living arrangements, but I did miss my office chair and my pillows. Now I’m trying to get back into some semblance of a routine. I’ve been skimping on my workouts and been munching on far too much sugar.

Now I need to get back into some semblance of a routine. My mental health has been taking a dive recently and actually doing productive stuff might help.

The restless leg is back and keeping me up at night. I had a reprieve from it for a few good months. My knees are in agony. Yup… I’m getting older, none the wiser, but sober.


Checking in. 98 Days AF and pill free


Day 1341,

Just checking in, have a sober 24 :pray:


Hey Menno, I can imagine it is a hard position to be in. Especially when you’re the only one and maybe don’t feel totally understood. At least that might be one of the dynamics that might come out I think. On the other it is a valuable position, do you have someone who looks after you when you encounter things while doing this work. Someone to vent to on the job? :people_hugging:


Good for you trying out writing again! It’s hard to keep going with it after feeling rejected but even writing for yourself can be so beneficial. What kind of writing do you like to do?


Actually all different kinds of writing. As long as it makes people happy.
At the moment I’ve got ideas for a kids book/kids books.
And a Harlequin romance book.

I’m going for both. Always dreamed of writing a Harlequin.


Kids books can be so fun and creative. I have published several kids books in Kyrgyz and had so much fun working with a friend who was good at illustrations. And am working on finishing a book that is a collection of short stories featuring local folklore within Central Asian societies. But for myself I feel most passionate about writing fictional stories but am also the most anxious about sharing them I think because it is more of what’s in my head so it feels more scary to put out there.
Keep it up though! Since getting sober I’ve gotten more devoted to have a time set aside most days to be able to write or work on a fun project like this.
I think I remember reading you are from Sweden…sorry If I’m incorrect on that so easy for me to mix up who says what. Am curious if you prefer to write in your native language or English?


That sounds like so much fun. And like an amazing accomplishment. Congratulations :smiling_face: Folklore is so interesting. Some of my favorite books as a kid was kids tales from other countries. The good think with stores like that is that you can create the characters almost However you want and people will still recognize them.

I’m Swedish yes. Fun thing though, I actually
have more than one native language. English or Swedish doesn’t matter, I do both just as easy. Sometimes there can be a little mixup as always when you’re multilingual.
I also speak Romani (Gypsy language) but I don’t write in that.

And I don’t illustrate either, art has never been my thing. :smiling_face:


Hi everyone,

It’s been sometime since I’ve been active. I’ve been generally good and sober. I had a glass of wine on my birthday (May 5th) and didn’t drink again until last night. My mom’s cancer came back and I used it as an excuse to drink again. I’m also plant based, I even ate chicken (which may not be a big deal to others but it is to me). I know my self well enough to know I’m crossing the line. Today is my new day 1 after 5 years years of sobriety. I will need to be strong for this time of my life and this ain’t it. I got drunk, I’m hungover, and disgusted in myself.


Yeah books or stories about folklore are so fun and interesting. I wanted to write about it to investigate how folklore impacts culture and cultural thinking. Well I’m very interested to hear how your future writing goes! I hope you feel successful in it no matter what others reaponse to it is.
I’m glad I remembered your nationally correctly😅 very interesting about your languages do you come from a Romani family? I find the culture fascinating.
Oh I totally get the language mix up being multilingual. I’m fluent in 8 languages (technically 9 but it is so similar to another I think it doesn’t count) and sometimes I’ll write in a mixture of languages or mix several together when I’m tired and talking. Sometimes the language mixups can be quite funny :smile: