Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

217 days AF checking in sober :metal:t2:


Checking in for day 18. Keeping busy with life. 2nd counseling session today at 4 pm. Made it through Labor Day weekend and Labor Day. Getting through a holiday weekend without alcohol was amazing. First one in a very long time. Have a good day everyone!


On Day 4. Im a little nervous about the weekend coming up. I starting to notice my character defects again. I was a little snippy last night with my partner. The situation annoyed me a little but i didnt have to be snippy about it. Maybe im just irritable. Im thankful for patience and people showing patience. I keep trying to hold myself up to perfection and really beat myself down if I fail. But I also know I am simply human and not perfect. Oh well ā€¦ live and let live šŸ©·šŸ©·šŸ©·


Checking in day 246 AF :blush:


That is a really sad situation to have to go through. Does your work offer any sort of counselling? I think they really should because that is very traumatic. Sorry you had to go through that buddy.


@Mindofsobermike this sounds like an awful experience. Take care of yourself.
@Courtni - I bet you feel so proud of yourself! We had August bank holiday here in UK and I was so pleased to see if through sober.

Day 15. Exercised, worked for 8.5 hours, went out for dinner with the family - ordered Diet Coke and laughed so much!! Feeling proud and happy. First time Iā€™ve been in a pub and didnā€™t even consider drinking.
Hope everyone has an amazing September- it feels unbelievable itā€™s Autumn already.


Beautiful photo :heart:


day 10. the Storm of my feelings seems to calm down a little bit


@Button83 congratulations in day 4. I understand hw hard is the battle against the character defects. I am working on my bad mood and quick temper


Tomorrow marks day 253 AF, but even more importantly my 25th wedding anniversary with the most amazing person Iā€™ve ever had the fortune to meet and moreso marry!

While I have struggled many years with addiction to alcohol and been a sometimes major arsehole, she had never wavered. She has been steadfast in her loyalty and love.

I never believed I deserved such a person. Lord knows I tried to sabotage it many a time, but she always saw the good in me. The love in me. The potential in me. For that I will adore her till the end of my days.

Sobriety has finally taught me that the people in my life deserve the best version of me I can give them, and I will not let them down again.

Happy anniversary hun, I love you now and for always :heart:


Such a beautiful tribute, @Chevy55!


Happy Anniversary!!! Wishing you many more happy years together.

Thank you for this joyful post :blush:


Checking in Day98. This morning made 5 days without MAT (Subs) and I was experiencing withdrawals symptoms. Didnā€™t get to the pharmacy in time Saturday, Sunday they were closed, Monday (Labor Day) also closed. :man_facepalming:t4:

I was the first person at the pharmacy this morning. Starting feeling better about in about 20-30 mins, maybe less. After that the rest of my day was a breeze. Hope all is well with everyone.

ODAAT :heart:


Hey all just checking in. After my burnt crispiness of a week last week we did a home exchange with a family for the long weekend and just had the best experience. We actually felt so relaxed and had lots of fun with the kids (relaxed and vacatiob and kids does not always go togerher LOL).

My braib is still feeling a bit fried but jist trying to take thibgs one day at a time. Applied for my first job that is somewhat relative to mt field and goinf to just keep putting myself out there. Tired and really enjoying my nightly docs becayse during the day i just do not stop movingā€¦something ro look forward to in the evening. I feel I find myself thinking about writing
ā€¦I would love tp write a book but goodness me where is the time lol.

Anywho i am off to bed soon just wanted tp check in to say I am no longer burnt to a crisp :slight_smile:


I know what you mean when everyday becomes a holiday or excuse to drink or use. It might have started out as weekends or holidays but at some point we crossed the line into everyday. Itā€™s a lonely and depressing way to live and itā€™s awesome we donā€™t have to live like that anymore. We donā€™t have to escape reality. Iā€™ve heard you say something before like sobriety is connection and basically being a part of and I agree. We canā€™t do this alone. Always happy to share my journey with this community because I feel l can be honest and I feel safe. I thank you for reaching out and your positive contributions to this community. I hope you have a good visit with your friend and have a good time. Thanks againā€¦ :sunglasses:


Checking in on day 100! Feeling good. Never made it this far in my adult life. So happy I finally woke up. Thanks for all of the support :slightly_smiling_face:


I really donā€™t lean on outside support. I guess you can say this site is my support now. Reading others stories and advice gets me through the day, My main motivation is my family and my health. Iā€™ve stopped and started several times but this one feels different. When I decided to stop 30 days ago I hated how I felt and how I looked and how I have been hurting my family. Woke up August 3rd and said eff this and why do I need this? If ever get an urge I think about how I felt when I woke on August 2nd. I donā€™t want to go back to that.


Another day
Checking in


Congrats on your wedding anniversary! I hope yā€™all had a great day.


Day 933
Today was a really good day! I accomplished all that i wanted to do. I got the grocery shopping done, a killer workout done, cleaning done, and i ate well. Also started another dreamcatcher that im giving away as an auction item for a fundraiser thats being done back home in Wpg, Manitoba. Im sending it off to my mom who will take care of the rest :slight_smile:

All in all today was decent. Just looking forward to a good rest now. Going to do get caught up on some reading here and then relax for the rest of the evening.

Have a great night everyone! :butterfly: