Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Those are great numbers you’ve achieved. You’re an inspiration. Happy the card issue is sorted :v:t2::ireland:


Day 16
Long day at work. Day started badly when I smashed a bowl in the kitchen and then I left late and only just made it to work on time, but the day did get better from there and kept getting better. Now I’m tired and ready for bed. I would’ve loved to get some exercise in today as that was a goal of mine BUT spent time with my kids and did housework instead… it’s difficult to fit everything in.


Checking in at the end of the workday before I head to pick up my daughter at daycare. Day 55 sober on this current streak.
Last day of a week of overnight shifts for my wife. It will be nice for the 3 of us to be together after my work tomorrow, and have us working together for parenting and housework.

Take care of yourself, and thank you all for keeping these update threads full of life and inspiration!


Checking in day 247 AF :blush:


@CATMANCAM thank you. one question. why you consider eating fruit food binging? I understand crisps or sweets or junk food… but fruit is healthy stuff. I ask this question since I have problems with food binging too.
day 11 of PMO but 0 of food binging because I ate potato chips like a madman


@zzz It’s great to have creative hobbies!

@RosaCanDo Normies, eh? So weird :exploding_head: (jk). But I’m glad you are feeling grounded and well.

@teefgub Keep going! It is tough in those earlier days, but gets easier and easier.

@Jesile Aww, how cute!

@Shel75 Sounds like a full sober life! :purple_heart:

@Bluekoolaid That’s great! So happy for you. :partying_face:

@Button83 Nerves are understandable, but everyone there is there for the same reasons as you.

@Thirdmonkey Sounds like life is lifing for you, but you handling it with wisdom and grace.

@FullaFarts Welcome back. :purple_heart:

Wise words. :joy:


Day 187

Feeling content and hopeful. Making a lot of progress. Started my outdoor workouts again, hooray! It’s finally cool enough in the mornings. Walked out to a white rooster crowing at me…huh? :laughing: Checked with social media and he’s a feral rooster named Pierre that runs with the turkeys. Too funny! Sometimes even escaped peacocks will run with the turkeys. It’s insane. Soon, everyone will run with the turkeys when they take over the world…hehe. I sure am enjoying the wildlife. :heart:

Lots of love


:joy::rofl: Take a picture of the turkey and the peacocks next time you’re out. Congratulations on your 187 days :tada:


Day 19. Hardest day yet. Maybe? It was just a long work day and I am mentally drained trying to focus on so much at once. Not just staying sober but every other facet of my insane life. :pensive:
Seriously one day at a time!


That’s the only way I’m managing my sobriety. One day at a time. I’ve had a challenging day today. Congratulations on your 19 days :tada:


Day 1356,

Everything is in this book. All the dynamics, situations, exact sentences my parents (especially my mother my father says nothing) say to me in the past and in the present now I’m setting my boundaries. A must read for and psychologist. Tomorrow I have a new appointment for further treatment, I’ll bring the book. A psychologist who didn’t read the book is not gonna be very helpful. I procrastinated a long time to start reading it…….:pray:


Which book are you referring to Rob. The Big Book?


Thanks @SassyRocks and @Misokatsu I am pleased to report that I’ve gotten through the worst of the awful doldrums. A nice word for depression. I had an awful period and hormone situation last week, worse than I can ever remember (perimenopause perhaps? I don’t even want to think about it). As soon as it passed I felt a weight lift and I’m so perky I’m annoying even myself :rofl: Doing well right now. Sending you both some hugs and gratitude. Thanks for being friends.



Got to see my apartment today! It’s not ready for move in but it’s sooo close!


Very nice. Hope you’ll be very happy there


@just_laura OMG WTF! All that is so insane. I am sorry Laura. That is a super frustrating day. Glad you were able to get what you needed and that today was a better day :hugs:
@soberwalker oh my – of course you are grumpy! Dealing with pain is no fun and can make it frustrating to deal with mental focus or pleasantries. Glad you got in a appointment – hope you feel better soon
@tragicfarinelli OMG that delivery guy is an ASS. I’m grateful no one got hurt from the broken glass. I’m sorry that it did spurt a heated argument. I totally get that way still at times – most days I am in control but I fear that moment when I am not. Its good that you two worked it out – talked it out and you know that you are working on this :hugs:
@thirdmonkey Ah man that does suck and I’m sorry Scott. I do think the universe works in mysterious ways and this may be a good thing – I am hoping it is :crossed_fingers:
@bomdhil Way to go friend – 11 days and determined :muscle: Sorry about the dream but grateful for the positive attitude.
@danam56 I am glad you are doing better today. Sometimes we just need to have fun even when we know it may be a painful aftermath. BTW – congrats on your triple 4’s yesterday!
@laner WOW 5 months is awesome! :tada: I’m sorry for the mess of a day – grateful you were able to stay positive and keep your mood up :hugs:
@ncgolfer YIPPEE double 4’s is great work. I am sorry today is a tough mental day. How are you doing now? Were you able to do something for yourself or talk with someone irl? Hoping you are doing better now :pray:
@tailee17 LOL I love the unsupervised image! I have a similar message on a tee :laughing: You got some great time in – glad your efforts were recognized :hugs:
@teefgub Not silly at all. I too work on my connection with my HP – rely on this relationship to help me stay connected to myself and my surroundings. To not feel alone. Our relationships with friends and family can take time to mend. Our addiction is nasty and can leave much damage in its wake. Continue to do the work and your actions will shine through. Our actions more than our words and promises are what our close ones need to see


@fullafarts Welcome back to the community Akirra! Great worn on day 1. Sending you strength and love ad you navigate again through this journey. The drinking only shortens our nerves and makes it more apt for us to be quick to anger. Glad you are here with us – this is a super supportive community. Do you also have some sort of in real life support like therapy or meetings or a counselor? No matter what attempt my friend – be proud that you are making an attempt – this is what counts. :muscle:
@catmancam I am sorry friend – the therapist doesn’t seem to be a good fit. I know you have waited so long for this but is it possible to request someone else? You only get 2 years – that time should be spent with someone who can actually help you now waste your time. Oh man – wishing you luck with the bank. That is awful that they are not willing to help. :crossed_fingers: YIKES – grateful for some honest souls and that your card was found. The 2 weeks for a new card is a hassle and so annoying – hopefully they will be able to get it to you sooner.
@tomek Great to see you checking in and with such a wonderful post. Happy for you friend. :smile:
@noshame Way to go friend – 4 months is amazing work. Look at how far you’ve come! Super proud! :tada: :clap:
@positivethoughts Yeah to double 5’s – that is a great streak. :muscle: Hope you three enjoy your family time soon
@coutni and @borderline_blly Sorry for the rough days – keep at it – it does get easier and sometimes all we really can focus on is not drinking and that is enough for the day. Be gentle with yourselves. Sending love and strength :muscle: :heart:
@jules000 Oh so excited for you friend. Nice place!

Checking in on Wednesday evening
623 days free of alcohol and weed
1038 days free of cigarettes
So happy to have started my way back to being active today - got in my morning brisk walk and a swim. Completed some chores but not a whole lot more accomplished for today. I’m ok with that. Feeling exhausted so going to call it an early night hopefully.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day /evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:




Hey all,

Just checking in :slight_smile: Cannot wait to get a job…I am dealing with the internal/existential issue of feeling like what I am doinf as a sahm/homemaker is not work or enough. I never sit durinf the day, and am trying to remind myself to breath. I may not be making mobey outside the home, but what I do in the home is still work. But oooo I am ready to be out, at the same time trying to breath in the days.

Today I set to rewirinf my sons tractor to a different battery for some extra power and took apart our front entrance area to reseal and plane the door. A very solid breeze comes through there in the cold months and we lose a lot of heat there…also in the process of replacinf our very pld baseboard heaters (they must be from the 70s or 80s) with new ones that have programable thermostats. All this on top of the daily stuff but you know, not work :laughing:

Tomorrow I am goinf to get to work on my letter to the ombudsman about the custody issue for my nephew and I need to go over the paperwork for his core service funding, as his need level will mean he gets a substanial ampunt of funding that can be specidically used for his therapy.

I am just feeling an intense amount of pressure lately, and while I know i cannot wait to return to work I also will be patient to find something that fits. Maybe I am a bit restless though and perhaps its being on my own so often now that hubby has started work. The work of the home is also never ending, so its easy to get lost in it without the enforced break of orher work.

I would love to write a book and still start my little natural product business. Just little dreams I have, but theu just need to be started with little steps. Have your dreams and take little steps; and be proud of all you do in a day. Xo.