Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

I am so happy for you. Enjoy the excitement!


Thanks Jasmine. I ran out of likes so personally want to say I appreciate you staying on top of my life/journey when sometimes I canā€™t!


Oh I do love that gif. Loads of love friendā€¦ feeling of appreciation is mutual :people_hugging::pray:t4::heart:


pokes head in and looks around

Thought Iā€™d pop on and say hi. So many, many things going on. Brand new great grandson born one week ago. In process of fixing up the house in prep of selling it. Moving out of Florida and heading north to Michigan. Have missed having seasons for too long. Been feeling a bit depressed and lonely but such is life. My recovery allows me to feel my feelings without letting them rule my life so I know better days are ahead. Health isnā€™t the best but Iā€™m 71 years old now. Iā€™m frankly surprised I made it this far. Grateful for each day. Hope you all have been feeling blessed. :heart:


Wow youā€™re super busy. And youā€™re right, being a homemaker is a tough job and hard work. Your dream of a natural product business will come to fruition, and not a little one at that. Think big. You just need to believe. Hope you get that job in the meantime. Take care :v:t2::ireland:


Hey!! Good to see you. I think I remember you from the quit smoking threads. Glad to hear you are still rocking that sobriety. :wave:t3:


Glad to hear the positive update. Take care of you!

1 Like

Oh I love that show so much!
Him mostly :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks Jazzyā€¦I feel a little better. Not 100%. It definitely better. Took my dogs on a long walk and had a nice dinner with my wife. Tomorrowā€™s a new day!



Woke up at 2:30am with the sweats and stomach issues(rare for me), so I got maybe 2-3 hours of sleep before 7am. Layed on the couch all day, until 5pm bc I promised my girl weā€™d get her new sneakers today. Went to the mall. Itā€™d been over a year so it was a nice way to spend my day off with my daughter. Got her a few other things. I feel like Iā€™ve been up for ages so itā€™s almost time for bed. Have a good one everyone :blush:


thank you my friend :] ! iā€™ve been finding my time with my HP to be very healing and refreshing so far, and i think my addict mind wants to jump the gun and ā€œfixā€ every relationship and problem i have now now now! but you bring up a valid and key point, it will take time and iā€™ll have to show them how my HP works through me, not just say it!

thank you again, friend, i appreciate you sharing your wisdom with me :] best wishes and i hope youā€™re well <3 !


Yeah, itā€™s a good hobby when you get all days paycheck in 25 minutes :sweat_smile:


Hi sweet friend,
itā€™s a lot and very exhausting as I am working in an area on site where I am walking all day long in the beginning. Lol. But itā€™s so different not feeling guilty and hangoverish every day. Colleagues are great.

Day 219 checking in sober
Not much too say6, happy to c the pool at weekend. Heatwave sucks.

Much love guys :heart:


278 days
Another busy day at work. Almost finished, just got a little work out in. Thats me done for the week for work, taking leave on my nightshifts to head out of town for my brothers bday party. Will be a boozy one with many old friends there.
Making the trip away to see family the focus rather than the Saturday night party. Iā€™m committed to not drinking, not worried about that.


705 days of sobriety and a better mindset PLUS this girl is turning 44 today :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Cake (and pie) for everyone wheee :birthday:
Have a lovely day everyone :kissing_closed_eyes:


Downward slope towards the weekend and Iā€™m fully confident that there will be no drink when I get there. Thatā€™s a great feeling. I have some heavy calls in work today that will challenge my anxiety but I have a plan and a system. Once I get those over with Iā€™m going to plan some runs and activities for the weekend.
Have a great day :pray:


Day 1054 AF

Wud up, gang.

Went for a walk this morning with the wifey. Chilled at the apartment, watched a baseball game, read another chapter of This Naked Mind, and went for another walk at the park this evening.

Canā€™t believe Iā€™ll be 3 years sober next month. Iā€™m pretty stoked for that. The days are flying. Feeling confident about sobriety. I never want to go back to the old drunken me.

Gonna stretch and then pass out. Itā€™s back to the grind tomorrow.

Hope everyoneā€™s doing well. ODAAT

@Jules000 Congrats on the apartment!

@SassyBoomer Congrats on your grandson! Itā€™s good seeing you post.

@Just_Laura sorry about the stomach issues. I try to stay away from the mall. Youā€™ll catch me at the Swap Meet. Hope you get some rest tonight.


Iā€™m here, Iā€™m alive, Iā€™m sober and Iā€™m happy.
Day 190.

We watched Halloween town last night.
Itā€™s one of our favorites and weā€™ve watched it every fall and Halloween for as long as itā€™s been available in Sweden.

And while Iā€™ve always thought that ā€œBeing normal is vastly overratedā€ there was another movie line that did struck harder this time.
ā€œMagic is really very simple, all youā€™ve got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.ā€

I do know a few family (gypsy)spells, jinx,curses and hexes and other ā€œmagicā€ and always wished I could snap with my fingers and make things appear or disappear, or turn into creatures. I realized that itā€™s not actually what theyā€™re pointing at in the movie.

Affirmations which is gained popularity especially on Instagram works pretty much the same way. You tell Universe what you want and starts to work for it. All of us here do that everyday. We wanted a better life, and started to work towards that goal. Not everyday is easy like movie magic of course, but itā€™s easier than it was before,most days.

ā€œMagic is really very simple, all youā€™ve got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.ā€

Simple as that.

Also, weā€™ve got one sponsor for our Trunk or Treat event. My mother and sister is going to come and back us up if we wonā€™t get anyone else to attend, weā€™ll be at least 3 cars. And we havenā€™t even got the posters up yet.

Thatā€™s all Folks :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Wishing yā€™all a wonderful day.


Happy birthday :birthday: