Checking in daily to maintain focus #69


My friend arrived, we had a busy first day doing a little walk through the neighbourhood, having a local speciality for lunch (Turkish pizza with all toppings :sunglasses:), trying to find some nice places to stay next week when weā€™ll travel, talking, making salad, enjoying each otherā€™s and Lunaā€™s company. Slept OK so hereā€™s to day 2! Have as good a day as you can all. Make it sober and clean or nothing will come from it. Love from us both.

@Thirdmonkey Sorry for that Scott. Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find a way forward tough. :people_hugging:
@FullaFarts Hi there and welcome lady! My main counters are 3266 days free from smoking tobacco and weed, and 1916 days free from all other substances. Happy to have you aboard!
@Noshame At least somebody is talking sense here!
@Tomek Glad to see you friend, and it makes me happy to read good things happening in your life.
@SassyBoomer Good to see you friend! Hoping for a smooth move north for you!
@Sabrina80 Happy birthday my friend! :partying_face: :tada: :piƱata: :dancing_women: :birthday:


Checking in. Storm rolling in, we are meant to get a monthā€™s worth of rain in two days. :umbrella: Wild.




Have a great vacation with your friend Menno! :heavy_heart_exclamation:
Sounds like a lot of fun!! And you have great weather too!


Yes. I thought despicable me four was really good fun.


Day 244 AF

Another notch:


Happy birthday :birthday:


Congratulations :tada:


@Chevy55 Congrats on 8 months. It is so good to see you thriving in life :grin:
@Tragicfarinelli Youā€™ve got your rubber boat ready to go :wink:
@MrsOdh Yeah, a lot of times we want something or wish for it, but forget to actually DO something for it :smile: And quite often we wish for something and when we start putting work into it, we find out we donā€™t really want it that much :grin:
@Dustysprungfield What are your tools for dealing with anxiety if you donā€™t mind sharing?
@Sabrina80 Congrats! Happy Birthday! Herzlichen GlĆ¼ckwunsch zum Geburtstag! Sto lat! :birthday: :balloon: :gift: Enjoy your special day!!!

288 sugar
152 UPF
26 gluten
26 dairy

What a day. My daughter is still not over her migraine, so I took her to get another IV in the hopes to get this under control. She is with her dad now, doing school stuff and cooking. Itā€™s not too bad, she is not suffering, but she has not attended school in two weeks now, and like everyone else, she needs her social contacts and peer groups. Parents are not enough for a child to thrive.
The weather is not very conductive for sensitive people. Iā€™ve been having headaches on and off for two weeks now too, they are just not so bad as hers, and I can cope with coffee or lighter meds.
Anyways, Iā€™m going to use the time I have left to do some work, an appointment to get my hair cut later. My ex is suffering from severe vertigo today, so Iā€™m going to do some groceries for him. Maybe an arts outing depending on my energy levels. Maybe yoga in the afternoon. Recovery Dharma in the evening. These meetings have become a great pillar in my recovery and in my daily life. I love these communitites, the meditations, calming down like that in the evening. The one Iā€™m co-hosting wednesdayā€™s went well yesterday and I am very happy I can give back and hold the space for this community.

Recently I read in a Tara Brach book:

ā€œPlease, please, may I find a way to peace, may I love life no matter what.ā€

Tara Brach: True Refuge

I like that as an aspiration for every day. May we find a way to peace, may we love life no matter what :peace_symbol: :people_hugging: :lotus:


Day 2358. Hard start to the morning. Got home super late from a concert. Greenday, The Smashing Pumpkins, and Rancid. Absolutely best concert I have been too. Greenday has always been my favorite group. So cool to seee them live.

Today is apple picking day! Goal is to pick, make apple juice and then can apple juice.


Thanks Sophie


Thanks so much. It really has been an incredible journey so far. Embracing sobriety has been the single best life decision Iā€™ve ever made. I cannot fathom ever slipping back.


Morning check in today. I donā€™t have to be at work til later today and thought Iā€™d sleep in. I should have known that doesnā€™t happen when you have cats. I think i finally got my medication issue figured out. The pharmacy promised they would be delivered tomorrow, so that means Iā€™ll have them before i leave for vacation Saturday morning. I just hope this one works. Ive been on so many. Im running out of options. Im having a flare up now since i havenā€™t been on anything for awhile. Getting out in the sun while im on vacation should help my skin at least. I have two more days of work to get through before vacation. Im really looking forward to a whole week of beach time. The new cat sitter came over yesterday to meet the kids. They made right up to her, which they usually donā€™t with strangers, so that was encouraging. She comes highly recommended from a friend. Itā€™s always hard leaving and trusting someone else to care for them.
I hope everyone has a beautiful sober day!


Hey all, checking in on day 1544. I hope everybody has a good one!


Checking in day 732, and officially :two: years sober :tada:

Today I feel beyond grateful, and today is always very bittersweet. These past two years have been filled with growth, peace, and happiness, but also pain, heartbreak, and grief. In these two years Iā€™ve experienced so much of life sober- concerts, vacations (one attached photo from one), dating, new hobbies, and on and on. But I also had to break up with my ex of 7 years very early into sobriety due to his continued drinking, and he passed from complications related to his drinking a few months ago. I had to sell the house we lived in- the one he passed in. That sale just finalized yesterday. I feel sad, and angry, and unsure why I get to be here while he doesnā€™t. But I also feel grateful and motivated to continue on by the living the life we all deserve. Tonight, I happen to be going to the concert he asked me to go to with him in his last text to me (coincidentally, I already had tickets). Iā€™ve framed the concert as a part of my celebration of sobriety and of his life. Apologies for the rambling.

Iā€™m hoping to continue to build the life I want over the next year. I want to add more joy, and continue to stay grounded.

Wishing everyone- whether in day 1 of 1000000- a terrific sober Thursday :sparkles:


@Sabrina80 Happy birthday! :cake: Big slice for me, please!

@Thirdmonkey Cool lineup!

Day 1486

My kids are back at school, but I have a couple more weeks of summer vacation. As well as tidying and doing online prep for work, I have been watching movies that I didnā€™t want to watch while the kids were about (and I can never watch a movie after they go to bed as it is too late). Yesterday was Saltburn, today was Poor Things. Yeah, real glad I watched those alone!


Day 188

Good morning. Itā€™s gloomy, just spooky dark this morning. :jack_o_lantern:

Inquired about the volunteer citizenā€™s patrol here. Iā€™ll go on a ride-along and see. Thinking of all the ways I can broaden my network and be useful.

Iā€™m still a bit cut off from life, but looking back it needed to be that way. I desperately needed to start over. And meet many new people sober. Iā€™ve nearly lost all fear of people. Theyā€™re ordinary, just like me. Some are pissy. :laughing: Some are friendly. But theyā€™re just people.

I am craving a bagel. See you later my friends :heart:


Hello my friend. Anxiety is a strange one but one thing I find with me is that when Iā€™m at home and thinking about a heavy call or meeting is that it can snowball. Now when itā€™s building up on me Iā€™ll recognize it, acknowledge it and remind myself that itā€™s not going to cause me any issues when the time comes for said call or meeting.
At home Iā€™m relaxed in my civilian clothes and my head is in a different place, of course Iā€™m not going to quickly be able to switch to professional mode and execute that call or meeting. But when Iā€™m in work I will be in professional mode have everything I need around me and I will be prepared.
Itā€™s hard for me to explain and Iā€™m sorry if it doesnā€™t make a lot of sense but it works for me.
Also grounding myself when Iā€™m in the spotlight weather that be a lean or sitting position, Iā€™m supported, I have the weight off and any little nervous shake in my knee or whatever is not a factor, that little wobble or shake can be distracting and can permeate through your whole body.
I acknowledge when Anxiety is starting, I know the reason or whatā€™s causing it. I try and reassure that I can handle it when Iā€™m in the position that I have to do the the challenge.

A little bit of waffle above but it works for me.


Oh man, that sounds awesome! I was a Rancid chick in my 20s and went to 10+ shows in Detroit region while in college. Love them. Hope they have held up, Iā€™d love to see them again sometime. I love Smashing Pumpkins too. What fun. Green Day is alright :joy: Sounds like my youth lol!


45 Days AF

Woke up slightly late but forced myself to get to the gym and I am glad I did. Feeling so much better than I was yesterday. Sometimes you just need to push yourself to get to where you want to be.

Hope everyone enjoys the Thursday!