Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

Moving a Tempur-Pedic mattress is one of the circles of hell. I guess it’s a couple hundred pounds? Was hoping I could get it outside but nope. So it’s off my bed leaning against the wall while I lay on my new one with a heating pad. :grinning: I’m too old for this shit. So I am paying someone to come get it tonight. If it wasn’t toxic I would just light it on fire. Hahaha

I like my new bed. You get all these cool things with alcohol money. And you look good. What’s not to love?:heart:


No, haven’t done that…yet! Sounds brutal! I guess you probably had the ‘just light it on fire’ urge too :grinning:

I pay from now on. The whole process. It’s worth it!


Sober, sober, sober… 219
And keep on going :heart:


Congratulations on 8 months


Thanks Jaz, always appreciate you and your replies my friend.
Anniversary was good, we have a couple friends in from out of town so there was much drinking last evening and looks like again tonight… I of course will not and like last night once it gets to a sloppier stage, will gracefully bow out.

I’m glad it doesn’t bother me or entice me at all, but watching people after a few too many cements one of the things I do dislike about drinking and reaffirms why I’ve chosen the path that I have.

Be best my friend and thanks :heart:


Checking in day 248 AF :blush:


Checking in 191 days. I’m sober today. At AA MEETING today someone shared what their current sober living involves. I cried. I hardly ever wear makeup but today I did and was a mess. Big realization !! My life is blessed even with demanding unrealistic requests husband. I know I have legitimate struggles but they are so very minuscule. I thank God or Higher Power or Mother Nature or Fate I do not have struggles like some other people. I prayed for that person and so in awe they are still sober through it all. I love being sober and see the wonderful life changes sobriety has given me. I will not take my life for granted.


Original bass player (cant remember her name) has been estranged for years.


Another sober day
Just checking in


Day 1356,

Brought the book with me :see_no_evil:. The director of treatment made a picture of it. My therapist looked at it and was like “ow it’s in English”. The director looked at me when he let me out, I saw the dispair in his eyes. He must have thought “what the f*ck is this. Sessions with therapist became reversed before. I explained the 12 steps to my schema therapist (easy earned money considering her hour rate :grimacing:), she is now a “fan” of it and read more about it herself and often refers to it when I see her. Also explained how I build up my social network to get out of depression, and provided her an app I used. It’s a clinical psychologist btw :see_no_evil:. Writing this down gives me the feeling how awkward this all is in some kind of way :man_shrugging:. Also still astonished about how less therapists know about addiction. And then in the broadest sense of the word. They did an interview, I referred often to in active addiction and later just as active. He asked “and with active you mean”. He didn’t seem to have any clue what a difference it makes when a person is in active addiction and closing up on 4 years sober. Yes I drove under influence more times then I can count, surely you can do it only in active addiction. Yes I had shame and guilt feelings about it, but the 12 steps helped to get rid of it. It happened and I don’t close my eyes for it, but I’m also not suffering from it anymore. Ow well it might be that some defects came up, but nobody is perfect and I’m back to live and let live…but if I don’t come up for myself the therapy will be fruitless :pray:


Checking in with 75 days! :smiley:


Great job 2 years!


Citizens Patrol? Just wondering if you would have to report unauthorized chickens ? Just teasing. I think that would be a great job for you!


Yes 6 days! You can do this!


Wednesday was a tough one for me. All I could think of was using but I didn’t. My recovery is still early days so Im proud of my 5 day sober streak. :v:t2:


Yay. That’s great. I’m 5 days today. Still early days but I’ll take the win :v:t2:


@CATMANCAM I understand now and I am agree with you. Any obsessive -compulsive behavior must be controlled.
day 12 here


@Cynthia1 great work!!! aplausos :clap:t6:


@JazzyS thank you. you always made my day when I see you around. you are a very positive person


Checking in on Day 2 again after 5 months of Sobriety from Meth… If i did it for 5 months i can do it again… Im just in a rough patch again. Need some conversation. Scared to do NA meetings because most here are court ordered and those people could be a bad influence. Have been using on and off for about 2 weeks now.