Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

I’m sorry to read you had such a shitty night! :pensive: I trust it’s only temporary and will improve soon! :muscle:t2:


King of the community​:smiley: :trident::green_heart:


Morning check in! :wave:t2:
I just had breakfast, yesterday after work I felt very tired, I finally went to bed at 11:00 pm, and slept until 9:00 am! :scream: I haven’t slept that many hours without interruption in a while! Seems like I needed a good rest! :raised_hands:t2: In fact the cats woke me up miau-ing like crazy, asking for foooood! :rofl: It’s been raining this morning! Yeah! Finally rain, holy water! :sweat_drops: Gonna start cleaning now while listening to an audio book! Have a good day everyone!


What a storm last night; blinding sheets of white flashing for hours right above us, no spaces between the rumbles and the jungle beat of light. It was exhilarating and cosy, to me, at least. My other half not so much!

Sunday comes around again. It’s that strange quiet day that used to always terrify me, it was literal abject terror:

The childhood home needed cleaning manically; girl you are in the way
There’s going to be drama, you know it
School tomorrow; lady, it’s gonna be bad
Passive aggressive coexistence
Aggressive existence!
Antiques roadshow on the box; fuck my life!

Anyway, the Sunday scaries are gone pretty much these days. We shall eat roast chicken with all the trimmings and I shall do whatever the hell I want.

Have a good one all :muscle:t2:


I’m 50 days sober today. Very grateful for that and the mindset that has came with that amount of days. I’m feeling so much happier. One day at a time


Awww, thank you :hugs:
I’m alright… after all, Netflix is the cure for all :rofl:


One week down.
Happy Sunday all.
Let’s go


Day 209
Sunday night, ready for bed. Great gym session today, bbq lunch and some cheeky online shopping.
I got asked if I’d like to have a beer yesterday by someone out at a sporting event but I felt super comfortable in saying no thanks.
Very empowering and self proud.


@Borderline_Billy congrats on your week :tada:
@Lighter :people_hugging::mending_heart: love the cat photo, so cute :heart_eyes:
@Laner sorry for the rough nights :people_hugging:
@ASP congrats on your week :tada:
@Seizetheday congrats on 250 days :tada:
@Vanessa8 congrats on 5 months :tada:
@Butterflymoonwoman love the dreamcatcher :star_struck:
@Juli1 congrats on all the 2s :tada: that is an epic swim! :swimming_woman:
@acromouse I hope the party goes well :ghost: :partying_face:
@Dan.h84 congrats on 50 days :tada:

1489 days no alcohol.
954 days no cocaine.
469 days no vape.
1 day no binge-eating.

Not much to report from yesterday. I felt sad and depressed for the most part. I walked to the healthy food shop around 4pm, came home, ate.

I spent the rest of the afternoon/evening meditating, and fell asleep at my usual time, so no meds induced insatiable appetite to deal with.

I hope you’re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Hey all, checking in on 1547. I hope everybody has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:



It is so lovely this morning. First nice morning since May. Fallish. Got out and walked for 30 minutes at a brisk pace. It was so easy in the cool air. Even cooler tomorrow morning before we go back to Summer for another couple weeks. Glad I did. If nothing else, I try to make my exercise goals. Sleep will return. Might be able to open the windows tonight :fallen_leaf:


Checking in day 174


My my, what brings you to my house today? :laughing:


157 days sober
Well I still didn’t sleep the best last night ended up sleeping through my alarm and missed Sunday morning group which was disappointing but I was needing the extra sleep. I had another quiet day just felt like I needed it to be more restful. Had a decent hike and then relaxed with a book. And drank a lot of tea.
Tomorrow the Dutch doctor and his wife arrive so it’ll be a busy day. On Tuesday they will do a clinic in town and then Wednesday meet with all the social workers to talk about the effects of alcohol addiction on the body. I’m looking forward to it all! Am really glad they are putting in the extra time to come here and do this. They will also have a free day before they go to another village so am thinking about where to take them on a hike or what we can do.


I have also been struggling with this the last few nights and thought of you, your coffee and similar problem while laying in bed not sleeping. It made me remember I’m not alone in this (wish you also didn’t have this) but found the thought of not being alone comforting. Hope your nights get better…my bad nights are becoming less frequent with lots of good nights inbetween. I try to focus on that and it helps give me hope.


@Laner thank you. I’m sorry you’ve suffered so much, but I’m very happy to hear things are improving for you. It comes and goes for me too, but overall it has gotten better with time. Wishing you a peaceful evening and night.


Chin chin checking in :wink: Chill day today though was a bit productive - vacuumed and thoroughly cleaned floors in my flat, baked a bread and put everything into right places in kitchen. Sobriety feels kind of different after last relapse - I’m much better connected with inner sober myself and God, higher power, calm, body is recovering very well and so many lessons learned from my past that it’s truly very hard to even think of taking one drink again. Love ya all


Day 21
No binge eating

Day 17
No shopping


188 dayzzzz :smiley:


Checking in with 154 days sober. I’ll stay sober today too. I hope you all have a great day.