Checking in daily to maintain focus #69

I think this will be great – something just for you! It is highly useful in finding your way back to you and hopefully shedding some of that guilt. We really can’t change the past. Foresight would be great but when you were in the midst of it all and dealing with so much I am impressed with all that you did accomplish. Sending you love and hugs :people_hugging: :heart: Sorry that you are still dealing with CPS stupid issues – hope all that gets resolved quickly :crossed_fingers:
@lighter Oh Marie – I’m so sorry for all the grief and sadness that is surfacing – how are you doing today? Sending you big comforting hugs my friend. Awe Thank you too friend :heart: Sorry that sleep has been so brutal and trauma is causing the night sweats. Sending you positive and healing vibes – hoping you are able to get some solid zzz’s soon :hugs: Oh I’m glad today is a lovely day for you – I too love those brisk walks in the cool morning air :heart:
@mrsodh Wishing you the best and know that we are only a click away if you ever do need support :hugs: Much love Sophia – you will be missed!
@asp Way to go with 1 week + of sobriety! Keep up the amazing work :tada: :muscle:
@fullafarts totally the right topic and no need to apologize for the text – this is a place for us to let it all out – check in and feel out our feels. I am glad to see you back with us on day 1. Don’t let that pesky voice tell you that you can moderate or just have 1. This is the slippery slope that would get me and I know it never ends at one. Stay sober and your mind, body and overall health will be grateful you did
@vanessa8 YEAH! 5 months and going strong Vanessa! That is an amazing number of days and so glad to see you enjoying your sober lifestyle :tada: :clap: :muscle:

WTF? That is a crazy ass symptom – grateful you did not have to experience that again.
@bomdhil WOW- that is awesome my friend – 2 weeks strong :muscle: You are awesome Thomas – appreciate you and thank you for the best wishes :hugs:

Love this for you! No monsters but you are beating down the scary walls as you step out of your comfort zone! Way to go friend – triple 2’s and going strong. Glad your new job is turning out to be a good experience
@acromouse Hope your daughter has a wonderful party celebration today – Ghost giving you trouble EH? Looking forward to reading the stories
@dan.h84 WOOT WOOT 50 days and loving that your mindset is improving too. Keep going friend – ODAAT :muscle:
@catmancam Sorry to hear about your sad depressive day my friend. Hoping today is better :heart: :hugs: Sending you loving hugs :people_hugging:

Checking in Sunday afternoon
Got up super early for my brisk walk - was so lovely in the chill air. Grateful that I did get my reflective bands so that cars can see me walking (unfortunately I forgot to put them back on when I realized I needed a jacket) – still in one piece so all worked out :laughing:
My sister is amazing and came to help out with the festival so that I would not have to do it. Don’t think my body would have been able to do it anyways. I did manage a good 1 hour swim which was very nice and helped reduce my back pain for a bit (wish I could just stay in the water lol).
Going to take a nice nap now and play the rest of the day by ear.
Wishing Everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I had super nice weekend! My sister with her man and daughter (she is 18 already, how?!) visiting us from London and my aunt from Poland. They are staying only for a weekend but we are spending it pretty active. Today we were in Brugge in Belgium, beautiful city.
Foto from yesterday, from Gorinchem in Netherlands (my favorite city in Nl).


13 days, two weeks tomorrow!


day 15
God grant me the serenity to accept my addiction gracefully and humbly. Grant me also the ability to absorb the teachings of the Program, which by its past experience is trying to help me. Teach me to be grateful for the help I receive…
@JazzyS I am glad that you have passed a wonderful Sunday


Thank you for the kind replies @Tragicfarinelli , @wahtisnormal , @JazzyS , @CATMANCAM and @acromouse :heavy_heart_exclamation:
My son is on his way home now. He’s been with his girlfriend and her parents all day. Hope to see him before bedtime. The funeral is next saturday.


@Mr_Sobriety that’s great :smiley:!! we are almost in the same page


@acromouse thank you!!! what a beautiful memories for your daughter!!! the Presence of a mother is so comforting when you are playing with your friends when you are a little one


Day 1359,

Just checking in, staying grounded. A relationship is challenging. Words are just words, it is all in the actions……time will tell :pray:


Congratulations on 50 days!


Its been brutally hot here also. I live in Calgary, Alberta. Today is +31 and im done with this :hot_face: lol


Day 938
I am soooo ready to go home. I have 15 min before i head out into +31°C heat. The heat just drains me tho. Im sooo ready for fall. Work was okay but just felt long. Im glad that tmrw is Monday and i can get back to routine. Back to the gym, to self care, to cleaning the apartment, all the usual stuff lol Hoping everyone enjoys their Sunday! :butterfly:


Hey all had bad night last night feel down numb not sure what to think of this ex tell me all the think why she not think we wont work and talks all about financial responsibilities that i said will could get though but she say it not about all that its stuff that that i dont have nothing to do with so im trying not to let it control how i feel but its how i am i care. What do you do ? Do your best and not go back to the way you once where right odaat thats all i got thanks everyone have a great day


Just to make you all super jealous, it’s 41 degrees Celsius here. That’s 106 degrees Fahrenheit. :flushed: :fire: :hot_face:
I feel your pain.


Love the prayer Thomas and so very proud to see you learning / accepting and growing… 15 days is amazing! Keep at it my friend :muscle:
It has been a very nice Sunday indeed - hope it was a great weekend for you also!


Sorry friend – relationships can be hard and moving on from someone when you are still in contact with them is very difficult and hurtful.
I have no advice but do know that time heals all (sometimes that takes longer than we would like but you do eventually heal). :hugs:


Left Boulder today. Now at Denver airport. I hope this goes smoother than my last flight trip.

Going to plant my flag in one of the Carolinas, ultimately. May well return to Greenville. But my days of being a leaf in the wind are over. If I want a chance at a life, I’m going to have to settle down somewhere and let my roots grow. Any town or region will have unique challenges, and there will be aspects of even my favorite place that I dislike. And there are assholes everywhere (though concentrated in certain areas over others).

I’ve shown that I am still employable, and that I can create connections with others. That’s good news.

And I am growing tired. I can feel my body and soul wearing down. But… that can be used to my advantage. It will teach me to use my energy more efficiently. To sit back and relax, stop overthinking.

Stay safe and sane and sober. If you fail, don’t beat yourself up too badly. That’s the world’s job.


Checking in for the day. Still going strong. 23 days!


You are doing amazing, @Courtni, congratulations! :tada:


Just checking in before bed.
Started a new show with hubby, Chernobyl, and it is very good. Good weekend with the family, even though its been wet and cold we still got out for a hike today. Lots of frogs hopping along the path. I love seeing my husband play with our kids, and a nice day today with the in-laws.
Hubby is settling in to his new job really well. It seems like a great place to work, and much less stress then his last job. A change of pace for him into the psychiatric forensic world, and i think its a great step for him.
Im searching for what I am to do next, nervous but also excited. I had a path for so long and worked so very hard, and now Im changinf gears. Im rwally working on developing my mind set around the fact that the labour i do at home is work, and worthy of respect - even from myself. Thinking of my sister and daughter a lot lately; spent time looking at our daughters album with my oldest, and she has now been able to look at photos of her sister in the hospital which we had bot allowed her to see for many years. Very emotional, to see our little girl and wonder what she would have been like, who she and we might have been in another life. She was so beautiful, and it is important to take to pause and think of her. Difficult; but important. I love my family and love being sober. I appreciate tou all everyday. Xo.


Day 449 AF
A bit emotional today, not sure why. Perhaps just over tired. Wishing for one more day off.