Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Très bien sis :cherry_blossom:


Thank you kindly


Checking in, busy day at work, still feeling the physical effects of my anxiety this week, but really grateful for all the support I have received from many TS members, as well as my family and friends


Day 513 AFAF.
Yesterday I had a meeting with my psychiatric nurse who offered me a role as a volunteer peer support worker at the mental health facility I’ve been attending this past year or so. The first meeting of the peer support group was this afternoon and it went well.


Checking in day 302 AF :blush:


Day 24 nothing much to report today, still chugging along.


Day 989
I had a decent sleep last night but woke up tired. Honestly, i think im using sleep as an escape from the emotions i feel regarding this financial situation thats been going on. I got my son on the bus and then immediately went back to bed. Slept until 12pm. Thankfully woke up in time for my work related team mtg. Did that and then started with some cleaning around the apartment. Ive tried n tried to get ahold of the lady who called me but shes not answering. Ive left 2 voice messages so far, one from yesterday and one from today. Maybe tmrw i will hear from her.

Anyway, im just going to finish tidying up before my son gets home. Hope everyine is enjoying their day!


Checking in at the end of my workday. Third day in a row of hustling from early morning to late at night, without a break.
No worries. The mood is good, and I am proud and satisfied with what’s what at the moment.
Next up is playing with my daughter, and putting some dinner together, then more play time, the daughter bedtime routine, kitchen tidying, and hopefully a bit of gas left in the tank for a workout and shower. :muscle:t2:
I’ve cut down to no caffeine, or one coffee before 7 AM at most for this week starting yesterday. My sleep quality has improved a lot in the last few days.
Looking forward to reading and participating more on here when I get a chance sometime.

Take care of yourself.


Day 989
So grateful that i can start my day over at any point of the day :pray:



Thank you both for your kind words of support and encouragement. It means a lot.

Day 5 check in. Am in that Goldilocks period of feeling clean and strong and new again. Started a long planned course at business school today and went to my cohort dinner and had to introduce myself to 35 people I don’t know. I don’t love that sort of thing but the available alcohol was not even a temptation because today I feel great about my decision. On the way home to my hotel I swung by the shop and picked up sparkling water and some chocolate for a treat whilst studying tonight. I had asked the hotel in advance not to stock a mini bar (damn things) but even if it was here I wouldn’t be tempted. I wish I could bottle the strength of conviction I have right now and have it available when I feel weak in the future.

There is definitely some link between me working on some aspect of self improvement and my lack of desire to drink because I know it destroys the improvement. Food for thought


@acromouse I acted in. I started to be selfish and isolate from others. today day 1 I hope to do better.


@JazzyS I was overcome by my obsession and I committed the error of not reaching out and be self-centered. Tomorrow I hope to attend to another meeting


I know our addiction works hard to keep us isolated as this is when it can take a stronger hold. Glad you are back working on day 1. Happy to hear you will stay connected and go to the meeting :blush::hugs: ODAAT :pray:t4::muscle:t4:


Checking in. Pretty ordinary day. Im enjoying the unseasonably warm weather we’re having. It’s supposed to be 80 degrees on Halloween! I can remember being mad because i was forced to wear a winter coat over my costume as a kid. And trick or treating in the snow occasionally.
Spent some time in the kitchen trying out a couple new recipes after work. Nothing exciting, but they both turned out to be pretty good. I love cooking and baking and trying new recipes, but it can be triggering for me. I used to do a lot of drinking while in the kitchen. I usually had a couple hours by myself after work and would get started cooking and drinking before my husband got home. Same on the weekends when he was golfing. I always had music playing really loud and it was my time.
I now keep my coffee syrups in what used to be my alcohol cabinet. Sometimes i feel like im doing something wrong when im adding the syrups. Yeah, my brain is still messed up.
I was afraid i wouldn’t be able to cook or bake sober. Turns out that i can. I just make way less of a mess now. There are also no surprises in the morning. “Did i bake a cake last night?” Im lucky i never caused a fire.
Headed to bed in a few minutes. Got to get up early to see a client before my doctor’s appointment. Hoping my inflammation levels are low and new meds are working :crossed_fingers::purple_heart:


1500 gotta nice sound to it, that’s the bare minimum of £15,000.I say minimum bc it’s the least I would drink in one day so doesn’t include the re run to the shop when it runs out or the days and nights in the pub or the tins I had to stick in all my pockets just to get through a few hours out at the beach etc.
They say money doesn’t buy happiness but it’s definitely helped towards some wonderful memories whilst making continuous amends to the people I care about who were brainwashed / manipulated into living the life I decided was best for my addiction.
So yeah I’m happy with 1500 days sober. If you had given me £15,000 whilst in active addiction I would be dead now.
Your sobriety has to come first so everything else doesn’t come last.


Me too. I so understand, I never ever cleaned as I created. Now usually mess is gone by the time completed. Nice feeling too.


Yesterday was my birthday. And the narcissist in my life (my own fault i know) started telling me how awful i am to him the day before my birthday, ignored me for most of my birthday, except to get what he wanted, then cut my very long (down to my butt) hair up to my shoulder blades. And he did it in such a way that i had to cut even more off to get it straightened out today. And i know its just hair from the outside…but really it felt like one more thing to prove to me that he doesnt care. I quit smoking. Even though i am depressed and disappointed in myself for letting him back in emotionally…and alone…
I am sober

…because its the main thread and i could probably go on for paragraphs… i simplified it as best i could. But safe to say it hasnt been an easy couple of days


I’m sorry. May tomorrow bring comfort and peace to you.


Happy belated birthday! :partying_face::birthday:

This could easily be a sign of abuse, are you OK and safe?


299 days sober.

No cravings and I drank A LOT before I quit.

I quit when I ended up in the hospital with severe internal bleeding. It was very touch and go. They contacted my next of kin and told them they should come to the hospital ASAP.