Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Good morning :sun_with_face: Iā€™m part way into day 7. I love having my time set for 7 p.m. everyday, it does something for me mentally to wake up and almost be half way through another 24. Iā€™m starting to feel better physically and Iā€™m feeling pretty good mentally also, but I know this is the tricky part for me. Something about one week, 30 days and apparently 90 days because that was one of my longer stints a little while back, and it was day 91 or 92 my addict brain popped up and was like oh hello :wave::woman_facepalming: itā€™s been downhill ever since. Then of course I wallowed in my self pity of how I threw away 90 days and that led to guilt and shame, which of course led to me using more and justifying it. Iā€™m starting to think so differently about addiction. This time is feeling like the time I got those 90 days but I feel even stronger and more prepared. Adding NA has been so helpful. Between this place and the zoom meetings, I literally have an entire network of people who truly understand me and my struggles right at my fingertips. I have a friendā€™s birthday party tonight that I am supposed to attend. I already have a plan though and my husband and best friend will be with me so Iā€™ll have a good support system. Have a superb Saturday sober warriors! :white_heart:


Happy Saturday! Today is the big open house. Spent a chunk of money and time getting ready. I could easily be stressing out but I am not. I turned everything over to God. I know I did the work and did everything I was supposed to do so I must trust that things will work out.

Thanks for all the support and kind words. I will let you know how it goes.

Have an awesome sober day my friends!!!


Day 260 AF

Good morning from eastern Canada! :canada:

Yesterday was my last day in Asphalt for the municipality. I have made some very good friends there and enjoyed my time with them immensely. They only know me as a sober and healthy eating person and based on texts, hugs and positive words I will be missed immensely as will they.

Monday I begin my new position as a Sportsfield Technician taking care of a few of the municipal sports fields. This is something right up my alley and what I originally applied for. Patience and things will come. Iā€™m excited to say the least, and hope I have the diversity of people and can make a positive impact on them all as well as that is my main focus. Spread positivity in this world is my new mantraā€¦ haha

Last weekend I got the shed moved the 70ā€™ across driveway and roof ripped off. This weekend (I took care of all mows during week, so empty weekend) I will begin the transformation of it into a greenhouse for my wifeā€™s planting pleasuresā€¦
I grabbed the greenhouse roof panels, a window and a screendoor for it all after work yesterday. Today a couple cement blocks locally, some wood and get at the transformation of leveling and rebuilding. I am thinking of also doing a time lapse of the work which I suspect will be over this and next weekend. Stay tunedā€¦ haha

Have a great day Sober famā€¦pic of shed as it sits in new resting spot before the transformation begins.


Checking in day
500!! No alcohol!!
431 no vapes or ciggs 130 no form of nicotine
8 no form of pot thank god

I did some reading online about step 1 of aa. I addmitted to myself snd others here im powerless over alcohol. That phrase takes off somd pressure. In powerless over alcohol and drugs and everything. So why even try to control it

Lastnight i had dreams about being atcwork yelling at customers for dmoking ciggs inside the building. It sucked because i put all that negative emotion energy and attention right be4 my alarm went off to wake up. I dream of work a lot but when i put negative energy in it i wake up in a bad mood. I almosrmt asked to take 30min off starting work today but why? To sleep? Im glad i didnt. I have a wife and baby i need to take care of and also now that im here, i had 2 5hour energys and cold water, im ok

Day 500 no alcohol
I cant start slacking
I got to open up my step book


@Chevy55 I so love your shares. So beautiful to see how your sober life is taking you wonderful places in life and in you heart. And yes I would love to see a time lapse of your work. So very different to mine :smiling_face:
@Frank68 Have a great open house day Frank :crossed_fingers: :+1:
@Sobermama40 Congrats on a full week of sobriety!!! :partying_face: That is some great work. And I really love how you have set up a supportive network for your recovery :heart_hands: Enjoy sober you at the party.
@MrFantastik How do you manage to stay awake for 24 hours? How do you deal with shifting your sleep schedule? Hope you are getting your quiet hours.

Wow! That really spoke to me. And not only in regards to using. Thank you :pray:
@1in8billion Happy travels!
@Mira_D Hope you are getting some needed letting go and peace of mind :lotus:
@HakeemOsman Sending you strength and endurance to push through your work. I hope you get to relax a bit soon and your foot heals ASAP!
@icebear Great work Drew. These kinds of occasions are very stressful. You absolutely deserve to be proud of yourself :partying_face: :muscle: :medal_sports:
@Butterflymoonwoman You rock girl! You and your son deserve safety and support and not careless people doing shoddy work. Great job on speaking up. As others already said: You did a great service for all the other people who have to deal with that kind of treatment but might not be in a position to speak up! :muscle: :muscle: :muscle:

304 sugar
168 UPF
42 gluten
42 dairy

Itā€™s already noon. After yesterdayā€™s late game night I got up late today and quickly got into busy mode. Met my daughter at a book store for Manga Day, accompanied her to ballet reherseals, got into a fight with my ex, did the groceries, forgot a few items, finally had breakfast, talked with my ex again, discussed logistics for today, and now taking the time to check in.

This is not the way my days usually go, but I have built some good ressilence in the past months and can deal with that kind of pace for a while.
Thankfully the rest of the day looks far quieter. I want to take care of my IT-tools, my plants and my flat. Need to do a quick trip to the store to buy the stuff I forgot. Want to do some Yoga in the afternoon. Maybe meet friends in the evening, or just chillax with some easy going TV and books. Maybe a meeting to wind down.

A late bumble bee this year for you guys. Whatever else may come up, I am going to try for peace and love for life in all its facets :peace_symbol: :love_letter: :lotus:

  1. Checking in. Didnā€™t get any further in my job application as I made an incorrect style / approach towards the applicationā€¦ Semanticsā€¦ so itā€™s back to the drawing board on that front. Left me feeling a bit stupid and worthless. Iā€™m also In the middle of a flare currently on my eye, itā€™s annoying and really tiring. But whatever. Sober.

Hey all, checking in on day 1560. I hope everyone has a good one :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 951
Morning everyone!!! Im feeling much more at peace today. I was stewing over this wheelchair situation for most of the evening yesterday until i saw a meme on fb about giving my problems to my HP. So thats what i did. I prayed over the situation and gave my frustration over to God. This situation isnt dealt with yet. The loaner chair doesnā€™t fit my son (the footrests dont fit his legsand cant be shortened any further) so i have to call them on Monday and im going to bring my son with me so that we can try some chairs there to ensure they fit. Thats my plan.

Anyway, i am off to work on this chilly morning. I hope everyone enjoys their Saturday. Much love to you all


Yay!!! Huge congratulations on 500 days sober!! Great work friend!




Congrats on 500 days AF! Thatā€™s awesome, man :clap:

I have work nightmares all the time. I literally just woke up from one 10 minutes before my alarm for work and saw your post! Theyā€™re just dreams. Donā€™t let it ruin your day :pray: Hope you have a good one :blush:


Omg friend!!! Congratulations on 4 whole years!!! What an achievment!
a fireworks display with the words congratulations on it13177480073589019539


Iā€™m sorry to hear that! Please please donā€™t feel like a loser if this isnā€™t the right job for you, right now. Thereā€™s another one youā€™ll find out about shortly. Proud of you my friend- keep your chin up and panther close :people_hugging: :peace_symbol:


Day 204

Happy Saturday morning as I have my first volunteer patrol ride this afternoon! Embracing the beginningness of it all. I havenā€™t been counted on in a while. Iā€™m ready. The service aspect is excellent. I had to help myself for a while and now itā€™s time.

And my new swimsuit, goggles, cap and aqua shoes are now here. I look like a serious, albeit chubby Olympian now! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Iā€™ll do my first swim tomorrow. I miss the water! Grew up in it or on it, constantly. It heals. Iā€™ll be fine. Soon. :heart:


Thank you so much! Also this is a very beautiful picture! Hope all is well with you!


Thanks friend

Its a houner to have you here and be acknowledge by this from you. You inspier me!!


Thats something very important to acknowledge and celebrate

Happy 4 years my friend


Thank you for the acknowledgement

I hate bad dreams right be4 i wake up but your right. They are just bad dreams and nothing to do with how i can react :slight_smile:


Congratulations on 4 years, Paul! :partying_face:
And Happy Birthday! :birthday:

Iā€™ll never forget how you set that goal to be completely abstinent of all substances on your birthday and you did it! Very impressive

Itā€™s always good to see those who supported me so much in my early days still checking in and sharing milestones. Happy to be still trudging this road with you. :heart:


Thank you :pray:t2: