Checking in daily to maintain focus #70

Huge congrats Paul! Awesome numbers. Excellent work.


170 days sober
Iā€™ve been in all day with a fever and just generally feeling like krap. My friend came by for a bit to keep me company in the afternoon. We had a good time talking and playing some games. It was a pleasant distraction. Despite not feeling well my spirits are high today and my mood good. Just taking it easy and going to bed soon.


Already posted today about attending a friendā€™s birthday party and I was ready. I had a plan and support system but something came over me on my walk this morning. I decided I can not for some reason, I just feel like Iā€™m not ready so I let her know I canā€™t make it. I feel really bad but at the same time I know I have to be a little selfish right now. Hope everyone is have a wonderful sober Saturday!


Morning im so ready to start over where is the reset button people? The more i go throw these days i have wanted to throw my hands up in the air, middle fingers to all. As soon as i finally seem to stop crying over the ex i get let go from my job. One thing after another. I hoping to find something better doing what i enjoy doing climbing trees and doing removals so im off to go fish.

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Checking in! :wave:t2:
Just starting my weekend now! Today at work I had a tournament, my colleagues from the restaurant set up the entire terrace for lunch for 120 pax, and once they were done it started to rain! :exploding_head: What a messā€¦
Iā€™ve been listening to ā€œAlcohol lied to meā€ this week (again), and alcohol has not been a trigger today, even though everybody had a drink in hand! The lady/member that loves to give me hugs during tournaments (:roll_eyes:) today clearly had been sniffing on white linesā€¦ besides her regular excessive wine consumption! No hugs for me today though! Yeah!
Iā€™ve just taken a bath, and now I chilling on the couch with the kitties! :blush:


Day 207

Looking at an orchard of walnuts on the ground. With rake in hand I am off to get them all together for sweeper to get them ready for pick up. I use to say I ME was never meant for physical labor unless it was done in the bed room. Clearly God and hubby wants me outside! Good thing I want to work on my arm muscles :muscle:. Stay sober my friends. There is a whole other way to live than being drunk all the time. So much more rewarding for me anyway.


@Laner feel better soon šŸ©µ
@JazzyS thank you :blush: I did a lot of meditations and it was much needed :raised_hands:t2: Iā€™m sorry for your pain and suffering, try to pace yourself šŸ©µ
@One4theroad I agree, it is never worth it :no_entry_sign: wishing you success with your group :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Juli1 love that number :star_struck:
@Butterflymoonwoman Iā€™d be pissed too! Iā€™m so glad your son hasnā€™t came to any harm due to someoneā€™s incompetence :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: grateful for that technician :raised_hands:t2: I hope you both feel better soon šŸ©µ
@icebear it is a big deal! Iā€™m proud of you too šŸ©µ
@HakeemOsman congrats on your studies :clap:t2: very adoreable photo :smiley:
@Mira_D I hope you are able to relax and enjoy your momā€™s company, sending calming vibes :sparkles:
@Mno that is a majestic building :star_struck: loving the clear bright blue sky too :blush:
@Noshame congrats on 500 days AF :tada:


@Tragicfarinelli sorry it didnā€™t work out :people_hugging:
@Dolse71 congrats on 4 years :tada::trophy::star2::star2::star2::star2:
@Lighter I hope your first patrol ride goes/went well :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:
@Tyland sorry about your job :people_hugging:

1502 days no alcohol.
967 days no cocaine.
482 days no vape.
7 days no binge-eating.

As soon as therapy ended yesterday, my addict was adamant that we were going to binge crisps, so I was in a battle with him for the rest of the day. I did a lot of meditations, including one called ā€˜inner child/processing emotionsā€™, and eventually I fell asleep early and didnā€™t wake up until 11pm when the shops were already closed.

So Iā€™ve made it to a week without bingeing again. :raised_hands:t2: I hope this time will be different. Itā€™s not easy when my addict gets in my head about wanting/ā€œneedingā€ crisps. At the moment, Iā€™ve still been eating strawberries and mango, often multiple times a day. As healthy as that sounds, itā€™s still an addictive behaviour thatā€™s making me pre-occupied and compelled, and Iā€™d prefer not to be doing it.

Today I visited my niece for her 6th birthday. I was anxious all morning because I knew certain family members were going to be there, it took me forever to make myself shower and get ready, but I did. I got there much later than I was planning to, but it was okay. The certain family members were only in the same room as me for about 10mins, then they left. So I got to spend an hour with my nieces, brother, and SIL, which was nice. Those 10mins with the other family members were not pleasant, but so far, I donā€™t feel triggered, so Iā€™m trying to put it out of my mind.

I hope youā€™re all having wonderful sober weekends. :blush:



Checking in day 264 AF :blush:


Ya but it life thanks have any trees in uk

Checking in with 167 days sober. Iā€™ll stay sober today too.


@hakeemosman Wishing you luck with it all ā€“ I do know how overwhelming it can be with the deadlines and always trying to stay on top of it. You are doing great my friend.
@sobermama40 Way to go with your 1 week !!! Love the mindset of starting the day with it Ā½ conquered :muscle: Keep up the amazing work! I am proud of you for being selfish and protecting your sobriety ā€“ I really donā€™t see it as selfish actually. It is taking care of you and that is impressive. I am sure your friend will understand (if they are a good friend). Congrats on working on your journey
@frank68 Hope the open house went great and you are able to relax and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
@nohsame Way to go Matt ā€“ 500 days AF and working that first step :muscle: It is one day at a time for us all ā€“ lets keep pushing forward!
@tragicfarinelli Sorry that the application process needs to be redone ā€“ the semantics do suck at times and do trip me up too. You are not stupid and you are not worthless. Donā€™t let that brain of you tell you otherwise! You my friend are a fierce woman and can do whatever you put your mind to. Wising you luck with the application process. I do hope your eye starts to feel better soon :pray:
@butterflymoonwoman So glad you are feeling better today ā€“ love your attitude. So grateful you did able to advocate for your son and not settle for less. Hope you are able to find a temp chair that fits and his chair is fixed and back to you soon.
@dolse71 WHOOHOO 4 years! :tada: :tada: Way to go Paul! That is some outstanding time :muscle: AND itā€™s your birthday! :birthday: WOWZERS ā€“ double celebration ā€“ happy birthday friend. :partying_face: Thanks for leading the way and all the amazing support.
@lighter OOH today is the day! So excited for you. Let us know how it went. WOW ā€“ love your swim gear ā€“ have fun in the water. You really are a serious swimmer! Let me know how the shoes handle ā€“ I am thinking about getting some for the spring.
@catmancam Thanks friend. I am trying :pray: Glad the meditations helped. Congrats on your 1 week no binge eating! Happy birthday to your niece. Sorry you had a not so pleasant encounter with some family members - grateful you were not triggered. :people_hugging:

Checking in on Saturday afternoon
So I heard that a nearby town was doing a Gilmore Girls theme event - they had turned the downtown into the fictional town from the show and changed up store fronts to be like the show. I love that show and did not want to miss it and even with me feeling like shit I did make myself go. It was hot and humid today and that was not fun but I am glad I did get to see it for myself. Was a interesting set up and Iā€™m sure I would have enjoyed more if I was up for it. It was a great way for me to celebrate my 21 months of sobriety. I by chance wore my sobriety necklace today.
Glad to be home and resting. Not much else planned today - trying to watch mindless tv to not focus on pain and itching.
ODAAT! we are warriors! :muscle: Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



Iā€™m beyond blessed this morning I got a blessing from God!!! I been cleaned 2 days the last day I got high I messed completely up , but something in me snapped I wanted and deserve better in my life it felt like God was talking to me I spent all my money on my DOC that night grocery money gone gas money gone ! I was looking online for a payday loan something i done so many times after I messed up never found one after praying to God for help I actually found one honestly didnā€™t think I would get approved I filled the application out went to sleep prayed all night I woke up and prayed for this loan to get approved I looked at my phone and soon as I did I got a notification of money got added to my card ā€¦I broke down in tears ā€¦ IT WAS GOD!! I believe God lead me to that website I feel beyond blessed I could not stop crying and thanking God for this blessing!!! Day 2 of being clean beyond blessed ā€¦if I missed spelled anything sorry I just couldnā€™t wait to share this blessing with yā€™all GOD IS GREAT ā€¦I even got on here last night looking for advice on where to find free food I was so desperate


33 days and at last cravings have settled.
To all you 1 to 3 weekers out there keep winning the fight. I have struggled with cravings hourly until today I just thought hang on I havenā€™t had a craving at all today or yesterday. Iā€™m not sure how long this will last but I didnā€™t even notice they had disappearedā€¦ now I need to stop eating junk food thatā€™s has gotten out of control. Once I reached 4 weeks sober I kind of got into the new way of life. Had to change my normal routine a bit. Making sure I never go shopping in the evening. I picked up a few supermarket bits on my lunch hour to avoid the old habits of 3 bottles of wine into the 6pm shopping trolly. Bed by 9pm every night. I think Iā€™m in with a chance of hitting them treble digits I havenā€™t seen since I was a child!!


If anyone happens to stumble upon my mojo, can they kindly return it to me? Itā€™s been missing for a few days now :-1:


Day 455. Did the ironing today and cleaned the floorsā€¦ Relaxed in the evening watching TV. Bit of an uneventful day. Bit dull. Hoping to get out did a walk tomorrow :+1:


iā€™m on the case!


donā€™t worry friend ā€“ iā€™m sure you will get it back :hugs:

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@Noshame Congratulations :clap::tada::clap: on 500 days no alcohol! Apply those tools you used to get here to pot also.

@Tragicfarinelli That sucks. But everyone makes mistakes / misjudgements. Just got to move on. But I also go down the stupid/worthless road everytime I make a mistake, so I understand you.

@Dolse71 Yippee indeed! Congratulations :clap::purple_heart::clap:

@Sobermama40 That sounds very wise. You can easily show your friend you care another way that doesnā€™t risk your sobriety.

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I loved my initial ride today, and am now their greenest recruit! Itā€™s super exciting when you start over, and it actually starts :grinning:. Finally after all the nightmare of this year, itā€™s all changing. Itā€™s paying off.

Maybe watching too many crime shows did this. Hahahaā€¦but i definitely wouldnā€™t do this drinking! What a beautiful day. Gives me so much hope :heart:

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Day 5 morning. I was too tired last night to post. We spent the day out with the family, but my head was very foggy and I had a tough time living in the moment. Brain was craving for some distraction constantly. Itā€™s been really hot recently, which makes it even more difficult being out. In the evening I was feeling better and I could wind down by playing and watching Go after dinner. Of course was very grateful I didnā€™t drink.

Last night I saw a dream where I had been without alcohol for a long time. In the dream I was feeling very happy and energetic. Usually the dreams I see are drinking dreams, so it was nice to wake up with something positive for an exchange :slight_smile: