Checking in daily to maintain focus #71

Day 1444,

She is ghosting me, what a joke again.

Have a good sober 24 hours.



Whoop, whoop, congrats :tada:


Thank you :blush:

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22 days alcohol free. Have a great day everyone.


Day 276

Going on a patrol at noon and then pack up for a few day’s trip west. Always does me good.

Have a great day.


@Butterflymoonwoman I’m sorry love. That would be frustrating and sad for me too. Your 40th is tomorrow and I do hope you have a wonderful day celebrating your special day! I personally would make my birthday all about me - was my day for myself - by myself. I took myself to museums, plays, a movie… whatever I could manage at the time. It’s harder with a family I’m sure. Sending loads of birthday hugs and love your way :people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:
@SadMemeQueen your best friend isn’t at the facility with you - right? How could they stop you even if they wanted to? Saying they won’t stop you isn’t saying they don’t care or don’t want you to go through with it. I know you are hurting but hurting yourself will not ease the pain. I am glad you threw out the stuff. Please talk to someone at the facility and please don’t buy anything else :pray:t4:

Seriously this killed me. What an amazing life skill to have and share at her age. 10 min for lunch for a kid is not enough time…half of that is yapping away about kid stuff.
@s_unrelax doing great with 17 days. Keep pushing forward…the last feeling will lift as you gain your sober strength. Keep planning and thinking of your goals…you will get back to working on them and excelling in your journey

This is awesome…I spent a good 2 months or so just staying super busy with tasks to keep my mind and body occupied. It takes time to detox and break free if old habits…also time to build on new habits and routines. You are doing great - be patient and keep walking you path :hugs:
@BrownGecko sorry sleep is off …it does get better but unfortunately the crappy nights do come and go for a while. Some great sleep advice on the threads if you want to search :mag: uptop. Maybe something may be helpful for you. Have you had a chance to check out the Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) (Part 2) thread? Some great tips for quitting smoking. :hugs:
@MrFantastik yippee :clap:t4: :clap:t4:. 1 full Year of sobriety :tada: :muscle:t4: :tada:…you did amazing work and it shows. Keep stacking up the days :muscle:t4: :muscle:t4:
@JonasE congratulations on your 8 months AF! Get healthy and keep working your recovery. The direction will work itself out… first we got to get solid footing in the present :pray:t4:
@acromouse sending healing vibes… hope your brother gets better soon and your daughter and the rest of the household is Covid free :pray:t4:
@Philipwithonel I’m sorry friend. That would hurt but at least you have official closure and can begin to heal and move on.:pray:t4:. Congratulations on your new gig :confetti_ball:

I’m sorry love. Glad to see you back in track. That addiction really can play tricks and we have to keep the message that we can’t have one sip ever in the forefront…this will forever be our downfall. Learning that multiple factors and possibly multiple addictions that feed off of one another is a growing step. Take time to work the recovery in parallel - it does get easier
@lighter way to go Marie :confetti_ball::tada::confetti_ball:… 9 months is absolutely amazing…so grateful to see you working your recovery journey and excelling in do many ways. Keep going strong my friend :people_hugging::muscle:t4:

Checking in on Monday morning :sun_with_face:
Not much to report. Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


day 13. visiting my elder parents. thankful


@CATMANCAM thank you.!!! this thread is better with you


Woot woot !!! congratulations Marie!! Nicely done :tada::partying_face::tada:


Thanks Jazzy. I will search the forums.


Day 30 :four_leaf_clover:

Have a great week everyone :heart:


Day 708

I now have the bug my partner had. Hard to avoid catching it in the same house. Haven’t been ill in ages. Most annoyed that it is interrupting my running because that is the main thing that keeps my mood and everything else in check.

Hopefully a few days rest is all that is required.

I am in awe at the replies on here. The effort that people put in to reply to so many individuals, you people are so kind.
I don’t have the space in my head to be able to engage as much as I’d like. I’m really glad that there are people in the world who care enough to share such kindness with others though.


Moving on and still working on me. Thats all I can do


Jazzy, you know I’ve had my ups and downs over the last six months, and your kind words inviting be back, checking in and accepting us all in our recovery is so impactful.

Thank you as always, wishing you another great sober day!


Day 2:

No shopping
No binge eating


Day 1023
Morning everyone! Just finished shopping for snow pants for my son. I think i may have found some that will fit. Its a mens small and it may be a bit too big but at least he can grow into them. Im going to do some cleaning once i get home and wait for some Minecraft books to be delivered off of fb marketplace. This incredibly kind lady is giving them away to me for free (she had them posted for $10). I didnt mind paying the $10 but she said to have them anyway. Then im going to the gym for a back/bicep workout. Feeling pretty good today! Hope everyone is enjoying their monday!


Get that back and bi’s :muscle:t5: lets get it on this Monday


What a lovely act of kindness. Amazing how a smaller thing like that can make you feel great isn’t it? I must remember to do the same.


Checking in on day 4. Garden work during my day off felt good. Strong and sober. Have a great day all


Checking in. Hoping to sleep well and long enough tonight.