Checking in daily to maintain focus #72


Working the weekend. Not feeling too great but will see how it works out. At the very least I’m sober and clean. Let’s have as good a day as we all can friends. Clean and sober or nothing wil come from it. Love.


Checking in :v:

I promise to give my best to remain sober, mindful, productive and positive today. Every day is an inner debate for me, reminding and motivating myself to fight. Fck addiction! Slow but steady wins the race… :seedling::sunflower:


Good day! I got lots of Landry done, folded and half it put away. Probably work on that a little more before go to bed.

Spent the evening with My Bonus Mom, she is the most precious wonderful person. I So love every minute with her.

Having a snack now and relaxing with the puppies and the going to bed! Sober!!



It’s way too early on a Saturday morning to be out of bed. I’ve been up for an hour, couldn’t sleep anymore. Headache, coughing, sore throat, runny nose, … and I thought yesterday that I was getting better?
Obviously not :-1:

Looking back, I must have caught whatever sniffle-cough bug this is when we went to the stadium to see the Steelers play on the 30th :orange_heart::ice_hockey:
At least it’s not covid for once. That test was negative. But 5 covid infections really is enough!

After the festive period and spending extended time with just the family at home, that was really the first time I got into contact with lots of people since the 23rd. And 48 hours later I was ill :face_with_thermometer:
I guess that says it all.

But the game was great! We won :trophy:
And Steeler Dan the mascot did some great entertaining.

So I just accept another lazy day with sofa and Netflix, hoping I will feel better tomorrow. And back to the gym next week? I cancelled spin class this morning… no one needs me coughing and wheezing in there.


Sorry you sic Squid. Hope you feel better soon.


I love almost all cake :grin: I always go for the chocolate sponge chocolate buttercream one :drooling_face: Jan 20th is the big day.


Congratulations on getting to day 50. That’s great work.


Wel done Sarath, I’m happy for you that you’ve reached the 50 days :confetti_ball::confetti_ball::confetti_ball:


☆ Day 2299 :walking_woman:
I cycled yesterday and did some working out at home. I did something good because I’ve muscle pain :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Said hi to my tree and went to work.
Today? Work.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Day 1462. It never gets old. A quote that I read in this very thread always keeps me in check, though. ‘No matter how far down this road I go, I’m always the same distance away from the gutter’.


399 days
Had a physio appointment in the morning. Verdict was just all kinds of tight muscles haha.
Kids had the gym which has been pretty infrequent these past few weeks with the holidays.
Was also able to sort the wifes car out in the afternoon so feeling less useless than i have been these last few days haha


340 days AF

Have a joyful day :white_heart:


@Misokatsu Flo congratulations on 1600 days! That’s a Biggie! I think I understand how you feel. Im not in a super happy place lately as well

Again I forgot how many days I have… I’m not going back one more time to check. I think it was 552, something like that :slight_smile:

Constant nervous vibe at home, can’t wait when this holidays are done and we all go back to works. 2 weeks at home with him left a toll on my psyche, I’m glad soon it’s done.


((( @Mischa84 ))) Hugs for you. I’m sorry.


Checking in. :muscle:t2:


Day 826

I went to bed at 9pm and slept until 7.30am today, that was so so much needed.
Started the morning with some movements I know from yoga to get awake and body tapping.
Meal plan for the next days is done and at 10.10am I’ll get a fresh haircut \o/ Then grocery shopping, cleaning, doing laundry, the usual saturday schedule.

I’ll make this day my day :partying_face:

Much love fam :heart:


4 days gone, tomorrow a milestone. It feels weird, I have soo much time. I have a feeling that I dont drink not just for 4 days,but already about 2 weeks, because I have done so much in this time. Hunger is not an issue anymore, it was only for 2 days. And- I have lost abou 1kg already.
For today-an exam after about hour, then-a walk in a snow paradise. Have a lovely day, all🥰


Checking in, 48 days AF, 18 weed free. Good morning, soul tribe! I was able to get a decent sleep which was much needed. Had again some crazy vivid dreams, but no nightmares this time, I’m relieved. It’s snowing outside, temp is -13 C, so looking forward to take a walk in winter wonderland today. I wish you all a great sober day/evening, we got this!


@Juli1 - go for the pink one! I know I would.
@zzz - Well done for double digits! :partying_face:
@JazzyS - yup! Took me a while to get used to the new format. It kinda reminds me of reddit with the feature of seeing individual replies underneath posts.

Day 721.

The good news is that the Stephen King fog has finally lifted, so today I get to see blue skies and sunshine and all that good anti-SAD stuff. On the flipside, it did snow and the pavement is icy, so walking my pup this morning was a little bit perilous. But we got through it.

Yesterday I basically like cried. This university thing is hard and I’m struggling to understand certain things, let alone learn them by heart for the exams. There’s like a lot to do, a lot going on, and I’m feeling seriously overwhelmed. I plan on spending the weekend ‘relaxing’ with some of my paid work (got deadlines coming up next week) and give my brain a break from all the uni stuff.

On the bright side, I restarted my workouts. And while, I’m sore, it feels really good to be sweating again. :grin:


Hello all, checking in on Day 106. It is very cold here. We don’t normally put the heating on it the morning so under my blanket at 14 degrees (it is noisy when we do so trying to wait it out while others sleep).

It is my Mum’s birthday today. She was diagnosed with breast cancer on xmas eve so I want to make the day special. I am making lunch and we will catch up with family. She will find out the treatment plan on Wednesday so it is a strange period of waiting. I am glad I am sober for this. I anticipate doing a lot of the practical support, driving etc as Dad also has health issues. I need to be clear and sober myself for that.

Thank you all for being here. I had cravings over the festive period but feeling a lot stronger now, and I am spending more time here which feels like one of the reasons.