Checking in daily to maintain focus #72

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Day something or other

Got some treadmill time in this morning in a fasted state. Decided I’m gonna try intermittent fasting from 6pm till 10am. So no coffee till 10… that’s hard.
Need to kickstart the metabolism so wish to get cardio in most mornings before work or coffee in case of weekend morning.
Then in a bit I’ll hit a weight session of chest and back

Otherwise it’s a beautiful day so after gym here in a few minutes, I’ll be done by early afternoon and can get out and enjoy some sun. Perhaps work on garage and get set up to give the motorcycle a little detail love…

Enjoy yer day folks


Almost caved yesterday, like 12pk in hand at the store, but put it back. Not worth it. This week’s been a bit rough, but that’s no reason to drink. Ain’t gonna help anything. So 5 days AF, tired, grumpy, too much on my plate… I think if I actually had a day off, that would help but nope… Not yet at least. Definitely tired, definitely just want to sleep today, definitely not in the cards.


I hope you’re feeling better Jasmine. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Checking in on Day 124, glad to be home after the holidays, will continue to rest today even though I have a ton of shit to do. Happy Saturday everyone! I am so grateful for all of you. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


You should be very proud of yourself that was a huge moment!!! It is definitely one moment and one craving at a time. Keep stacking those days!


Really great that you didn’t give in to your cravings! Well done! And each day that you continue do like that will eventually make you feel better and like a winner! You got this!


Hey new year. Trying to get things going last week. I tryed to do what i thought was best for work my grand babies and my son to see his grandma in cass she does have a good recovery.
Witch she is doing alot better. So happy with that. My walls are up even thou im trying to move forward with life after what happened last year it was heart wrenching but still need to move forward i feel if i don’t ill just fall back into a deep state of depression again and that will lead to nothing but bad things.
Anyway my daughter is singing the National Anthem tonight and I’m going to see her. Im so excited to be able to do that today. Knowing if i was using i wouldn’t have the ability too.


Checking in. My day started good, I was feeling okay. I went to library, groceries and took a walk in a nice winter weather. But suddenly out of nowhere, boom, and now I’m feeling lonely and sad. I don’t have cravings or weed withdrawals anymore (THC free 18 days, 48 AF), but I just can’t shake this loneliness and sadness. I have two friends but they are busy in their own lives, so they can’t interact with me so often and I totally get that. I’m trying to read a book and drink a coffee if those could lift my mood. Suffering from severe mental illnessess won’t help. Oh well, at least I’m sober and that makes me happy in the end. But right now life just feels too hard. But I’m not giving up. Thank you being out there, this community helps me so much! Love ya guys!


Day 1056
Morning :sunny: Hope everyone is doing alright today. Im managing okay. Last night, having to do the overnight shift, wasnt too bad. My son slept well so it made things a little easier on me. Im at work now plugging away at this shift. I certainly hope this shift goes by quickly. Id love to get home and rest before the next overnight again. Have a great day everyone! :butterfly:


Way to go on staying true to urself! :purple_heart:


Do u drink ur coffee black? Apparently (i could be wrong) but i believe u can have black coffee with intermittent fasting bcuz it has sooo little calories that it would not break ur fast. At least i think :woman_shrugging:

Ur workouts always inspire me tho. Ive really slacked the last little while with my eating and exercise. Its depressing me :frowning: But only i can change it. I always enjoy reading ur posts bcuz it motivates me to get my butt in gear haha


Well, you are absolutely right, black coffee is fine except that it’s :nauseated_face:… haha, I’ve never been able to grab the taste… but that’s ok, I’ll just hold off for a few hours and it allows me a reason to hit some cardio.

I’m glad they motivate you, now if only they did me… haha. It’s a love hate relationship. Once I’m down in gym, I love it, but when thinking about it, hate it.
I have found once the time hits or I think of it, I just go. If I give myself time to lounge or scroll past the time I’m going I struggle immensely.
I’m learning little subtle things to just pick myself up and get to gym. The more I do, the easier it seems to get. Also I know once landscape season comes around in full swing, say June, then it’s off the table until Nov so I only get 7 months to hit it hard.

But you got this Dana, if your strong enough to stay sober, you’re strong enough to get this too. You just gotta get after it. Best of luck my friend!


Checking in day 2943
Having a nice leisurely Saturday morning with coffee and cats and checking in here. I hope to go for a walk today to keep my new year’s streak going. It is so much easier to get walks in when I don’t have to drive the twins to and from school. That really cuts into my day and makes me have to work later to get my hours in. So last night I bought a walk pad on Amazon. It didn’t cost a lot and can go under my bed. I won’t have to look at it and feel guilty if I don’t use it for a few days, lol.

And today I will have to get some consulting hours in. I’ve been putting it off and it has made this project really drag on. I want a fresh start on everything for the new year so I really need to finish it and be able to move on!

Happy sober Saturday, sober January and sober 2025!


Day 1477,

Rest, rest, rest, tired. My mind tries to trick me all types of crazy thoughts. See if a movie can distract me. Have a sober 24 hours :heart:


Haha i completely agree that black coffee is :face_vomiting: lol I cant get passed the taste as well.
Ive tried to like it… i really have. But nope!

What uv described is where ive been at with the gym lately too. I think about going and if i wait too long i end up convincing myself not to go. I think a big part of it is that my routine is all out of whack. Once my son returns to school monday after xmas break, i will get focused on that routine again.

And thank u soo much for the confidence boost. Ur right, those that have overcome addictions, can do anything! Weve been thru hell and back and if we can overcome addiction, we can do this too :slight_smile: i have to remind myself of that. I get very defeated when thinking about my weight. I must change that outlook.


Day 34 - Checking in, feeling veryyyy tired, but going to play some pool with a couple friends before they head out of town after the holidays.

May go to the gym, or may just have a chill evening afterwards. Going to listen to my body.

ODAAT, much love


How are u feeling since u posted a couple hours ago? I hope ur coffee and book helped :slight_smile:


I believe in you. Don’t let someone’s bad mood distract you from your goal. You know who you want to be so take a step every day toward that. Sober head on the pillow tonight proves him wrong.
Great job talking it out.