Checking in daily to maintain focus #72

Lol…you sure are quiet these days … Always lovely to see you pop in. Wonderful job on the 500 days!!!



Day 1031
Today was a good day honestly. I feel good! My son was able to go to school today, so once he got on the bus I went to pick up a Christmas gift for hubby and then went to the supplement store to spend my gift card. I got some good stuff to help with my health goals. I obviously then had to workout :rofl:… and it was a pretty intense workout. I have eaten well today also which makes me happy. I worked on my Christmas cards and then picked my son up from the bus. All n all today was good!

Tomorrow i wont be able to hit the gym bcuz im taking my son on the school field trip to the zoo. Idk why they are doing an outdoor zoo trip in the middle of December but :woman_shrugging: Should be fun!

Thats it for me. Have a great night everyone!


Day 1 almost done. Today was kind of just blah.
Got work done. Spent time with family.
Just need to keep going.


Great job getting back to day 1. Blah days will get better…hang in there. ODAAT :muscle:t4:


Day 26 - No Alcohol :beer:
Day 1 - No Smoking :smoking:

Quick check-in: After getting sober from alcohol, I found myself smoking cigarettes, which eventually turned into a habit of 3-6 cigarettes a day. I realized that if I keep this up, it could become another addiction, just like alcohol. So, today, I made the decision to quit smoking too.

My day often starts with cigarettes. When I have my first cup of coffee, my brain nudges me to light up. But today, whenever that urge came, I reminded myself: one day at a time. And I didn’t give in.

I hope you’re all doing well! :tada:


That’s brilliant my friend!!! Way to fight the good fight and tackle the urges. ODAAT :muscle:t4:. You are doing great


I can totally understand the need to step away from online activity and phone addiction. Maybe ask the Mods if a way to temporarily disable the account rather than delete it as you have done great posts that will be lost to you and for others who would also benefit from your journey. Just a thought. If no way to disable them I understand your decision and you have to do what’s best for your mental health. That is the first and most important thing.

I am happy to hear that you are dedicated to your sobriety and will have in real life support to keep you committed to the sober path. You will be missed Trevor. :people_hugging: Wish you the best in your journey and look forward to seeing an update from you when you are ready to come back. Appreciate the heads up :pray:t4:


Amazing!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

1 Like

@Millie_1987 Congrats on your double digits! :clap:
@happyfeet Congrats on 500 days! :confetti_ball::tada:
@Bluekoolaid I get it, man. I thought about taking a break from my phone as well. Keep putting in the work. We’ll always be here if you need to reach out. I’ve never been to an AA meeting before. TS is the only place I can connect with sober peeps. I enjoy reading everyone’s posts. But I find it difficult to keep up with replying. I try my best. That doesn’t mean I don’t care. Idk how @JazzyS does it. Take care, bro.

Day 1151 AF

Woke up with a nasty headache at 3am. I thought there was a storm outside, but it was just the Santa Ana winds. I guess I missed the advisory. Couldn’t go back to sleep. Forced myself to take the kids to school. I ended up calling out sick from work. Did some grocery shopping in the afternoon. Excersised at the apartment. Pick up the kids. And that’s pretty much all. Took some meds and rested.

Tomorrow’s a new day.

I hope everyone’s doing well. Take care. ODAAT :heart:



First day back at work was good. Going to do another one today. Sober and clean. My cold is almost gone. The grey weather’s still there. Truly the dark days before Christmas. Let’s keep going to make today as good a day as we can friends. Clean and sober or nothing will come from it. Pic is a memory of sunny warm times. Will have to do with memories for now. Love.

@happyfeet Huge congrats Anne! Thanks for sharing your milestone!
@Bluekoolaid I’m grateful I got to spend some time with you and your journey Trevor. It’s been inspiring. You’ve come such a long way friend. Take care riding you bike down there. As to deleting your account, an alternative might be to anonymize it, so your posts are still visible (much valuable input you have here) but not under your name. Ask the mods when you want that. Wishing you all success in your life friend, it’s an honour and a pleasure to know you. :people_hugging:


I’m glad you feel better. 2013 is my eldest’s son’s birth year and my first attempt at sobriety. Only made it to two months :cry:.


Hey beautiful people :sunflower:

Checking in Day 24

Work is going well. I’m grateful for a job that supports my mental health and sobriety. Went to a great AA meeting with a speaker who was so kind and candid. Ate well today and am learning to listen and take care of my body. Gonna end my night with a lil yoga and curl into my warm comfy bed. Lots to be grateful for today :pray:

Wishing everyone strength today!! It aint easy but it’s worth it :sparkles:


Totally get this perspective and proud of you for acknowledging and taking steps for your mental health. I think we can all relate to the influx of information at our fingertips and it not always being for the best. A lil break def can’t hurt. Know this app will always be here should you need or want some connection or support! Wishing you best of luck in your sober journey :crossed_fingers::four_leaf_clover::red_gift_envelope::pray:


Checking in on Tuesday evening. Hope everyone is having a good week so far :blue_heart:


@happyfeet Congrats on 500 days! :tada::partying_face::balloon: It’s great to see you’re doing so well! Always a pleasure to see you drop by :blush:

@Bluekoolaid You will be missed Trevor :heart: but you gotta do what you think is best for you :pray: I understand the screen thing. I’ve cut back dramatically (almost entirely from youtube and memes). I’ve never had social media either, but just between here and daily use, it still feels like too much. We’ll always be here when you need us. Keep fighting the good fight :muscle:


Well I finally got the damn tree up :face_exhaling: Alot more work than anticipated. I had to move the junk pile blocking the closet first. A dresser, table, chair, lamp, 2 shoe racks, and a bunch of paintings and miscellaneous(some of which is right where I left it…in the way). Then I discovered my jerk of a cat’s secret piss zone in the back of the closet. Right next to the xmas tree box :pouting_cat: He’s lucky he’s so fucking adorable. Putting the tree up was easy(it’s fitting it back in it’s box that’s a nightmare). Still works perfectly and looks great!

Recently, I noticed the barometric pressure reading in my weather app(not sure why I hadn’t before :woman_shrugging:). After two weeks of keeping track, I realized my body hates low atmospheric pressure(like right now :face_with_diagonal_mouth:). Upon researching this, I was surprised to learn the affects it actually does have on the body. Headaches, joint pain, fatigue, breathing issues, increased tension/anxiety, ear congestion, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, and more. This would explain my many, come and go symptoms, especially when there’s multiple at once that vanish the next day. And also why so many of us feel like crap on the same days :thinking: I guess I really did feel the storm coming in my bones the other day :sweat_smile: Learned something new. Idk. I’m gonna keep tracking it for a while bc statistics don’t lie. Have a great day everyone!


☆Day 2275 :walking_woman:
Today I’m you’re profilename @happyfeet :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
It’s D day for my cast to be gone.
My feet are going to be very happy.

I’m a atheist, but love to visit churches because of the serene vibe and sometimes beautiful artwork and statues. Mary symbolize a strong women for me. This photo from Mary is made in Calella, Spain.
Today? Hospital, visit a big commercial greenhouse to buy some presents for Christmas and tonight my kids visits us. There will be cake to celebrate my 2 bare feet tonight! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::yum::yum::yum:
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Checking in on day 11. It’s nearly day 12 but I didn’t want to miss a check in :blush:

Ended up going to the pub after an important day in the office yesterday. Luckily because I have a cold I could order an AF drink and leave after one. I didn’t miss having alcohol one bit.

Almost the shortest day of the year which I am looking forward to being behind us as it is very dark at this time of the year in Northern Europe


Checking in, 23 days AF, 1 weed free. My brain chemistry is all over the place because of my latest weed bingeing relapse. I feel like shit, full of anxiety and fear. I have terrible withdrawals and cravings. I don’t usually smoke cigs, but I bought a pack to take the edge off. One minute at a time.


375 days
Slept most of the day. Picked up the kids from school then it was time for work.
Did a bit of training. Theres a summer rain storm in the city tonight. Rainy and humid.


385 sugar
249 UPF
123 gluten/dairy

Physically exhausted and shaky, but mentally ok, and that‘s the important part. Lots of chilling, relaxing, Yoga Nidra, tv, books, and music for today.

Today‘s picture is a very special angel in Arnhem, NL this year‘s easter.

Peace and love for life always :lotus: