Checking in daily to maintain focus #73

Finding the right therapist is all about trial and error. Some will give you exactly what you need summer to soft like the grandma who told you you were. You were never wrong and someone too hard like your Jim teacher that you still think about about despise it’s all about what you want what you need to do. It’s right for you.


Checking in day 9 AF:

Finally slept the past two nights. Started planking, and have done some yoga with my youngest. Getting a tooth pulled today, which I’m excited for, also proud of myself for being able to afford it without any insurance. Yay for the money saved, from all my days since November, not drinking, even though I relapsed a few times. Also proud that when I did relapse, it wasn’t for days at a time.
Now I’ve got 9 days in. It’s another start. Hoping to get some house work done, but honestly lounging in bed is kind of nice this morning. I’ll get to it eventually.


Enjoy your mini vacation!


Thank you Mno, I finally got some needed rest. Hope Luna is doing better, and your hand


Checking in day 3 and let me just say… I’m sore I’m stoked and I don’t feel like trash. I have been so encouraged by this community and gained so many tools and figured out a lot more triggers. So while the trial and error has been defeating, I’ve never been more confident. About to caffeinate hydrate and knock out these challenges. THANK YOU EVERYONE HERE


Congratulations on day 3, you got this!


@JazzyS I cleaned everything. It’s something I use to do it. but I don’t trust in myself, It’s an obsession that causes me great harm. Definitely I am in step one.
day 5 today


Exactly this! :raised_hands: I find it funny too. I’m like, “Psh! Nice try, but you don’t fool me anymore.” :joy:

@Collins Washing machines rebel against the constructs of time. They make their own rules :rofl:


Thank you :heart_hands:



The plan was to take a long nice walk home to get some km and steps in, but the weather forecast says no.
The ground is partly frozen, the air is warmer and rain is on the way. We all know what that means. I’m rushing home now, will grab some pick up food and that’s it.

I had a beautiful feeling of connection today at work. We’re growing, and those who come in are friendly and relaxed and want to do a good job. There are still problems but we’re working on that as a team.

I used to feel alone although I was in a group of people. That’s gone, at least for the last weeks. I hope it continues :heart:

Stay safe and strong fam :kissing_heart::heart_hands:


@Rockstar24777 hope you get all your tasks completed so you can fully enjoy your mini break :hugs:

Super proud of this and that you didn’t quit on quitting. Here you are with 9 days :muscle:t4:. Doing great Stacy. Good luck at the dentist today
@Bomdhil glad to hear that you have a clean house. Believe me I understand the obsession and the addiction. You are on day 5 and pushing forward…just stay on guard and keep working your new routine with meetings and church. You will continue to stack up the days :muscle:t4:
@Sabrina80 be careful today. Icy conditions terrify me. I hope your group dynamic at work continues :hugs:

Another check in…so I finally did get some sleep but now it seems that’s all I wanna do . What the hell. I’m really having a hard time getting up (my whole body is limp). Trying to drink some coffee and get in a good mindset.


Thanks for being here Cass, and congrats on day three and your growing confidence and courage. Glad you’re here with us all. Onward and upward! :people_hugging:


Thank you :blush:


I’m feeling very detached today. Struggling with being stuck in my past. I have feelings of frustration anger and confusion and I just feel like someone else watching myself go about my day.


U got this! Good luck, friend!

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Another day sober, that’s all that matters. Checking in at day 6.


Having a tough day. Spent the day at a mental health center run by peer supports. It’s been helpful just for the fact that I’m around others and therefore I am staying accountable. I would never cut while in the presence of other people so being around others is what I need right now. It’s a free program and it’s open to everyone so I feel welcomed there and all the people who run this place have also struggled with their mental health so I never feel embarrassed or ashamed when I need emotional support. It’s been a slow day but at least I’m staying safe!


Checking in. 2nd check-in for today. Day started good, I had lab tests in the morning and psych nurse meeting in the afternoon. I took a nap after that and somehow woke up feeling out of balance. For some reason I’m craving right now benzos and weed, I’m feeling like I just wanna get high and drown in a haze. But luckily I don’t have anything at home and I know these feelings will pass. Just another reminder how we addicts should always stay focused and vigilant. I’m trying to watch movies but I find it hard at the moment. Oh well, another day in a monkey mind paradise.


Thank you!


Thank you Jasmine!

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