Half day at work today and quick packing for my trip. I leave this afternoon by 3pm to drive 30 min to the station to catch a train. Then a tube, then a train and then a taxi to get to my hotel. I will be there by 7:30pm this evening and plan to go straight for dinner. Take a lime and soda up to my room. Get on the 9pm online AA meeting and then get to bed ready for the big day tomorrow. I don’t think I will need anything else to do as I will have all of you on my laptop and in my pocket and the meeting finishes at 10pm so I should be ready to sleep then. I might take a sock I am knitting just in case. I keep an emergency sock on the knitting needles at all times since it is small enough to tuck into my handbag and easy enough to remember the pattern without needing to carry it with me.
Tomorrow will be spent in presentations and then schmoozing with the people from the company we are merging with and getting to know them so I expect I will be quite busy until its time to make the return journey at 5:30pm. I should be home by 11pm and definitely ready for bed!
I don’t know what the future holds on the work front but I do know I will not drink today and today is all that matters.
Checking in. 51 AF, 22 weed free. I slept pretty okay although I woke up twice because of really crazy and vivid dreams. It’s so fun to dream again because when I smoked and drank, I couldn’t dream at all. I had an early morning because I had to go to the lab to take my bipolar and borderline med’s levels. My doctor also ordered a liver levels because she wants to know if I had been drinking but that’s not an issue for me, thank God. And I also should have fasted without eating or drinking anything, but I drank some water and a coffee before going to the lab, so let’s see what the tests will reveal. I just needed my morning coffee so badly, haha. Have a great day/evening, I love you, fam!
Another day, another play for positivity. It’s an activity in itself this positivity. Keeping busy, blinkers engaged, stay in my lane, process, don’t speak just for the sake of it… it’s kinda working. On my fifth book of the year already
Thank you for that reminder. I tend to forget that and stress over it. @MrFantastik Sorry to hear things are still bothering you. I hope you get out of your funk soon. I usually hate everything including myself when I’m in one of those. @Stobbe07 Hey Jarred. Welcome to TS Nice to see you here with us.
413 sugar
277 UPF
151 gluten/dairy
This morning has been a bit rough. My nervous system is not used to getting up that early. My symptoms are worst in the morning, so it took the whole system a while to settle.
But I got up and helped my daughter to school. Her school try out yesterday went ok. It’s still stressful for her, all the walking, stairs and some such. But she managed it ok, and went for another day today. We are taking it as her symptoms allow it.
My partner left today for a six week clinic stay. I will need to rely more on the help of others in that time. But my family is here for us, and a home help should start coming from next week on.
Today I want to do some programming in the morning, a meeting later, and a bit of rowing exercise. I also want to wash my hair today, which is a major thing right now and exacerbates my symptoms quite a bit.
Today’s picture is a nice wintery view from my balcony.
Still sober, DOC has no chance with me
I’m not as active here as I would like to be. Still reading though. I see so many new people, it makes me happy.
We are slowly taking over the world
Love you people, take care
Hey checking in i guess sitting here thinking. Hope at one of the loneliest times in my life all the lost i have had this last year and everything else to boot im feel im thinking clearer than i have in a long time. Weird
Checking in this morning on Day lucky number 13.
Slept well for the second night in a row and heading into work for another 10 hour day. Stay safe and sober everyone and have a great day.
I get to get up today. I am sober and hangover free. I am blessed I have a job, food, and a place to live. Ok a little warmer outside would be nice haha.
Checking in on day
609 no alcohol
117 marijuana free
249 nicotine free
Good morning
I woke up a bit up and down in my mood. I woke up at 530 in the morning full of energy ready to run around
Laid in bed for another half hour and got mad tired again
30min after that I’m up and ready for the day
I’m gonna stick around here today
Day off
I feel ok
@Lainenicole96 you have a lot that you are juggling. Remember to take time to just breathe. You are doing great with your sobriety, your son, studying for the exams. Be kind to yourself if the house isn’t just right. Love the 10k walk as your celebration
Totally understand and don’t that many a times. You stay warm
@Stobbe07 welcome to the community Jared. @MrFantastik it is funny how the same thoughts about drinking are now so easily dismissed when they were agonizing us in early sobriety. I love the growth and mindset change. I see you are coming up in your 500 milestone sending positive energy @Lastry sounds like a busy few days. Safe travels. Love that you keep a knitting project with you.
Lol…I am the same way. For most tests water is ok. You can discuss with your doctor if coffee would affect the results. Hope everything is well with your labs @acromouse I’m sorry friend. I feel your struggles and am sorry that you are having to go through them. Do hope you were able to get your hair washed without difficulty or added stress. Hope today is a better day
Checking in on Wednesday morning
Feeling exhausted and stuffy ( head and nose are clogged). Gotta get my head right as this week is focused on getting accounting caught up and tax prep done for everyone.
Currently feeling cold and hot and having sneezing fits. Don’t feel sick but the symptoms tell a different story. May try to catch some sleep before I officially start the day
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love
Day 369 of living in the light? Boredom? Consistency? Dunno.
But I do know that I’m never hungover, sick, nor blah feeling. Well perhaps blah, but in a good way… haha
I’m feeling especially silly and goofy today. I am unsure why, just am. Now the problem arises with what I do with that type of energy.
I can use it for good, but past history has shown I use it to be a smart ass. I’m going to have to work hard to keep my sarcastic opinions to myself today. While they do entertain me sometimes, I am a bit cheeky and a lot of an arse.
Perhaps just work on my resume this morning (yes, I am thinking of more change) and then perhaps gym just to sweat the twisted attitude out of me… bring my head down to a less egocentric view point.
You all have a wonderful day though while I try and work on an attitude adjustment.
Day 1,670 clean and sober today. Today is a new day and I’m feeling a lot better after getting some good sleep. Getting a good nights is so important to my recovery, I’m a wreck without it. Today is my Friday and I am also taking Saturday and Sunday off so it will be a 4 day mini vacation/break/reset time. I have plans to go and spend the day in the mountains on Saturday but first I have chores I need to complete over the next 2 days. I hope everyone has an amazing day today, love you guys!!!