Checking in daily to maintain focus #73

Well done, great job for retaining that title! :sweat_smile::clap:t2:


404 days
Had a doc appointment this morning, got another couple weeks off work. Would be ideal if not for the pain in the leg, getting better though.
Got to the beach after with the family. Then physio and gym for the kids


Congratulations Menno. :v:t2:


Menno, congratulations! So cool soon you dont have to travel so far for work anymore, happy for you. I hope you gonna like your new job and colleagues. Iā€™m sure they will love you.


Checking in.


Neighbors have been moving in upstairs all night and making a racket. Havenā€™t been able to sleep a wink. Have half a mind to go upstairs and knock on their door but in this day and age you never know who is crazy. I feel like every time I try to get sober a new challenge is immediately thrown my way. Wishing I could be passed out :sweat: ughā€¦. I need to sleep!!!


Day 726.

Soā€¦ Iā€™m doing a lot of stuff. Work, study, study, study, reading (fuck me, The Iliad is a chore. Itā€™s like a 4,000-year old book. Why do I have to read it? Canā€™t we study something fun likeā€¦ I dunnoā€¦ Britneyā€™s autobiography or something :joy_cat:). When exam seasonā€™s over, Iā€™ll sleep for a month.


Well done on the job, that sounds great! Hope everything else is sorted soon.


@MrFantastik Continued wishes for a speedy and good recovery!
@MrMoustache So good to hear about your continued recovery efforts and how they are starting to pay off :smile:
@Jesile Have to say, I am a bit jelous of your punch bag workouts. I used to do karate and I so loved the feeling after a good hard training beating something up. :boxing_glove: :martial_arts_uniform:
@Mno Thanks for the ice flowers. And so many congrats on the new job!!! :tada: Sorry to hear about your wrist situation. Hope it clears up soon. But honestly overall it sounds like youā€™ve come so far. Really happy for you :smiling_face:
@Mira_D This is really devastating news. So sorry for your friend, the whole family, all involved. Sending hugs :people_hugging:
@Lainenicole96 Congrats on passing your exam Laine!!! :partying_face: Great job.

414 sugar
278 UPF
152 gluten/dairy

Itā€™s actually snowing. Like real snow flakes :grin: I love snow. We donā€™t get much of it where I live. In my childhood I lived in places with -20Ā°C every winter and meters of snow. I miss it a bit.
Due to the snow my in-laws couldnā€™t drive my daughter to school. As she is not fit enough to walk the distance, sheā€™ll be staying home today. Letā€™s hope the road situation improves tomorrow.
I am going to work on my interim project today. There is all kinds of small stuff I want get done, yoga in the afternoon and a meeting. I also didnā€™t get to wash my hair yesterday. I was just too exhausted. I hope today I have the strength for it. Iā€™m considering getting a very short hair cut to reduce that problem.

Todayā€™s picture is our wintery garden.

Peace and love for life always :lotus:


Hi all, checking in on Day 111.

Quite tired and emotional today, just a lot going on. I am nervous for the next baby scan, my age just seems to add so many more problems. I was so easy going and relaxed with my last pregnancies, didnā€™t occur to me anything would go wrong. I had a 50% chance of losing baby initially due to my age this time. I do keep trying to reframe that and thinking how impressive this little one is, to have even fallen pregnant at my age is a huge challenge (and this was a one time, not trying ā€œaccidentā€), and then it is kicking me and fighting strong. It is beating all the odds to be here. It is just sometimes the worry kicks in and tries to take over and I get a bit emotional.

Anyway, will try and celebrate how far baby and I have come. We are half way now :blush:

Have a good day everyone, thanks for being here and listening.


Thank you, my friend! This community has been really important for my recovery. Really great that itā€™s snowing there! Enjoy the snow and have a wonderful day!


Checking in sober and hangover free! I say that because I still feel like celebrating in the mornings when I wake up without one.

This morning I got up at 6, made lamb tagine for dinner tonight and moved all the furniture out of my daughterā€™s room with my wife ready for her to paint it this morning. Oh, also helped with maths homework then showed them that Alexa could do that too so I could move said furniture.

Then on the 7.50 train to work after cycling to the station.

When I was drinking I would still be in bed feeling sorry for myself having failed entirely to do any of the above.

I am truly, deeply, thankful to be where I am today. Just for today.


I remember having to translate Chaucer from Mediaevil to modern English :melting_face:
Good luck pal. You smashing it.


Huge congratulations on new job with more suitable availability and so on. Have a pleasant start :heart:


& @Amy. The Iliad wasnā€™t that bad. Well maybe it was. I have stronger (negative) memories about having to read Beowulf, in a language that was supposed to be English but is more akin to Danish or Frysian or something.



Not questioning anything about sobriety!

Planing to bake a buckwheat bread.

Much love :heart:


Happy Thursday!

Happy to be sober on this non warm Chicagoland morning.

MAKE it an awesome day my friends!!



Itā€™s my first time posting on this app. Iā€™ve managed to keep alcohol away for 9 of the past 12 days. I know thatā€™s not really how this works, but frankly Iā€™m so impressed with myself that Iā€™m willing to tell you that I know Iā€™m doing it wrong. I drank heavily for years and havenā€™t taken an honest break since 2020. Iā€™m also a bartender which adds to the tolerance - and the convenience.

I canā€™t sleep for shit but I sure do love not waking up hangover. Anyway, thanks for having me. :slight_smile:


I bought the punch bag online (120ā‚¬), and I do the workouts with YouTube videos (Get fit with Gosia). Itā€™s quite easy to copy! :grimacing:
Itā€™s stays in the ground with suction cups, so its not a hanging one and no drilling needed! The only person that might not be too happy, could be my neighbor from below, but at the ends itā€™s 2-3 sessions per week, and heā€™s never complained so far! :crossed_fingers:t2:


Hey there, 9 outta 12 is a win in my book. Harm reduction is a great thing. The sleep gets better as your body becomes acclimated. Youā€™re doing a great job. Keep truckinā€™ onā€¦