Checking in daily to maintain focus #73

@StacyAnn Juggling all that IS exhausting! And I feel you on public school :unamused: My daughter started middle school and is failing 2 classes(taught by the same teacher) for the first time, yet has 90s in every other subject :face_with_raised_eyebrow: I noticed Iā€™m more exhausted when Iā€™m just grinding thru the motions everyday and forget to take care of myself. You gotta have time for yourself or you burn out. Hope you get some rest and recharge soon :heart:

@Catmama23 Iā€™m glad youā€™re back! Being fearful can work to your advantage. Every time I thought about picking up, I remembered what would end up happening if I did. Now thatā€™s actually terrifying :scream: Still stops cravings dead in their tracks to this day :+1:

@Frandango Great to see you back around here :grin: and going 4 days strong! (I try not to read/watch sad things to avoid any unnecessary feels :sweat_smile:)

@Teresa.13 Wow! Good to see you too :smiley: Congrats on that amazing number :tada:

@Pamela I feel that being completely open and honest about my sobriety was a real game changer for me this time around. Well done :clap:




Itā€™s really good to see you back, Lauren. Itā€™s a new beginning. Lean on us, we are here for you. :two_hearts:



Back to work. Worried about my hand. Will see a doc at the clinic tomorrow. And a bit worried about Luna who doesnā€™t quite seem herself after a vet visit yesterday. Dunno. Also a bit down myself, feeling a bit stuck in life at the moment. Well. I can do something about that. As a first requisite Iā€™m sober and clean. And will make today as good a day as I can. Expecting the same from all of you friends. Pic is a happy memory from my first sober holiday, Hill Country TX, 2019. Love.

@Catmama23 Happy to see you Lauren! :heart_eyes_cat:
@Frandango And good to see you too Fran! One day at a time for all of us :people_hugging:
@Teresa.13 1000+ days Lady! Wow! Huge congrats! Lovely to see you and thanks for checking in :hugs:
@StacyAnn Big congrats on a week, and keep going! Hope youā€™re getting some well deserved rest :sleeping:
@CATMANCAM Missing you friend. Hope youā€™re OK. :gift_heart:


Iā€™m sorry your hand is still giving you such trouble and the shots didnā€™t help. Hope the doc can provide some relief :pray:t4:

Sending positive vibes to help you get through this stuck feeling. Am grateful that you are handling it sober. We donā€™t need the mess of addiction to add to the mix. Hope you have a marvelous day :hugs:


Good to read you Fran.
Congrats on day 4


Those good sleeps will come, you got this thing!


I You really like this photo, Friend :wink:

Hope Luna is ok :blue_heart:


Welcome back, good things coming your way! Breath and be kind to yourself


@Mno Sorry to hear your hand hasnā€™t responded well to the treatment. I hope your appointment helps :pray: Give Luna some extra pets from me :heart: Sheā€™s probably just irritated by her appointment (who likes going to the doctors anyway?!)


Well, I didnā€™t accomplish much on my list(which was mostly phone calls and paperwork) bc I was taken on a side quest by a cat, but I did get housework done soā€¦still a win to me :star2: I had to quit in the middle of folding laundry bc I got a pretty bad headache, but itā€™s alright now after resting. Iā€™ve been fatigued and my lower backā€™s been aching too, but itā€™s to be expected. Stupid hormones :angry: Gonna relax on the couch with my little cuddle bug :cat2: til bed. Maybe a snack first tho. Have a great 24!


402 days
The leg and back pain was still there today but just got out and about anyways. Took the kids to a free skateboarding lesson put on specifically for girls, the eldest has done some skateboarding before but this was the first go for the little one. They both improved heaps over the lesson. Such a cool initiative to get girls into it.
Then it was the regular afternoon gym sessions for the girls.


343 days AF

Keep going.
Not a tiny thought of going back.
Work is fine, not too busy beginning of the year.

I got in a much better mood, pov, perspective, by doing some things different, a book and some other input/inspiration.

Love you guys, :heart:


Morning check-in! :wave:t2:
Yeah!! Xmas holidays are finally over! :confetti_ball:
Today Iā€™m back to work, back to the hospital for my physiotherapy and back to all routines! I am so happy! Traffic was like hell this morning, but right now Iā€™m sipping on my first coffee before my doctors appointment.
Yesterday I went to see my mum, we had coffee and played a few rounds of Yatzy. Once I was losing 1-3 rounds, I said: ā€œok, Iā€™m done losing, letā€™s play another timeā€! :rofl::rofl:
I hope you all have a good one! :sunny:


Day 4
Had some cravings yesterday while walking to the grocery store, but I had an internal conversation and checked in with my feelings. I noticed I was hungry and tired (HALT), so I got myself a snack before diner and I went to bed early. Still tired and a long day at work ahead, but I didnā€™t drink.


Good for you for identifying those triggers and acting on them in a healthy way! Congratulations! :clap:t2::clap:t2:


ā˜† Day 2303 :walking_woman:
Had a rough day at work yesterdag and today wonā€™t be good either. Having a funeral in the morning and a painful dentist apointment later that day. Looking forward to tonight when itā€™s all behind me.
Back in the old days I deffinitely would have drank last night to ā€œforgetā€. But the new me watched Netflix and checked in today :wink:

Picture made in the orchid farm Iā€™ve visited a few days ago.
Have a good day ore night all :raising_hand_woman:


Day 1. I go a few days without then numb myself when I get overstimulated from life, anxious, or bored. Every time itā€™s around 5pm. Iā€™m so ashamed. Itā€™s hard for me to talk about it. I feel mentally weak.


Checking in sober. I had a great few days recently, and I figured out that the biggest factor in that was that I slept a lot and was well rested. Unfortunately I have troubles falling asleep (always had), but once Iā€™m sleeping I can sleep a lot if not needed to wake up. I have procrastinated this issue until now, honestly I didnā€™t realize how much it effects my everyday life. Now Iā€™m quite determined to address this issue. I try to keep my screen time for work only and be outdoors a bit every day. I read in bed and from now on Iā€™m going to do some meditation when Iā€™m finished. Iā€™m going to pay attention to change linen as often as possible, to make the environment appealing. I also addressed this issue to my therapist. Not sure, what else can I do. Even if I do most of this, Iā€™m up for 2-4 hours before I fall asleep. Hopefully being committed and persistent will be the game changer.


Morning check in on the bleak, dark commute to work. Still, I am sober and not hungover which makes everything so much easier and everything better.

Wishing you all a good sober 24


Day 820

Man i donā€™t know how to be unemployed. Restless and not able to sleep. Anxiety and anger showing up today.
Feeling super frustrated and finding myself floating away. Scary but nothing new i guess
Im just glad to be sober. Getting high would only make it worse