Checking in daily to maintain focus #73

Welcome to the forum @Caturdays
Have you got any plans in place for this time around to support you in your sobriety?


376 Alcohol // 94 THC

Just grabbing coffee before my double class: Spin then Weight Lifting/Pump. Aiming for a boss day today despite my period pains and monthly madness. Got to get the happy train fuelled.

Happy 24 :v:t2:


Welcome to the forum! Read threads and share if you feel like it. You are not alone in this. :heart:


Day 13.5 :1st_place_medal::black_circle::black_circle:




@zzz I very much appreciate your creative check-ins! Thanks for all the work you put into them.
@Tragicfarinelli Donā€™t let the hormonal crap drag you down :muscle:
@Scorpn Hey there. Getting your daily schedule changed like that is often unsettling. Think of it like that: You are the boss of your time now. And like every boss/manager you have to make a schedule for your worker, in this case you, supervise the work and the completion of it, and adjust the schedule in case of changing circumstances. So be your boss today :office_worker:
@Tomek Sleep is a big one. Glad to hear you can sleep through once asleep. Just two suggestions that have helped me a lot: Bedtime Yoga, and getting up every day at the same time. Wishing you luck with that project.
@Caturdays Hey there :wave: Welcome to our nice place here. Donā€™t give up on yourself. Donā€™t be hard on yourself. What have you been doing for your recovery so far?
@SoberWalker Thank you for that beautiful picture :smiling_face: Sending you lots of strength for your difficult day.
@Naomi Great job on your self awareness and taking care of your needs! Keep at it.
@MrFantastik Am a bit envious of your girls and their skateboarding lessons. Would have loved that as child myself :grin:

412 sugar
276 UPF
150 gluten/dairy

Woke up around 5:30, tossed and turned. But I was awake for an early morning online meeting.
My daughter went for a school test run today. Itā€™s the first day after christmas break. She is only going for one hour, and I am very curious how itā€™ll go.
I am going to work on my programming project this morning. Want to do some Yoga in the afternoon. My partner is going to leave for a six week clinic stay tomorrow. So today is going to be our last evening together.

Todayā€™s picture is from our stay at the french Atlantic coast many years ago.

Peace and love for life always :lotus:



Really nice picture of you and the park!

1 Like

Checking in. Today I reached 50 days without alcohol which is a personal milestone for me. 21 days without weed. Iā€™m starting to feel like a human being. But damn, I feel like I might catch a flu, my throat is sore and feeling a little bit out of balance. Iā€™m not gonna take a walk today, I just go the groceries and then Iā€™m gonna watch LOTR: Rings of Power and just lay under a warm blanket.

I wish you all a wonderful and sober day/evening!


Day 1,669 clean and sober today. I am up at 3am because I got scheduled to come cover my old position on Tuesdays for the next 3 months 5am-2pm. Iā€™m already behind a little in my regular position and now Iā€™m losing an entire day from having to work this position Tuesdays. Iā€™m absolutely exhausted and absolutely pissed off. I have begun to apply for other jobs as I donā€™t want to wallow in the problem but get into the solution as soon as possible. Have a great day everyone, love you guys :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Congrats on 14!!!


Happy Tuesday!

Is it spring yet? Haha.

Freezing rain yesterday which is always good driving weather NOT! But things could be worse.

MAKE it an awesome day my friends!!


I Re-post later :wink: Still a bit too early to celebrate. Just Maintenance to check if everything is working this time as intended. General repetition :wink: :sweat_smile:


Good morning everyone,
Day 12
Today is my works annual Manager kick off meeting and I have been asked to present 4 slides of content and Iā€™m incredibly nervous and anxious about it. There obviously will be questions and my biggest fear is not being able to answer some and panicking up there and with all my new and raw emotions that could definitely lead me into an embarrassing meltdown . Itā€™s also an all day thing and held at a local hotel and Iā€™m nervous of being asked to go for drinks at the hotel bar once weā€™re finished. Iā€™m just hoping I can make a bee-line right out of there before it even comes to that. I need to make it home sober . Im so close to 2 weeks .


Donā€™t feel embarrassed, flatter their ego with ā€œthatā€™s a really great question and one I would like to double check and circle back around to you on to provide complete clarityā€. No-one knows everything, but you will be surprised what you do knowā€¦ The mind is a tricky trickster.

Leave when you can, you are there to present not socialise, just say you have a prior arrangement and for them to enjoy themselves. An Irish goodbye works too :wink:


Iā€™m doing the same on Thursday. With celebration drinks planned after the day long meeting and presentation. I have booked my return home train at 5:30pm so I can leave sharpish to get to the station. I am thinking it will give them an hour of my time and I can stay sober for one hour and then get the hell out of dodge!


Good afternoon :heart: Day 5,still feeling very delicate but optimistic and calm. Have a great day everyone


@Naomi great that you took time to work out what was needed and did not drink! Thatā€™s a win :clap:t4:
@SoberWalker so sorry to hear about you rough start to the week. Hope you get some time for yourself. :hugs:. Sending love and hugs your way
@Caturdays welcome to the community and great work on starting day 1. Addiction does have a super strong hold on us but we are able to break free. For the beginning stages, change up your routines so you are too busy around 5 to even think about drinking. I found that if I could bypass the initial time I was able to get my head sober on the pillow. This is a wonderful community full of support and advice. Hope to see you around :hugs:
@Scorpn Iā€™m sorry friend. Iā€™m sure itā€™s a huge change as you were always on the go and now have this time in your hands. I do hope that you do find something soon and hopefully the hours are more suitable :pray:t4: sending you grounding energy
@MrMoustache woot woot :raised_hands:t4: :tada:. 50 days and 21 daysā€¦these are fantastic numbers :clap:t4: :clap:t4: hope you are able to rest and take care of yourself. Getting sick with the flu is no fun. Healthy vibesā€‹:pray:t4:
@Rockstar24777 man that bites. Sending energy your way. Hope the day goes smoothly and wishing you luck in your job hunting :crossed_fingers:t4:
@Frank68 please be careful. Icy conditions are no jokeā€¦ totally get a anxiety attack when I have to walk / drive on icy roads
@CanadianGirl wishing you luck today. Deep breaths and Iā€™m sure you will crush it. Great plan to not stick around for the bar gathering. Know we are here if you need any support :hugs:
@Blondie75 5 days is awesomeā€¦keep putting in the work :muscle:t4:

Checking in on Tuesday morning :sun_with_face:
Slept decently which is always welcome. Have a busy day that I hope goes smoothly. I do know I wonā€™t be drinking or getting high so everything else is gravy.
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Starting Day 7!


Heck yeah!!! Congratulations on your journey :clap:t4::tada:.

Thanks, Jazzy! I wish you a wonderful day and I hope you can also relax in the middle of being busy! Love and hugs!