Checking in daily to maintain focus #73

Absolutely splendid friend. Damn. Gives me hope.


200w (4)


410 days
Top day today. Trip to the beach, what a spot. Spent hours in the water with the kids playing, catching waves. Back at the house now just did some marshmallows on the bbq before we get cooking dinner. Being not hungover and now sober means I was able to be present all day. Those early days are hard for all those new people here, but get through the tough times and your life will be better in every way.

Matauri Bay, Northland, NZ



351 days

Checking in sober from alcohol.
Had super weird dreams and still feeling a bit brain foggy from it.
Letā€™s start the day.

Got your goals in focus?

Love you guys :heartpulse:


Good morning :sun_with_face:
I have to be honest with myself and admit I glorified drinking in my head a few times yesterday, I imagined how nice a few beers would go down and I let that thought in and feater a little bit. I need to correct that the next few days!
Iā€™ll have 6 months soon and Iā€™m really keen to keep building and growing.
Iā€™m also going to focus on inner peace today. Work is busy and I can get caught up in things way too much!
Peace and love to all today :pray:



Itā€™s been one of my typical nights, where I sleep for about three hours, and after that fall asleep and dream, and again, and some more. My dreams are hardly ever scary so thatā€™s a bonus. Just weird af. Iā€™m OK now. Going to the hospital first to have a sonogram of my hand made. It does feel a little bit better than two weeks ago, but still a good idea to have it checked. Work after that and than itā€™s my weekend.

Letā€™s all have as good a day as we all can friends. Sober and clean or nothing will come of it. Pic was taken from the outhouse of the hogan we stayed in during our visit to Navajo Nation in 2018. Extremely poor but also of an otherworldly, fantastic, dreamlike beauty and quality. Even when going to the bog :sunglasses:. Love.


Checking in. 58 AF, 29 without weed. Milestones are getting closer.

Another day at the psych ward. I slept like a baby because they gave me really strong meds and the good sleep was much needed. Iā€™m gonna spend my day again with books and reading threads in this forum. You guys are so inspiring! The staff wonā€™t let me go outside for a walk because Iā€™m a threat to myself, but thatā€™s ok. Iā€™m perfectly okay to stay at the ward.

Well, nothing much to report. I wish you all a happy and sober day/evening! Peace and love!


Day 68

So good to see everyone posting and the forum busy and active. Meeting last night was good and Son#2 came along. Heā€™s 2 weeks sober and becoming curious about living in recovery rather than just stopped drinking. As we know, those are very different things. I am struggling to find the energy to get cracking with doing some of the stuff around the house that needs tackling so have decided to start small. I have put a container on my office floor for each category in my bedroom and have started to empty every drawer, shelf etc into the category so, if its jewellery it goes in the jewellery bag, make up in the make up bag and so on. While emptying my bedroom, I am also going around the house and gathering anything that belongs in those categories. Plan then is to sort through each bag, decide where those things are going to live and get rid of enough to make sure what is left fits comfortably in its space.

When my mom died I was given her jewellery and box and my gran, who died a few years beforeā€™s jewellery and box as well. On emptying them into the container yesterday I found some live ammo. Only 2 little handgun bullets but it had us all in fits of laughter that my gran had them in her jewellery box. It also means she actually brought them into the UK when we moved here over 20 years ago from Zimbabwe & South Africaā€¦ Not the first things she smuggled into a country by the way! Anyway, in the UK it is a big deal and so I dutifully phone the police to let them know and come and get them. It did give us all a good chuckle and some very happy memories of my gran and her antics!


I love reading all the comments in this thread and reading about your days, struggles and accomplishments. You are all doing so well and I am proud of you all!

Checking in day 7.
I am at work now, half a day only which is nice. After work going to my horses to muck out and feed them. After that I am going to take a much needed easy afternoon with some gaming. Didnā€™t sleep well again so hopefully coming night will be better as I noticed my body really needs itā€¦ but I also know it takes time to readjust after quitting so for now I just accept it.

I feel pretty strong and steady today :muscle:t3:


@Marit Congratulations on your first week! :partying_face: The first days are the most difficult. Great job on listening to your body! Iā€˜d love to see some pictures of your horses if you are so inclined.
@Lastry Great news about your son considering live in recovery :+1: Great decluttering story there about your granny the smuggler :laughing: Thanks for sharing with us.
@MrMoustache Good to hear you are in a safe place now :mending_heart:
@Mno Good luck with your hand. I hope it turns out to be a temporary thing. That picture looks so majestic. Thanks.
@Dustysprungfield Great job on your honesty. Admitting your thoughts to yourself and sharing is a great way to get them out of your head. Any idea what attributed to the glorification?
@Juli1 Hope your dream induced brain fog recedes soon :hugs:
@MrFantastik So many thanks for the pictures from your vacation trip. You have no idea how good they are for those of us in the dreary, wet and cold northern hemisphere. One day I have to visit this fabulous island of yours :smiling_face:
My mum is going on a trip to Australia next week. Iā€˜m very curious what sheā€˜ll experience on the other side of the world.
@Just_Laura I learned the other day from my daughter, that squirells sleep through the winter, until they get hungry. Then theyā€˜ll wake up, get some food, and then back to sleep. I think this is a great take on hibernation :wink:
@Catmama23 Congrats on double digits :tada: When I was in active addiction and then early recovery I often forgot to take care of my basic needs. The HungryAngryLonelyTired HALT accronym helped me a lot.
@CanadianGirl One more hug for you from accross the ocean :ocean: :people_hugging: I hope today is going to be a bit better.

420 sugar
284 UPF
158 gluten/dairy

No panic attacks last night. I am so grateful for that. I woke up a few times but managed to get to sleep shortly after.
My daughter is off to school today. I attended a morning meeting which was very nice, including a very nice chat after in the virtual parking lot. That left me a bit exhausted, but I really needed a bit of human contact.
I want to tackle some programming stuff later, a nice short yoga session in the afternoon. Thatā€˜s basically it for today.

Todayā€˜s picture is this morningā€™s fog and rain.

Peace and love always :lotus:



Early check-in with a busy day ahead. Dentist in the morning, then some planning and gathering resources for the youth session I volunteer for. Calling the vets and trying to get Mr Pops seenā€¦ I am not happy how his wound is not healing. Gym class at night and then itā€™s sofa time with just myself. My other half is on a business trip again and our daughter is staying at a friends overnight.

@Tragicfarinelli are you in for going competitive? Anyone else wants to join the team?


Day 376,

Itā€™s a cool -10C but I crawled out of bed at 4am, with 5.5 hours sleep (had a little issue falling asleep, mind was winding through the workout yesterday, and how good I feltā€¦ so much so it wouldnā€™t let sleep overtake meā€¦lol)
Hit the treadmill for my 30 mins this morning, first 2kms at a jog again (Iā€™m so pleased with that) and that is 4 mornings straight with fasted treadmill. Hopefully I turn a corner and start budging the weight a bit.
Eating has been on point and last nights weight training was amazing. Flowed so easily (hard workout) and pushed past my limits that I just thought were high last time I did it. My cardiovascular system has improved immensely this past bit it seems.

Anyway, off to work on the asphaltā€¦

Enjoy your day fine folks. :heart::peace_symbol:


One week!!! Celebrate the small victories!!


Itā€™s a big victory Tasha! A full week is huge! Congrats and keep going lady :muscle: :people_hugging:


Iā€™m in @HolySquid .

Whatā€™s our team name?
The Tragic Tentacles?


We are in sync :grin: Congrats!!!


Great tream name! Thatā€™ll look fantastic on our t-shirts. I havenā€™t played since I was around 6 years old, so the first impression has to make up for that.


Good morning , checking in on day 20 .
Thanks for all the kind messages last night . Itā€™s really appreciated. Last night the cravings as I cooked dinner ( I used to always have 3-4 drinks while I cooked) got really intense which as tried to cope with it escalated into some pretty bad anxiety . Stuck to my plan of a very long hot shower and in my bed early. Sleep was ok but restless as my dreams were pretty effed up probably due to the state I was in last night. Woke up the last time at 3:30 and have been laying here since. Time to get up and ready for another 10 hr day which is good because it will keep me busy and I have access to endless free coffeeā€¦ and hey IVE MADE IT 20 DAYS !! Hope everyone has a great day :blush:


Wow, congrats for 20 days, yay! Thatā€™s awesome!