Day by myself today. The plan is sobriety video (keep skipping these), tidy kitchen cupboards, do study, make a curry.
Actually last night my very non-sporty son, who has hated gym and swimming classes we have put him in before, came home bursting with pride he went up a level in ice-skating. If I had still been drinking I wouldn’t have been able to take him (for gym and pool there was a school bus that took him) and he would have missed this opportunity to build physical confidence. I can’t explain how miraculous it is he is enjoying a sport, he hates running, team sports, martial arts. If only I had got sober earlier maybe I would have thought of this earlier.
I also had disordered eating (not frequent enough to be classed as eating disorder), so when I binge I can binge. And I am too lazy to purge so my weight is out of control. I have started jogging again, but it is tough being so much heavier. I cook for a family with young fussy kids, so hard to do a special diet. I bought some earrings as an early 2 month sober treat, but don’t want to wear them as my face is so fat😭.
My teenagers can fend for themselves mostly as long as they have supplies. If I have groceries for them to cook with they are OK. Mostly. My youngest currently struggles with restricting her food intake and we’re seeing a counselor about that. Ugh. So much to consider! But I appreciate the link. I’ll check it out for sure.
11 days sober today. Going to spend my night working on my puzzle & watching some Ghost Adventures while I sip my raspberry tea. The best part is I’ll enjoy myself, and wake up for work tomorrow morning with a clear mind💟
Hope everyone else has a good night!
Since yesterday I’ve split up with my Mrs, got back together had 2 deaths and am currently waiting to hear about a heart attack. Be grateful and gracious. edit, not my heart attack.
I’ve had some very good friends on here help me just by listening and being there. It’s bigger than just staying sober sometimes, this place and you people help with life in general. I don’t need to mention names they know how special they are.
Day 67. Got passport photos done finally for little man and me, in case we drive through the states this summer with our camper trailer. 20 or so photos later, finally got one lol (he’s 4). Hard to keep a serious face and the proper specifications etc but we did it!
Very similar story here with music instead of art.
Got a home music studio together after years of not having one annnnnd…then barely used it in more recent times for its intended purpose, it just became nothing other than my hiding place.
I still have it and my instruments, perhaps with clarity, if I find time to make some noise, I will get something constructive done in there.
Switching topics, I hate gyms.
Spent most of my years skateboarding and playing football for exercise.
Can’t skate anymore because I smashed my knee in years ago and the ageing effect of that is arthritis.
It was after a recent surgery on said knee that I joined a gym for physio, hated the place and didn’t remain a member for long.
I do still manage to play football though, I just have to plough through the discomfort while I enjoy myself.