Checking in daily to maintain focus #8

I want to try Kundalini… Also I love your new career idea. I need to think of one too. I love just being a mom right now cuz I feel like I missed out a lot when I was a working addict but when she gets to preschool I would like to finish my degree and focus on myself more.


That is so cool. With a full on headwind an echelon will not help. Hopefully the person in front of you does not mind you wheel sucking.
:biking_woman: :mountain_biking_woman: :biking_man:

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57 days, and other than a current bought of bronchitis, going strong.



Sober and serene and just trying to stay connected


38 days and wondering where I got the strength patience endurance and flexibility? Must be Gods gift of sobriety cuz no way I could feel like that while drinking. Going strong feeling good. Almost too good.


That’s pretty cool! My flight was from LA though so it wasnt the flight I was on.

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There is an old saying, “you can pick your friends but not your family”. Unfortunately too many of us deal with dysfunctional families. I guess what I am trying to say is that you are not alone. I am sorry you have to go through the loss of your father. Regardless of the circumstances, it is very difficult to deal with. I am glad that you are able to stay sober through it all.


Chris I’m sorry to hear about your dad, the way it was between you two and that he is gone now. Has to be a very puzzling moment for you but I’m happy that you’re facing it sober. Wish you serenity, courage and wisdom :dizzy:


24 hours sober
No beer no weed

Thank you st benidict and my god


8 days! That is 2 sober Saturdays! :hugs:

This week has been so much sleep, so much laying around. Today I feel good! I have energy! Time to catch up on all the house chores that have been neglected…


They named serveral flights in that message :wink: Even one to Amsterdam in the afternoon.

Checking in on Day 201. Made it out of the house to pick up some new pillows and bedding for our new mattress. Can’t wait to have a comfortable bed again. Now, it’s back to the couch, hoodie, sweats, blanket, Hulu…

Jett has been keeping me company. She knows when I’m feeling sick.

Keep fighting the good fight.
Have a strong day!!!


Try the new 5G network it helps you stay connected faster and longer. :joy: :joy: :joy: Great sober days while I’m here.


Great to hear this mate. I love getting out of our comfort zone, makes life interesting and if it all goes wrong we’ve lost nothing and don’t go back there again.

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Thanks! This is all true. I just wish I had started doing this much earlier. Being constrained by my comfort zone has cost me more joy than it ever did to get uncomfortable expanding it!

You brought something to my mind, may not be relevant to you but thought it might be for someone here.

It’s good to expand comfort zone, but also remember to set your goals for it right. If you’re like me in this area, you really want to tackle it but it seems like a big challenge and it makes you hesitant. This effect had me stuck for quite a while. I was too intimidated. I’m now setting smaller intermediate goals and it actually feels doable now alongside the scary, not just technically possible. You have to believe on some level you can do it and are going to. So if it is a big goal that has been holding you back, maybe try breaking it into smaller steps? My first bus goal was to ride the bus for one stop only. It felt useless and silly to aim for that, but the important part is it gave me a place to start from.

I use ear plugs sometimes and it does help with some things, though in some circumstances they are impractical or inappropriate (when I have to listen for the door, or when I go to the symphony for example). It’s very much auditory not visual, though to the extent I actually wonder if I have a sensory processing disorder because of other things I experience.

And the cool thing is discovering this first-hand, it’s cool to think about but when you see the results it really takes on new meaning and makes it easier to go back and challenge yourself again. Starting really is the hardest part.

Thank you everyone for the encouragement :grinning: love doing this life thing alongside you guys!


Great post James. I will do better.
You’re right about breaking things down into more manageable tasks. Thank you :pray:


My condolences. Hang in there.

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Too funny!

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Cute dog! He or she looks so worried!