Checking in daily to maintain focus #9

You made it another day clean and sober @Butterflymoonwoman! I’m so proud of how you handled this situation. You reached out and really listened to all the feedback. This is what I love about this forum. Not everyone can run to a meeting when times are tough and sometimes just reaching out to other addicts will get you over that hump. Hope you have a better day. :hugs:


I was hesitant to post because in the past my attempts have been short lived. This time it seems to have stuck so far, I’m at day 21 and feeling good. Reading a list of my reasons for quitting everyday or with any urge seems to help me realize the bigger picture, and keep me on track. A new day a new life a new reality.


Wow! Way to go! I like your idea about reading a list of reasons to stay clean and sober. Think I’ll give that a try :slight_smile:

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3 weeks is incredible!! Congratulations!! Don’t be shy on posting, we all started at day 1.

Life happens, it is okay to feel down, it is normal. No need to apologize for being human. :heart:


Happy Friday!



Love that!

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Hey it’s totally ok to feel overwhelmed, I’m in the same boat. 1000 to this court, 1,000 to that court to get my license back. 12,000 for a dirtbike I didn’t pay on, 40,000 for a truck I let get repossessed, 4,000 to a bank. Haha so totally feel you, and there is going to be days where test things bother us. But you have made it to 23 days, and that’s amazing. We have to remember to going to take time to fix the mistakes we made. But as long as we’re sober, it’s gonna happen. I definitely relate the brain hurting part to lol, but at 32 days now and feeling exactly how you were. Its dimenishing tremedously. I’m sorry about you’re friend as well, keep it up tho:)


Not Debby Downer Bob at all. Sorry for your trouble and all the shit in your life right now. You can write tough. Thanks for sharing. Success in dealing with all the debts and stuff in your head.

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Woo hoo! Those 90 days are well deserved! Keep up that good fight @Salty


Do you ever misplace something and start to suspect someone stole it, only to find it later on and feel silly???

Well this time it really was stolen! :joy:


Just checking in, day 94.



Day 511. Had a terrible night with this sickness, which resulted in me contemplating a 2am trip to the ER, but I eventually got a little sleep. Called out of work and went to doc for second time in 2 days, but was basically cheerfully told to suck it up and wait it out. I was offered a script for cough syrup with codeine and declined.


Quick day 46

Have a strong sober day all.


Yikes Ariel :flushed: That sounds bad.

I hope you get better soon. :pray::kissing_heart:

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Happy 90 days!!! Way to go!!:tada: :hugs:

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Great job @Salty!!!
Congratulations on 90 days!!!

Are you planning on continuing? It seemed by your post that you may have been doing 90 days only?

Made it through the first leg of my trip without a drink. No time to stop during the layover, and I’m already on the second plane. I’m not going to drink.


Day 46.6
It finally Friday. Another crazy week is coming to a close.


Get well soon girl :muscle: @aircircle :sparkling_heart::unicorn:

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