Checking in daily to maintain focus #17

Thank you, it has felt really good and I have really enjoyed it.

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Yes ma’am, will do!

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So great to hear! I’m glad for you! It seems you’ve got a good councillor :slight_smile: You most certainly have hope sand you’ve already come far. So proud of you girl!

Day 3
Got a big project on at work that i need to roll out next week, but it’s all pretty daunting and i’m just procrastinating like nothing else today. Working from home makes it so easy to procrastinate haha.

Got asked to be a bridesmaid for a friend yesterday which was a really big surprise, so that was cool.

Saw one of my best mates last night and i was just updating her on how i’ve been trying to sort out my drinking over the past couple months. She told me she didn’t think my drinking was anywhere near as much of a problem as i think it is. I know there’s loads of reasons why people would have that view, and i know in myself that my drinking is a problem and i’ve been much happier in my stints without it, so i’m definitely going to continue trying to stay sober. It just kind of shocked me a little bit to hear that.

Just trying to get some motivation to go out for a run in a couple hours as the weather is finally getting back to normal.

Anyway i’m rambling/still procrastinating from work hah.

Hope everyone is ok


Day 76 free from meth. Had several encounters from old friends this last day which triggered me, almost ended up scoring because of it. But chose not to. On the plus side I’ve just landed some work, and only 14 days till the big clean 90 :slight_smile:


Glad to be back. I’m at 10 days and grateful for this community. I’ve been lurking! Gaining inspiration, hope and a sense that I’m not alone. Thank you to those of you who reached out and asked where I was or how I was doing, I see you and I’m grateful. I wrote about what’s been going on for those who might be interested. Dragging myself from the quagmire


Day 3. Checking in. Last night I dreamt I was drinking at a party (I don’t even party anymore!) and I remember thinking in my dream, it can’t hurt to have one drink, you don’t really have a problem, other people do this. I know it’s my addicted brain talking to me, but I’m frustrated this morning, wondering how to shut that part of my brain off.


That’s a really great quote, thanks for sharing. I feel like that is very similar to the idea of enjoying the journey and not always focusing on the “destination”.

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Day 76 clean and sober living one day at a time but getting excited that it’s getting closer to 90 days. Have a KICK ASS DAY!!! :sunglasses::metal:t2:


Day 3 sober from alcohol! My mind is craving and playing games with me :sob:


Day 34! Every day I have been battling myself over being on my phone. I am starting to feel like its becoming another addiction for me because I have tried to limit it with no luck. I think the underlying issue is that I am so darn ALONE. I crave connection with other humans. Even in my relationship we dont connect at all.
So the next few days I am going to put down my phone and maybe within my loneliness I can conjure up a plan to not be so lonely in my day to day life. Wish me luck, happy sober day everyone. :blush:


No need to feel embarrassed, we’ve all been there and are all rooting for each other. I’m glad you’re back to 14 days, keep smiling :slightly_smiling_face:


Day 14 today! Been out with my daughter for lunch and to buy things she needs for college I can’t believe she’s only got 3 weeks until she goes I’m greatful she will still be home 3 nights a week I’m already thinking about all the time I’ll be alone when she goes … I need to remind myself one day at a time or my head can go crazy on me … I’m feeling so much better each day I’m further away from drugs I can feel the darkness lifting… so greatful to be alive and greatful for everyone here for helping me get through this journey x


Day 4! Feeling good today. I’m at work. Getting through the first week!


First time posting checking in


Yes I’m in a substance abuse consuling program for. Year now ive been in outpatient treatment. Also attend celebrate recovery and step studies weekly


Day 3 on starting over fresh and new


I think it’ll be great when he has his housewarming; we’ll all bring a little something! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I also had friends and coworkers tell me that they didn’t think I had a problem with drinking when I first decided I wanted to get sober, years ago. Some implied I was being too hard on myself or overreacting. At least, that was my interpretation. I drank with them, but they also didn’t know the extent of my drinking when I was alone.

It doesn’t matter if others think we have a problem. It doesn’t even really matter how bad our problem with drinking is. If you don’t want to drink anymore and you know it’s an issue for you… That’s all that’s matters.

Keep on keeping on, and I look forward to watching you progress.


Hey Jake; nice to see you! Don’t ever feel like that; we are all in the same boat with no judgments. Only help and encouragement. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: