Checking in first day being sober

This is all new to me. And very scary to say the least. I think I didn’t know I had an addiction until something wrong happened.


Thank you. Last night was a scary night bc I just felt so much anxiety. So much fear bc I’m so used of doing my addiction as much as I can. I didn’t know this many people struggle with addiction


I know what you mean! Addiction can feel “normal’, until it causes something bad to happen. Then I’d run to my addiction to help me cope with issues caused by my addiction. Vicious circle that’s hard to get out of, and yes, scary. But you just took the most difficult step, and you are courageous. Glad you’re here.


Welcome!!! I’m glad you decided to join us :raised_hands:


I’m super surprised how open this app is, and how welcoming everyone’s been.


Indeed we are all in this together.


Yeah emotional disregulation is a big part during the start of the journey. You just have to sit through those moments and realize they will go away relatively quickly. You got this. We are here for you if you need help or advice


I just joined at the beginning of the month and really like it. Lots of good people and awesome support!


Welcome to the community! This place has been a lifesaver for me and I hope you find the same. So glad your here and making this decision for yourself
:v:t3: and :purple_heart:


Glad you are here. :star2:


Thank you so much. It means so much knowing so many people are willing to help


Welcome to the community Isaiah
Great work on starting your sober journey - congratulations on day 1.

It is super scary and that’s why I feel a support system is important. Hope you take time to read around here and join in with us. Here you will find a very supportive loving community.


Welcome! This forum is an amazing tool to have! Good luck!


So for that has been true. Day one has been super scary and over whelming. I usually do my addition at work when ever I get a chance but today I didn’t it felt so strange.


A cheery welcome to you @Izzyfree76. Isaiah, you have made a positive choice, be it scary. This community helped me get through a tough first few days of sobriety. Check out the forums, read, chat whatever gets you through. You’ve got this!

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Thanks the hardest seems to be the first day and the first night. Like rn the need for my addiction is so strong and scary. These past two nights I’ve gone to group chats to keep me busy until I’m tired and finally pass out so I don’t go back to my addiction


First days/ weeks are hard to go trough. My advice is to keep yourself busy and stay away from people and places connected to your addiction. For me (I was a drinker) that means no restaurants, pubs, festivals, birthdayparties, liquor store, wine section supermarket, etc. I also stripped my house from all the alcohol and the empty bottles, I needed a clean start.
Keep yourself busy and distracted.
And inform yourself about how to deal with addiction. There is loads of good info to find here at this forum. I will share a tread wich I advice you to read:What's YOUR plan? and this is how I did it: 2 years sober and what helped me to get there: I’m more then 5 years sober now. Not to bragg but to tell you that it’s possible and doable :hugs:
So a warm welcome to you!
If you have any questions feel free to ask them!


How are you doing today?

it is going to be scary and strange for a while. changing up old routines and habits can take time to adjust to. i find that keeping myself busy with tasks or hobbies or even with playing games on my phone helped to bypass the urges. just got to keep pushing forward my friend. hanging out here on this site and reading the threads is also very helpful.

doing a daily check in on the Checking in daily to maintain focus #63 thread helps stay connected to our peers and also accountable to our journey.

Sending you strength and love my friend! Hope to see you around and stacking up the days :muscle: