Closed - Checking in daily to help maintain focus #5

I’m not sure if I’m skilled enough to create that thread but I’ll try :wink:

Checking in day 274.


Here we go

For @C_8 too if you wanna hang around


I feel great, free and optimistic. Never again will I let alcohol interfere with my life. Life on this earth gave me a second chance and I accepted it and left my ego behind.


I’m around mate. Nice to know someone, somewhere is thinking of me! :heart:


Glad you made that choice.

Absolutely right. You’re strength is inspiring. To abstain given your situation means you are becoming a better version of yourself. Can you have a talk with her about how her suggestions are the exact opposite of what you need? Maybe you’ve already had that conversation. I don’t know. Wish I could offer you more advice or some profound words. But you’re right that no one understands an addict like a fellow addict. But they can at least try to understand where you are coming from. Sending you a hug. :hugs: Stay the course. One day at a time.


Thank you @keiti and @anon17130000. All you wonderful people have made this possible for me. Your support is amazing! :smiley: :two_hearts:

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Thank you @keiti, that means a lot :kissing_heart:

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Yes, my words too @anon12657779


Checking in on Day 158. Busy work around the house all day before I get down on some video games this evening. Gym in the a.m., followed by meal prep. Just the same ol same ol.

Have a strong day!!!


Relapsed last night. Drank half a bottle of rum and I feel so guilty and in fear for my health. I’ve been drinking heavily for about 2.5 years. Every time I wake up from a night of heavy drinking I feel so guilty for a day then I’m right back at it. I have to convince myself that I WILL die if I keep on this path. :frowning:


No need to convince yourself, you will. No better time to stop than right now. Dump it out, make a plan and stick around here for support. There are a lot of different ways to get sober, but you’re going to need support: AA, smart recovery, rehab, this site or all of them. Stay connected and learn from the others on this site who are doing it. Hope you find the strength to make that change.


Thank you blondie. I do miss you and @Fireweed Hanna.
Things are just too busy elsewhere.


Fear of death was never really a motivator for me to get sober. In fact I pretty much welcomed death. I think what finally got me was the fear of not dying. The fear of continuing to live my life in active addiction. Death I could handle, life I could not.


Just take your time sir. Good things are worth waiting for

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It’s been a crazy day but it’s a bit easier knowing people like you are out there.


Checking in, day 180 today. I’m so thankful that I found this community, and grateful for it. Sober life = my best life, for sure :blush::raised_hands::sparkles:


Woohoo! Congrats on 6 months and Thanks for sharing the accomplishment with us. It helps me tremendously to see others achieving what I want. :grinning::pray:t2:


Congrats @emc2018. That’s an awesome achievement!

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Go you! Well done.

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