Cocaine is the devils drug

Thank you these reply an the people that r goin frw the same as me I no I can do this


Amen Yes you can!


Hi Lee!
You are halfway there. You admitted you can’t do this by yourself, I don’t know anyone that can. The thing that helped me was AA and NA, mostly AA. Try both and go to more than one to find one you like. You don’t have to be a dick, and you are not one! In my opinion, you are sick like the rest of us, and recovery is possible. Check it out, and let us know what’s going on with you. We’re all in the same storm, but not the same boat. Get you a good one! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

PS. If you haven’t already, get a copy of the Big Book and Narcotic Anonymous book. The big book was written a long time ago so the language may seem odd. But the 12 steps have saved lives all over the world. Go slow, honey, it’s not a race. Just when the urge hits, call someone in recovery, or text, but wait 10 minutes for the feeling to pass. Calling is better and more personal, but that’s up to you. We all care about you!!!:slightly_smiling_face::heartpulse::+1:

Ian rooting for you my friend! We can do this! Together, one step at a time we can :pray:t2::two_hearts:

Thank u it wood not let me reply to any body last night

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I definitely second that
 stopping the drink was essential to my quitting coke
 also i could no longer deal with the personality changes or the paranoia!!!

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There is a private messaging option to utilize for one on one conversations , so instead of posting your private personal contact number publicly, just jump on the private message section in the top right hand corner and you can contact the person your wanting to reach out to with help and contact advice etc :pray: I hope that helps :hugs::innocent::v:

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Sorry I dint reply it wood not let me cose i was new but thank u ordered the book last night

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The paranoia is to much I have one line an my head goes think loads of mad shit annthink am getin set up

Hi Matt sorry I dint not reply it woodno let me up fresh an ready for work my frend


Can u not up load photos on this cose my book should be here tonight

Hi Lee, just take your time and be sure to read The Doctor’s opinion at the start of the Big Book. It’s a miracle that he figured out what alcoholism and addiction is really about. It’s a relief; remember this was back in the 1930s, so up to that point and even later we were considered bums, assholes, and the stuff we did was on purpose.
I’m a big believer in the Twelve steps, they have helped millions of people like us recover.
Hope you find a meeting and don’t give up.
Message me anytime at

Just want to say thank for tell me about the book Iv seen in on the table in the meeting but fort that won’t work for me an iv never wanted to get clean just have a brake but now I want to get clean an stay clean so thank u

You just nailed it! If you want it, you will get it! It takes effort but it’s simple program for complicated peopleđŸ„°

Just so you know, AA started in 1935, and NA came about much later but based their text on AA. There are tons of recovery programs based on AA. You have to decide what works best for you, ok?
Hang in there Lee!!!

Hi Lee, I’m no expert mate but one thing I done was purely take 1 day a time. You have to surround yourself with support mechanism such as support groups or counselling. I found it impossible to stop on my own. I can see you love your family and your wife and only you can stop yourself from taken cocaine, nobody else can do it for you. Lots of love Lee xx

Thank you so much

Thanks mate am goin win this time mate it’s goin be hard I no but just watch this space am sick of been a live I want to start livening but can u for u amazing words

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You’ll do it Lee you’ll get there. Believe in yourself and say fuck you cocaine your not ruining my life anymore. As the weeks go by you’ll build up resilience to cocaine. Stay strong brother x