Codeine withdrawal, day 9, worried about my gf, as she started to drink

Please guys, tell mi say tips about how to get sleep. I don’t want to use other drugs, I mean natural methods

My very close friend died of Xanax and alcohol and opiates overdose :frowning:. His mother found him cold in the morning. He just went to bed, and probably just stopped breathing during “sleep”.
I visit his grave regularly, feeling very very deep sadness and also I always pray for him, even though I’m not very religious. But deep down I also feel very lucky, because I know that it could be me, that had been under the ground.
Dude that’s sad, drugs suck.


Main reason why I used mainly farma-grade drugs, is that I always knew what I was getting.
In those days, you can buy counterfeit opioids - for example oxy, but instead of oxycodone you get some kind of chinese synthetic fentanyl. Same with brown sugar or other “street” opioids. This fenomenom makes taking street drugs like some kind of some Russian roulette, in which you can easly die. Nova days black market of drugs is f****d.

Guys, I bearly slept tonight, nonetheless I got some little sleep (of course with help of some medication), nonetheless, today I feel much better, almost healthy.

Also, my fiance, who started detox two days after me, during night she was going threw big crisis, everything was hurting, and she was having hell of restless legs (so called bicykle, because during it you are forced by sick body to constantly move your legs like you would do on a bicycle).

But I could help her, especially lidocaine patches helped us.

Today I also pledged myself, that I won’t be taking any more Xanax for sleep, because of its addictive properties.

I think, that today I could even be able physically to do some garden work.


Please guys, write me something - I usually don’t crave for attention, but this time I really need someone aknowliging my struggle.

Funnily enough I came back on just to comment to you then just saw your message. Your doing great,it seems like your starting to turn that corner. I too used xanax plus a boat load of other benzos the first time I got clean cold turkey but they ultimately lead to me going back out and using again so please do stop taking them. Sleep will come , your body will crash eventually,personally I didn’t get any more than an hour or two per night for the first month and then crashed for a solid 12 hours then back to not much. Stick with it,it takes as long as it takes. You may already know this but just in case you don’t .
I found hot baths a real relief from the skin crawling feeling,I needed that thirty minutes per day of not feeling absolutely dreadfull,they may help your gf.
What’s your plans to stay clean going forwards,as hard as getting clean is its staying clean that’s the challenge. Opiates is the worst detox I have been through so I applaud you man. :+1::slight_smile:


I started gardening, today I planted three tomato plants. It very fulfilling. I never got any will to do “normal people’s” hobbies on drugs. Being high, I only wanted to lay down and watch some shit on net. Now, I already feel need to make my time usfull. I feel so fulfilled and happy with my detox.

Me and my gf finally also got to do some interesting things. We went to a vietnamese store and bought very exotic (for Poland) food like living crabs and other Asiatic sh**. Preparing those was so much fun, the kind, that we never had experienced before on high.

Today I even spoke to my boss and got many things straight, which I never had got carage to do before detox.

Brother, life is good and future is bright, isn’t?


It makes me happy to read this. You and your gf can be extremely proud! Keep it up, you both deserve it:)

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I’m afraid there’s no cure but time for that one,unless you take sleepers and that’s just prolonging it grit ya teeth and push on thru ,I’ve done a few methadone detoxes I didn’t sleep for 2 weeks after that it took months to get bk to normal sleep cideine won’t be half as bad as that so hopefully your sleep should fall bk Into place roughly about 7/30 days it all depends on the person’s activity if you sleep in day which I advise against I know it’s hard .stick with it your get thru this and feel so much better for it

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The future is bright mate, I can’t speak for other substances or even alcohol but when you don’t have to chase that opiate high day in day out things change drastically. Well I say high but the high fades and you just do it to not get sick but the same applies.
Keep us updated on how the two of you are doing please. :+1::slight_smile:
Haha youmhave just made me think of the couple of times that I have been I to the polish food stores here in the uk full of good intentions to try new foods but never know what anything is so end up leaving with just a chocolate bar :grin:


Polish cousine is very quirky and strange, and consist mainly of aquired tastes, so many polish foods are intolerable for other people. Only plain, peasant food like pierogi or kielbasa got mainstream and worldwide.

If You would like to taste something strange, you can try Tatar (raw, graded high quality beef, mixed with raw egg yolk and raw shallots, eaten with bread with lots of butter). That’s like a begginers choice. If you’ll like it, you can get deeper with things like kiszone ogórki (spoken: ceeshone ogoorckie), as it is very common polish side.

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My polish friend cooked me a mushroom soup last year with seven kinds of mushrooms collected in the forest just behind her house. It was nothing special for her but for me it was one of the most wonderful meals I have ever eaten! :heart: Also I love the Prince Polo bars!

Awesome job on your detox, @Warsaw_guy, keep up the excellent work and going strong! Life is good sober!

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How’s is all going my friend just a quick check in

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In the short term, benzos like chlordiazepoxide (Librium) or diazepine (Valium) in decreasing dosages can help. I have been taking pregabalin for years on prescription and can leave it off no problem when I can’t get it but I have known people who have used it recreationally and been hihly addicted to it and say it’s the worst drug to come off of.
Well done on staying off the codeine.

Natural remedies to make withdrawals a bit easier from my experience would be lots of fruit and veg especially bananas as they help with the runs you get on withdrawal. Beetroot and ginger juice is really good and helps with nausea. Hot water bottles for the chills. Paracetamol for the fevers and ibuprofen for the muscle aches. Chamomile tea as a natural remedy to aid with sleep and a natural anti-anxiety. If you can’t sleep it pays to try and keep your mind busy. Using this app is really good. I hope you are doing OK. The pain will be over soon.

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Diazepam is a long lasting benzo fyi :slight_smile:

Thanks Pants. I’ve edited my reply to make it clearer. :+1:

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Maaan, detox for my GF got really bad during those two last nights. Shes been just convulsing in pain and crying in the same time. It was very hard to watch. We phoned the emergency doctor and got prescription for some most powerful non-narcotics pain medication’s. She took them and finally got to sleep. Btw, her joints were literally covered in lidocaine patches, and still the pain was unmanageable.

Today I finally got some sleep, nonetheless, I feel tired. I’m dehydrated from diarrhea. I just want to lay in a bad for the whole day. Normally I would get high in the morning to get some energy for the day and motivation to work (and I worked very hard, maybe even too hard). But now I can’t and don’t want to do that! And I’m happy for that. It’s a chillie day (for a summer) in Poland and it’s raining.

What normal people do to motivate themselves to work and get energy?


That’s so so good to hear I know it’s painful but the pain will all be worth it IL give you my word on that easy not always but worth it :100::boom: YEAH KEEP GOING

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Mate do they have the equivelant of Gatorade or lucozade type drinks in Poland,that’s all I drank mixed with water as the taste of it alone made me sick. It will replace the electrolytes that you are losing through sweating, anti diarrhoea medication can also help along with some good multi vitamins. As you know there’s no miracle way to avoid all of this but these things can help.
Your doctor sounds pretty awesome in prescribing these things I would definitely let them know when your through this to put a note on your medical records that you are an addict.
Stick with it. :slight_smile: