Comfort food

Not to be dramatic but, my life is over. I’m out of rye bread and so can not make toast. Does anyone else go through phases where you only want to eat one thing for months at a time then you never want to see that food again? I went a solid 4 months where I ate 2 watermelons a week by myself. Could NOT get enough of them. Now I’m over it. Tried rye bread for the first time a few weeks ago now I have to force myself to have a well rounded diet cause ALL I WANT IS RYE BREAD!! Rye bread does NOT a meal make. I have to keep reminding myself. Lol what’s your current comfort food?


Cheesecake :smile:


I love cereal!!! But its soo damn expensive and bcuz i would tend to go thru it so fast, i couldnt keep up with the cost of cereal haha if uv ever watched Seinfeld… Jerrys kitchen has a huge row of cereal. That was my goal for the longest time when i started shopping regularly. Cereal of all kinds. Can never get enough of it!! :rofl:


Lasagna, i love it so much.


Icecream. I keep telling myself it’s ok because it’s vegan icecream, and summer is almost over and than i’m gonna stop. But i eat like 3 or 4 big packs a week, have been doing that all summer. I must be tasting sweet by now.


At the moment glutenfree gnocchi :heart_eyes:
with tomato sauce or pesto or something cheesy… Or just plane with pinch of butter!!

I just discovered it a few weeks ago…
and ate it more than 10 times already.
Think it will last long!!!


Yes! I ate ramen for lunch for about 5 years. Right now I eat full fat yogurt, almonds, oats, blueberries, strawberries and banana for breakfast every day. Before that it was eggs + egg whites, baby spinach, cheese, veggie scramble. It usually takes me about 6 months to a year to move on to my next favorite thing. My favorite comfort right now is date nut energy bars I make myself.


These days: crepes with banana and peanut butter inside :star_struck::man_facepalming:t2:


Same! When those oat milk ice cream sandwiches hit Aldi, I filled my fridge. And my progress with working out is not as noticeable now. :woozy_face:


I think I’ve eaten a peanut butter and jelly sandwich at least 5 times a week since I was 10. But comfort food is hot roast beef sandwiches with sharp provolone and horseradish.


Oohhh I go through phases with céreal. The last one I was obsessed with was the generic brand fruity pebbles wich had less sugar but tasted way fruitier. Lol

Pretty versatile too. You can make all sorts of lasagnas

I’m a vegan too. I really like those benand Jerry’s vegan flavors they have now. So fancy

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Ha! That’s how it goes for me too. Like this is the ONLY food I’m I retested in

Yes that! I’ll eat something daily for like 6 months to a year and then suddenly one day I’m just like no. I don’t want that ever again. It’s not like a gradual thing. One day it’s the greatest thing I e ever eaten and have eaten it daily for 9 months and the next day you couldn’t pay me to consume it. :joy::joy:


Woooo. Delish!!

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I definitely ate peanut butter sandwiches for lunch every day from the time I was a kid till I was close to 30. No jelly though. It makes it too… squishy.


Yes! And my husband will just have bought 20 of them like he has every week for the past 6 months …and I say, ‘yeah, no, I don’t eat that anymore.’ :rofl:

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Hahahaha. Yes!!!

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I have been craving cheese fries for weeks ever since I went to our state fair and didn’t get them. Tonight is the night! Nothing fancy, frozen fries and some easy yellow cheese sauce. :yum: