Comfort Foods?

Love me some cocoa almonds. Very comforting.

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I love Chinese food, sushi and seafood


Chili cheese fries/totsā€¦yeah buddy!

Double stuff Oreos!!!

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Chocolate brownies with mnms.

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Gelato, licorice, pretzel chips and Kim chi have all served me well.

Diet coke. Hot fudge sunday with peanuts. Hawaiian pizza. Pepperets. Honey bunches and oats cereal. And multigrain cheerios. Also any gummy candy :heart:

Bacon & eggs!:gift_heart::pig::fried_egg::smile_cat:


Steak. Steak. And uhmā€¦ steak. I could eat red meat 7 days a week, 3 times a day.


Cream crackers and cheese, in the middle of the night

I love carbsā€¦

I love a avocado, drizzled with olive oil, sprinkled with fresh ground black pepper and sea salt. If Iā€™m craving icecream, I eat Skyr, which is Icelandic yogurt.

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