Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

The creep who swiped my hoodie from the lunchroom the other day. Just cuz I accidentally left it there doesn’t mean I’m giving it away!


:rofl: My old boy Zombie used to love the kitty tootsie rolls. He couldn’t get enough :scream:


I buy a lot of mine on marketplace and eBay, these retro stores are mad with their prices

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Good to see you back, unfortunately the circumstances of your return can FRO, tnought maybe you were just visiting

But yes FFDP is the American equivalent of Nickelback, they aren’t that good, and Ivan Moody well he’s worse than a Kardashian with his bullshit.

I never really liked them, a friend of mine was like oh you just gotta go to a show, and invited me, I wanted to see Sixx AM, so I was like yeah I’ll go,

Guess who didn’t show up? You guessed it Ivan Moody, cause he was mentally exhausted and such;

FRO, you got people like me and many others, who have to work a full time job, and side hustle music In hopes that it will grow, I’m exhausted Half the time but I
Have to press through it, this hand job, makes millions and takes his breaks on his schedule, doesn’t care about the fans he has, it’s all about him,

FFDP two biggest songs were rehashed covers of popular songs, so Ivan since you are sober and good on you for that, and you pop In here take you your bullshit and your covers and FRO

When you must listen that you are boring old cunt cause you didnt make any plans for today (still in pain bcs of that pinched neck nerve).

Fuck off you piece of shit, stop threatening me you gonna leave, just LEAVE!


This is the one!!!

Wow, that’s real bullshit. How about an invitation to close the door from outside or shut the fuck up and behave? :smiling_imp:
Sending you hugs!!! :people_hugging:


Email notifications from companies like BOMBAS who dont even ship to canada can fuck right off when they wake me up in the morning. Announce your super cute fucking new slippers at a more reasonable Pacific time so I dont get excited and try to order them at 7 am. Twats. What year is this anyways? Who doesnt fucking ship to Canada? Oh i know half the companies in the USA!


Possible stress fracture in my foot can FRO - they told me to switch to low impact action, like swimming. Well, guess what? Pushing off the wall - YOWCH! Freestyle kicking with the foot extended and full water pressure on the top of it - YOWIE YOWCH!

I’ll find something - running in the pool, spinning, some light running doesn’t hurt it.


Possibly they don’t have true “swimming” in their head, but like “ducking” :rofl:


Being realy tired on the couch at 9pm, thinking about how to go to bed.
Would appreciate a machine, beaming me over there with a stop at the bathroom for brushing teeth and getting on some sleeping clothes.

FRO thinking
Get that ass up…
Ah…wait… Ah no!
I have to think again about that beaming construction again …


Me (gathering all the necessary documents and keys, cancelling the car insurance, making the appointment, getting the quote, applying for a refund for our registration paid) to my husband “just remember to bring your ID”.

Him “I almost left it in my bag. You would have been so mad”.

Yes, yes I would have.

Just don’t tell me that. FRO with the forgetful cuteness bit.


I really want to blame the Canadian post for this for a change

When I was running a sports memorabilia business I tried selling and shipping in Canada cause College football and Ice Hockey was huge there I would just comp slightly for the exchange rate and shipping, after enough bad experiences I had to stop, I’d lose my ass in shipping costs for something as little as a sports card, and it would take forever to arrive, which I can’t fucking understand, it’s not like it has to go on a boat or something your just the neighbors to the north

And to think I thought of moving there


Man, I recently got a bike for spinning. I can’t use it that much cos it kills the gains but it’s fun af. The bike is so sturdy and quiet, it’s great. I can recommend that!
Sorry to hear about the foot! Does a stress fracture heal on its own?

FRO codependency. You showing up in me nowadays is like a ghost skeleton that I didn’t know was still carrying part of my structure. It’s freaky. And I got your number, you will not rule me again!

Also: jealousy. Uff.



bleeding and hormone bullshit. I’m so done with this crap, my “emotions” and all the whiney needy blablabla. fuck off to the hell where you come from.


People who call after you send them a text, then get upset that you didn’t answer.

Just because I am able to send a text does not mean I can speak to you at the moment.


The potato peeler cut on my little finger can Fuck right off at the moment.


F*** the 2 class system in Germany where people with private insurance get an appointment and the others will wait 7 months. Guess it’s better to anticipate a future illness and make an appointment now instead of relying on getting one when you need it.


This cold days before my cruise