Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

Bright ass headlights shining in my face while driving in the dark


Hear, hear! The worst.


Sexual abuse. Sick parents. Fuck you.

@KarenKW I feel like there is a story there! What happened? - and are you ok?

@TrustyBird no it’s not you. That’s torture with a thousand irritating mind annihilating needles!!

Also: ppl who walk w their companions taking up the entire pavement or platform, don’t break up to leave through oncoming ppl walking and then shoot me dirty looks. Am I supposed to disapparate on you, bitch? Go back to kindergarten and learn some outside manners. FRO.

Also: narrow-minded artists. Haha.


Loneliness and the tendancy for my mind to wander and compare myself and my life to those of others can FRO!!! Stop it Kelly, just stop it!!!


I’m fine, thanks!

There’s a long back story of me always bailing this guy out of trouble. We had sort of been dating. About a week or so ago I told him I couldn’t keep rescuing him and he needed to make an effort to improve his situation.

His car broke down along the highway in the middle of the night (fairly close to where I live). Despite what I’d said, I agreed to pick him up because I would have felt guilty leaving him there. He swore he’d call his mom first thing in the morning. Turns out his Mom was out of town, so he wanted me to take him to the car part store and that back to his car. I had to work, so I said no, he’d have to find someone else to pick him up. He got mad at me, saying “he didn’t realize the level of hate” I had toward him. WTF?! He did manage to find someone to pick him up, and I resisted losing my temper at him.

Therapy helped because I’m such a people pleaser, boundaries are hard and I hate being the bad guy. But I also hate being taken advantage of. It’s been a messy situation for quite awhile.


Wow Karen. Two things: badass boundary-setting, very inspiring, especially w a guy you had been seeing in the past! Mad respect for that!

And secondly, dude who’s exploiting Karen’s kindness, you need to FRO!


Good for you in taking care of your needs and not allowing yourself to be manipulated. You are just as important as anyone else. You did him a favor already. There are these things called “taxis” and “ubers” which he can arrange to take him where he needs to go. You are not responsible for him. He is responsible for him.

I think sometimes people forget that they are not entitled to the help of others. It is a cold and harsh reality of life. It can be very emotionally painful to be the one in need and not be able to get help, and I do have sympathy for that, but the potential “helper” also has needs they must attend to. If they cannot, or will not, help, this does not always mean they don’t care.

I’m glad you’ve been learning how to set and maintain your boundaries. It can be very uncomfortable to say “no” to someone in need, but being able to properly wield the word “no” (as the most powerful word in any language) is part of being emotionally healthy. Your time is an important resource of great value. Saying “yes” all the time can “devalue” this precious resource.

This is all just my long-winded way of praising you. Seriously, good for you.


I’m sorry about your cookies, but had to chime in here. Pamela Anderson is a rape survivor and a domestic violence survivor and an activist and the ‘pretty but useless’ dehumanisation of someone like her feels like you’re treating all sexual violence victims like that based on their looks.


Shhhhhhhh …I know exactly who she is. I know her! And she would totally find this hilarious!
I did not refer to rape … it’s a cookie thing.
Sorry if you feel how you feel but this is how I feel.
Baking for me right now is what is helping me NOT drink and prep me for a sober Christmas.
Again … this is MY rant, not yours.
I’m gonna do me :purple_heart:


Then I guess that’s gonna be calling other women useless and liken them to a broken appliance because they look a certain way ergo must come short in merit and you’re in need of a lame, hostile, mysogynist analogy. Go on then, enjoy!

FRO mysogyny.

Sincerely, a fellow baker whose oven is also kinda broken. :woman_shrugging:t2: :+1:


Ummm … WTF?
It was a JOKE!!! And YES … I do refer to my stove as Pamela Anderson. It’s MY STOVE!
No offense to any living or dead people ANYWHERE!
Sweet geezus, a few of you need to relax and stop comparing your shit to my shit.
What happened to safe space???
Crap, I’m sorry my stove is useless now. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:
Ohhhh, wait … that was the POINT!!!
Enjoy your holiday baking as much as I am :grin:


My menopause that has been driving me crazy all day today can FRO.


This topic is supposed to be ‘just for fun’. Attacking each other is not fun. Take a bit of time to cool off all.


Work meetings OVER LUNCH CAN FRO



Hospital bills


Back pain can just ‘do one’ been in pain since last Thursday? Ridiculous.


Windy days can FRO.
The wind screws up my work and my outdoor hobbies. Maybe I should become a kite maker. Naw fuck that too.


Your train has been cancelled. Please look for an alternative. Result: sorry, there is no alternative. We keep your money, you lose. FRO DEUTSCHE BAHN!
More money for working less. And when trains are running, never on time.

Automobile industry, FDP won. FRO.


People who tell me that I’ve lost too much weight, even tho I fit perfectly back into the clothes I’ve worn for years before 2021. Some are even still too tight! Worry about your damn self! These are the same people who told me I wasn’t fat 2-3 years ago, even tho a doctor told me I was 30 lbs overweight and borderline obese. The American view on weight is incredibly skewed. FRO tryin to mess with my body image :triumph:


Well, my Friday is getting off to a grandiose start…

Carpet installers arrived earlier than what they told us, so we weren’t quite ready for them.
Tried to move my car out of the driveway for them, and my battery was dead. They were kind enough to give me a jump.
Made a run to Starbucks. The lid popped off one of the drinks and spilled all over the console of my car.

More as this develops. Stay tuned.