Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

Yes I love my switch,

I’m a huge retro gamer as are my kids

My younger son got introduced to Megaman and Megaman X and he’s loving it

What’s funnier is he’ll Text me like so where do I find this where do I get that which gun to use to beat this boss, and I tell him he’s like. How do you remember all of this.

Simple we didn’t have online gaming and level packs and shit, you played the game to master the game


It’s such a trade off, I hear about how all these places in parts of Europe are walkable and public transit is easily available and it sounds so nice

But then I’m like wait I work in the auto industry, so walkable and good public transit will ruin me lol

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Yes! It’s so wild I play Super Mario 3 and I can still remember all the secrets same with Contra lol I remember which guns are in which part of the level etc. I bought breath of the wild for my switch and the amount of tasks in that game is unreal. It’s like they took Zelda and pumped it full of steroids :joy:


BotW was amazing. I’m a huge Zelda fan. This was phenomenal. Haven’t played Tears of the Kingdom yet, but I’ve heard that it’s even better.


It’s definitely amazing and I just work through it little by little lol I refuse to play Tears of the Kingdom until I finish BoTW. The graphics are crazy. I just replayed Ocarina of Time and laughed because back then I thought that was amazing and now we’ve come even further


I don’t know if this would apply to your job, but trains, trams and busses have a lot in common with cars and need building, selling, and maintenance too.
But overall you are right, and depending where you live all the jobs connected to the automobile industry are a huge thing.

No commitment!
Not being able to fix a simple training
date at 3 pm!
Keeping people “on hold”!
Not my position!..
So just FRO… You guy!



Got a list going today…

Being awoken multiple times during the night by emergency alerts on our phones :warning: warning us of floods and TORNADOS :tornado:!!!
Lying in bed the rest of the night with anxiety, due to said warnings.
The bad flooding and traffic everywhere today.
Trying to protect my product from getting wet from the rain.
People who don’t know how to drive in this kind of weather and cause accidents…and more traffic jams.
Pissing my pants because someone was taking their sweet ass time in a restroom.

Ok…I feel better now. Had to vent.


This is very true, I seem to forget that the EU also has different licensing requirements

I applied to the local public transit WMATA, and though most of my experience is light diesel, pickup trucks and cars they loved me, great pay and benefits, but I had to discontinue the process as I’m disqualified to get a CDL. Which is a requirement

This is ass backwards, so the USDOT, says I don’t meet the medical standards for a CDL cause I have a seizures disorder and take meds for mental health, so, both are essentially in remission. So I need a waiver and the process is about 2 years long


I can qualify to fly a plane and obtain clearance for a pilots license,

So having a seizure or depression while on the road is dangerous and unacceptable, but flying a plane yeah that’s ok


My favorite Zelda is A link to the past, I play it all the time.


Wanting to get out and date again and then when a date IS set up, social anxiety kicks in and I cancel. Fear/Anxiety can FRO :fu:t2:


I feel this :pleading_face: That’s a huge thing for me too. The last time I tried to date I was so proud of me for not cancelling and what happened? The guy was an idiot who didn’t show up at the place we agreed to meet. He was some streets away. But instead of texting or calling me he sent a picture with the place he was at with a question mark under it. Not more. I then texted him that I hate those games and cancelled the date.

@Diamonster they’ll be on strike soon for more money. Isn’t that hilarious?


Hormonal headache can FRO :angry: All I did today was sleeping. The whole damn day. And when I woke up: still in pain.
And a water tap in my bathroom is leaking :face_holding_back_tears:
→ hides under her blanket again


Awwww I’m sorry that happened, his loss for sure!!! :fu:t2:that guy.


I would understand if this in line with quality. I was in Frankfurt unwillingly for transit when almost all trains stopped running. It was awful. :see_no_evil:


Everything, day one (of many day ones) but about 6 weeks of bad sleep deprivation is getting annoying AF, I just want to get some sleeeeeeeeeep…


that’s so hot. lol.


The city streets department cann FRO. I hit a pothole so hard a couple weeks ago, that I blew out my front tire and broke the rim on my car. I’m pretty sure my spine almost came out the top of my head too. If I had of been on the motorcycle, I probably wouldn’t be writing this now. Fix the F’n streets. .Please


The scale FRO


Covid can fuck right off. Having covid on christmas is a common christmas gift here from the fuckery of life. I went 3 years without this bullshit. Yeah! FUCK :hot_face::face_vomiting::face_with_head_bandage::face_with_thermometer: