Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

Oh no! I saw your post on the gratitude thread about you being sick but I didn’t realize you had Covid. That sucks, especially now. Glad you were able to have a nice holiday visit with friends before it hit you too hard. Get lots of fluid and rest. Feel better friend.
Covid can FRO! :fu:

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I feel that,

I guess start simpler? Look for friendships and common interest groups to help get over the hump? That might ease the tension a bit for when you do try and go out on a date you’re a bit more prepared

What I did was use an app other than tinder you know, instead of swipe fuck delete. I went for Facebook dating and a app called Hinge,

Both seem to be bit more aimed at Long term relationships, and told most of them to give me time no rushing, well I met someone that way and was understanding. We didn’t meet for like the first month of chatting, it didn’t work mainly cause of our life paths being different, she wanted kids and a family, and I’m like umm I got 2, I’m fixed and working on my own life now. Kinda thing.

But their is plenty of people out there like us, super socially awkward, and want to find a companion, just need to be comfortable enough and patient enough to make it happen


That’s great advice Chris thank you!

Insomnia can fuck right off. With this dammed covid infection my sleep pattern is all messed up and obviously night sleep took a vacation today. Oh boy if this isn’t a sign that I’ll be healthy again soon I’m gonna bite this fucking virus in its nonexistant ass, I swear :yawning_face::dizzy_face::triumph:


Covid can FROmfor sure, but I have to laugh at your comment about biting it in the ass!:laughing::laughing:


Looking at myself in a full length mirror for the first time in months confirms what I’ve known and didn’t want to face for a while…. Man have I gained weight! And that can FRO.


I’m right there with ya girl!
Time for to do something about it.
Hate looking at myself. :pensive:


Yeah! Welcome to the club :see_no_evil: I second you, gaining weight can FRO :boom:
Happy that I made you smile :blush: I try to cope with such little funny fantasies when life is especially annoying :wink:


I’m back up 5 pounds so I hear you @JazzyS, @erntedank and @Pattycake! Gaining weight can FRO :rofl:


I love this thread! :rofl:

Here’s a few of mine:

  • Badly elasticated tights that start falling down the minute you get to work.
  • Liver & bacon dinner, why, just why???
  • Flys! :scream::running_woman:
  • Uneven pavements
  • Self checkouts, need a separate thread for this!
  • ‘Shrinkflation’ paying more for items that have gotten smaller
  • People who don’t use headphones and loudly play their phone music, tv shows or games on public transport

:point_up:t2: yes this. Agreed. Not using headphones went out of style in the 80s. :laughing: This is so rude and disrespectful to the surrounding people, imho. :roll_eyes:


People do this in the lunchroom at my work. I hate it, too. Can’t have a quiet lunch.


Lets take this one step further, people who blast music from bike speakers on a bike trail. I shouldn’t have to hear your bad 90s rock assaulting my eardrums while I’m out in nature. FRO.


The rain here. It’s not only raining no, it’s windy at the same time. So I fought my way to the train this morning trying to stay dry (at least my head) and not fly away or kill my umbrella.
Now I’m on the train, wet clothes, I’m sweating and the air is humid :sob:


This makes me curious :thinking::grin:


Im with you with the tights :slight_smile:
With the rest also but tights sliding down during the day, this shit is driving me crazy :sweat_smile:


So, I recently bought a shiny pair of new thermo tights to get me through the cold season. I am short sighted, and in the morning when I get dressed I usually do not wear my glasses. I put on my new pair of super warm thermo tights and a pair of pants on top.
Man did I curse these tights. They just keep sliding down all the time. I kept pulling them up all day.
When I was undressing in the evening my husband asked me why I would wear my tights inside out… Yeah, the shiny side is NOT supposed to go on the inside I guess…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I’m just going to leave this here…


I’m with you on this one, do they think we’re dumb and don’t notice?

  • Liver & bacon dinner, why, just why???

But now I have to block you, sorry! :crazy_face:. It’s my requested meal every birthday.


Hmm yes!! The self checkout is ok for 1 or 2 items, but for a full basket or with some supermarkets pushing to get you to go through with a full trolley, I really think they’re a curse and can FRO… Here’s a few reasons, I’m not a technophobe, but damn these…

  • That used to be someone’s job
  • It’s slow and clunky, although that could be a ‘me’ problem
  • The announcement of:
  1. “Unexpected item in the bagging area”
  2. “Please put your item in the bagging area”
    All because the sensor isn’t working correctly and then proceeds to freeze all operation, until a staff member comes to the rescue and check you haven’t stolen anything and then let’s you resume.
  • The bagging area is miniscule… not fit for purpose
  • People behind the checkout are infinitely faster at this, stop trying to cut costs and give them their jobs back!

Phew! I think that’s all :wink::blush::sparkling_heart: