Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

Mosquitos in January can FRO


Right?! It’s crazy out there, my shopping bills have gone through the roof!

Sorry about the ol’ liver and bacon, you must have had a better version than me! :sparkling_heart:

I guess my Mum’s overcooked leather 70’s version has scarred me for life…



Oh geez yes, mozzies are the worst!
They can ‘do one’ for the rest of the year too! Especially when they taunt you with a fly-past, right by your ears at 3am, then you have to get up to ‘seek and destroy’.


This is so true! I like that short chat I can have with the cashier. Not every time, but often. And it’s nice to share a smile :blush:
I had some annoying experiences at the self checkout. I wasn’t done yet and people already try to push me aside because they want to start scanning.

  1. Copy machines at work, you follow the steps and remove the jam and the fucker still won’t clear and go back to work

  2. People who pass the signs on the freeway that clearly say lane closed ahead and wait until the last fuckin second to get over FRO

  3. When your boss pitches an idea to you that you’ve been pitching to supervisors for years…FRO


Or if you want a bag they are inconveniently placed a few feet away from the checkstand.

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This freakin cold that I have right now…can go f*ck off fr!


It’s the worst! Get well soon my friend, sending hugs :hugs::sparkles::sparkling_heart:

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The jerk who drove like a bat out of hell through the back alley where I was offloading my truck…completely oblivious to the orange cones
around me.


I really have to vent. My hormones are driving me nuts. My moods and cravings are awful. My shoulder hurts. On top of that crap one of the fuses in my appartment gave in, and now I have no electricity or light in three rooms, incl the kitchen - meaning the fridge! - and my workstation. The electrician who usually takes care of things in our house is not answering his phone, and this is friday which around here means basically the weekend and no service. Argh!


Rightly so, all of that can FRO! I hope your day improves. That is simply too much for one day, I decree. :tophat::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Hey, not too say you haven’t already just tried this already… But can you flip the fuse switch back up? Sometimes it will work again quite easily.

Sorry if I am simplifying this and being a dunce. Flat problems can FRO


Thanks @TrustyBird and @Tragicfarinelli.
The fuse was completely shot. No flippling it. But thanks for the tip. Sometimes I’m in such a state I forget the basics. And today was definitely one of these days.

Anyways, after multiple phone calls I managed to get hold of an electrician who was willing to come and actually solved the problem. At least short term. He rewired some stuff and we have electricity in the kitchen again. But the whole wiring in this part of the flat is bonkers and it needs to be redone.

This whole business had at least one upside. It gave me no time to succumb to my hormone induced self pity party and kept me on my toes for the rest of the day. Now I can unwind. Peace!


Nice one, go switch all the lights and heating on now and have a lie down. You deserve it.


I’m so glad someone was able to come and do a temporary fix, it’s so frustrating when these things happen. As for the hormones, I feel you, going through similar things myself and it sucks. Big hugs, take care :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


People who can’t drive in the snow…


The Tories


It’s been said before but I’ll say it again. Narcissists can FRO.


Who are the Tories? I’m ignorant….

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