Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

Ahh. Politics!!! I can think of certain people in this realm that I think can FRO, as we all probably can, but….that is a



My lawnmower being out of petrol when ive got all organised to mow the damn lawn… it can just f@#k right off…and i dont have a f#@king petrol refill can.


Third month of November weather :unamused:


This day. :weary: This week honestly


I’m sorry love - here if you need to vent. I do hope your evening gets better for you :people_hugging:


This lame ass ‘variety’ box that I spent $3 extra on, for variety. If I knew it was going to be 5 vanilla, 2 fudge, and ONE caramel, I would’ve bought the plain vanilla box. Being a nice mom, I let my daughter have the caramel one. Even my cats are disappointed :pouting_cat:


Dang that would make me mad…whose idea of variety? Someone was obviously sleeping on the job when packing up the boxes


Dumbass crappy television shows that my husband constantly scrolls through All. Day. Long.:scream:
I’m constantly escaping by going to another place in the house and wearing noise cancelling headphones so I can read or listen to quiet music. ANYTHING to escape this torture!


Ugh, I hear ya. My ex got addicted to this online video game when he got layed off, and he played literally nonstop. I’m talking 12+ hours a day. And when he wasn’t playing, he was on the phone with his brother, talking about it!!! It drove me nuts! Finally, he got headphones.


Feelings of inadequacy can FRO.

I’m not having a good enough career because I’m at home too much.
I’m not doing enough housework / kids stuff because I’m working too much.
I’m working / doing housework too much to have a good social life.

I am doing the best I can without driving myself nuts, and I am doing so much more than four years ago when I was still drinking. Why can’t I be satisfied with myself? And why am I always on the look out for criticism (real or imagained) that I can beat myself with?


That, for sure, can FRO.
We are our own worst critics. For the record, I think you are doing great. 🩶🩷


Hugs to you :people_hugging: IMHO you are doing a good job, you are a lovely mum and household in general sucks so whatever you do is enough :+1::+1:


Spiders can FRO 100!


OMG I hear you. I told the ex I will shoot the fucking TV if he doesn’t turn it off.
When he left the farm last year he took his beloved TV with him and what can I say … The quiet and peace is heavenly.
Move the TV to a room, close the door. It’s ridiculous that people torture a whole family with their behaviour in the livingroom. Sorry for rambling, I just get furious when I think of this kind of recklessness and egoism.


I’m with you. We have a strict ‘headphones policy’ here, unless you have asked the other people around you and they want to listen to your stuff too.
Only exception is my husband playing the piano. No headphones possible here.


Rainy winter can FRO. We used to get lovely snow, enough to be able to ski and snowshoe, and climate change has completely ruined winter.


Try writing the company and upload your picture if you can. I know some people don’t want to come off as “complainy”, but the truth is that nothing changes without consumer feedback. Maybe it makes no difference in your particular case, but maybe it will make a difference overall. Companies only get away with what the consumers allow them to get away with. You spent money on this product, and your expectations–based on their packaging–were not met.


Those are good questions. I have definitely had my own share of similar feelings. One thing that has been useful for me has been to really work out what is expected of me. What, realistically, is my “job”, even when that comes to domestic life. What can realistically be expected? Am I meeting those requirements? If “no”, then maybe I need to step it up in some specific area and now I know where; if “yes”, then I maybe I need to work on the way I talk to myself.

I don’t know if that is useful for you, and if not that’s okay, but I wanted to mention it because it has been helpful for me. Being able to see these things written down and out of my head, lets me get out of my head. Hang in there.


The first thing I did was write a review about it. I don’t do it often but some things need to be known. I wasn’t the only one it’s happened to, among other things.


I’m in the same boat as you at home…T.V. 24-7. Those headphones are a godsend.