She’s 9 (going on 16 ). I get them both wanting alone time, but not for meals. It just sounds so lonely. No doubt she’s got a screen in front of her the whole time. I mean, sometimes we eat on the couch with a movie on, but at least we’re together. I guess I just appreciate quality time more than him.
The update that messed up this app. I saw others talking about it a couple weeks ago and it finally made it to my phone. Now if I go into any other app and try to come back here it’s just a white screen. Have to reopen it every time. Annoying
People who like to hurt people can fro
Absolutely! The ones that think they are far superior than everyone else as well.
Liars and duplicitous people can FRO.
Those who spin truth to manipulate can FRO.
People so pathetic that they use the platform of others heads to stay afloat can FRO.
All of the obove and well said
Yeah, we be the musketeers and drag people with us
We ride at dawn
Can we make it 8.30 please love.
Lmao I’m a ride or die at any time … just call me go with the flow
Ignorant, arseholian, boofheaded bosses
Anxiety (the unnecessary kind)
Can you tell I’m having a bad day…?? Haha
That one chin hair that wouldnt look amiss amongst Magnum PI’s top lip can FRO
And when chin hair gets to FRO and finds itself sitting next to “peel me” sticker and my ex partner maybe they could have a frank conversation about doing something more useful in this world and if not then they can FRO a bit more
When a potential love interest is scared of commitment
Darkness. I am fed up of dark mornings… Waking up and it’s still dark outside. It can go F@ right off now… I can’t wait for the spring
My spiralling over thinking mind that never quiets down and is exhausting. One of the reasons I drank.
The fucking codependent thinking that makes me miss my ex. And my crying and longing for being loved can FRO too.
Homo/trans phobia
Honestly any hatred towards any group or class of people.
One love
Defensive, hyper-sensitive snowflakes who can’t take the least little bit of constructive criticism without getting their shorts all in a bunch. Grow up!!