Conglomerated List of "Things that can F*ck right off* (Part 1)

Mean people suck!


Entitled attitudes
Vocal fry
Egg shell in scrambled eggs
Predictable jump scares
Filming in gyms
Inserting cotton bud too far into ear
Loud phone conversations on public transport
Overwhelming body odour
Can all FRO!


House visitors who are lazy and have a dog which isn’t toilet trained can f@ right off


Heartbreak realizations that hit you when it’s been long over and you felt good the minute before on MONDAY! Are you kidding me dammit brainfuck?
One of the many reasons I rarely listen to music.


jealousy omg :scream:

when your therapist seems disappointed in you

when someone rains on your parade and you end up feeling like there shouldn’t have been a parade to begin w and you just feel dumb, that recovering…

work stress w employees for a codependent person :confounded:


This can FRO. If I want this type of treatment I’ll go visit family. If I’m paying you I’d like to be told how good I’m doing, and how it’s everyone else’s fault. :grin:


People who come into work sick, but refuse to acknowledge the fact that they’re sick, by openly coughing, sneezing, and close talking. I don’t want to stay home and lose money for a cold either, but cover your damn mouth


Snow, cold, gray winter skies

I need some sun!


Lol then whatever you do don’t do psychoanalysis :joy:


Absolutely. Some of my closets are definitely better off left unopened


This is the only place i can share… without actually crossing the line of anonymity.
This guy comes into group and does his share of hate in the world. When he got done sharing, he says if anything he said he gets out (of what he shared) he will make it his personal point in life to make sure that who told on him would get kicked out of the program.

(The group comes from a treatment facility nearby - the same facility that employs him)

That dude can FRO.


The old ass heater in my office that can’t keep up with the weather… can FRO :cold_face::rage:


When it gets warm and sunny but the next day it’s back to cold ass winter.
Spouses leaving dirty clothes two feet from the clothes hamper. On the floor. Every single day.
Same said spouses peeling hard boiled eggs into the sink and then leaving it for me to clean up.
Garbage can wars where both of us know the damn garbage stinks and needs to get taken out, but neither one of us wants to give in and do it… and I Lose. Every. Single. Time.


I now have four boxes of this ant annihilation agent, though I haven’t seen any scouts in the last couple days (of which I haven’t put out the bait), so either my neighbor put something like this out or they found a food source I’m not aware of–which honestly freaks me the fuck out–but I’m still going to distribute these little traps around.

@Just_Laura Your mother sounds very creative! If @WilliamBloke’s recommendation doesn’t work, I just might try this little science experiment for exploding ants.

I’ve never agreed so quickly. Some gyms are starting to ban filming, but not enough.


Ha! That’s the same heater we have at work but it has the opposite problem. It’ll say it’s 65° and keep the heat running when it actually feels like it’s 75° It’s hard to keep moving when you’re working in a sauna.

@Chiron - Both my parents grew up on farms and always try the most natural option before turning to chemicals. Doesn’t always work tho. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:


:rofl: … look I’m good bc I have two blankets and a small plug in heater next to me at the moment… but this is our heat AND air conditioning unit and I swearrrrrrrr I will picket sign outside if the air can’t keep up in the summer… I will not survive …. I can’t do it… I won’t do it


Totally get it. Where I live we get both sides of the extremes. As much as I love the summer, workwise, I’d take winter every time bc even tho we have AC, half the time we’re outside and we wear all black long sleeves and pants :hot_face: At least in the winter I can stand by the fireplace!


That’s good to know. Hopefully it catches on across gyms everywhere. Or some gyms could allow it so the rest can be places to exercise in peace. It’s frustrating when filming disturbs your focus or when they give you a dirty look for accidentally (or purposefully) walking into their shot. FRO!


Part of me wonders how good of a business model it would be for a gym to make part of their “selling point” in being that it is purposefully made for people to film their workouts and make videos, etc. This, I think, would have to act on the assumption of “good faith” and not that people are trying to make videos to cause some sort of ‘drama’ with other patrons.

In my personal opinion, the gym is for working out. If someone is filming, they are secondary. The gym is not there for their videos. Can you imagine someone deciding they’re going to get married in a gym, get all set up, then get mad that people are in the way? I know that’s an extreme example, but it has the same point.

It is unfortunate because filming oneself is a great way to make sure one’s form is correct because then you can review it. But that is a completely different animal to making a video to post online. To ban all recording means to ban this type of recording as well.

Seriously, this is why we can’t have nice things.

(I might have very strong opinions about this topic :rofl: )


Prescription co-pay prices rising. Gotta now fork over $200 for an asthma inhaler that’s only a month supply. Well, I can’t just up and quit taking it, so it looks like they’ve got me by the cajones. :rage::angry: